It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • Toblerone5

    Well I guess Graphtreon is not showing the "Free" 1,000 Patreon subscribers anymore.šŸ˜²

    That he paid for ...with his patrons $$$... šŸ«¤

    You see what happened when you don't earn money by actually "Working hard". You don't care throwing other people money on frivolous stuff like Bogus lawsuits, Bogus Patrons subsc.

  • Toblerone5

    By the way in Oct.13 he had 442 paying patrons.( was just for one day cause the 14 of Oct it went down to 440 still...) So he lost about 20 Patrons in Oct... Guess his not going to spend to much money on Christmas on his favorite Girls...šŸ˜³šŸ˜

  • TonusOH

    Only 20. So the question is, will it accelerate now that he doesn't seem to have the drive to produce quality content anymore, or will it slow as the last of the die-hards make every effort to keep the ship from sinking? Maybe we need another pool, to see how many of his videos are about "the future of the channel" and how many are actual content that his supporters paid to see.

  • DerekMoors
    Only 20. So the question is, will it accelerate now that he doesn't seem to have the drive to produce quality content anymore, or will it slow as the last of the die-hards make every effort to keep the ship from sinking? Maybe we need another pool, to see how many of his videos are about "the future of the channel" and how many are actual content that his supporters paid to see.

    I have a feeling his drop in support will slow down about now, we're seeing the last of the diehards that will stick with him no matter what... admitting to using prostitutes, changing that story to suit him, claiming people are smearing him when he admitted it, his dumb ass "lawsuit" that we know isn't going anywhere, trimming down his videos to the bare minimum, no more "documentaries," etc. etc. etc. I mean, he blew off all his patrons throughout August, isn't on top of any news or current events, is only going to put out a few shitty videos here and there, and people still give him money.

    My prediction is that he might lose 10 or so a month moving forward and will eventually hover in the mid to low 300s and then he'll just keep milking that for as long as possible. Will be interesting to see where he is this time next year.... other than drunk in a seedy bar in Thailand, I mean.

  • Simon

    He'll keep a certain level of support just through the sheer laziness and ineptitude of people. Unless you carefully monitor your financial accounts, you can easily forget about signing up for something and it keeps being taken until you do or your card is cancelled or expired. It's why companies love the subscription model, because a decent percentage of subscribers giving you money don't even know or remember (esp. common with company accounts and services). Because of that, there is a window of time where he'll have a certain number of subscribers even if he doesn't produce anything - remembering too that if you pay him money, you're obviously not the smartest tool in the box.

    Long term, it'll be a slow bleed as he fails to attract new subscribers because he doesn't produce regular quality content and there are better and free alternatives. His knowledge and claim to have insider info also has a sell-by date.

    If you were a vegan activist, would you bother listening to someone who worked at McDonalds 20 years ago? No, because what can they provide that is in any way relevant?

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    you can easily forget about signing up for something and it keeps being taken until you do or your card is cancelled or expired.

    If his Patreon account somehow expired and he needed to relaunch, he might get 100 people to immediately re-sub. Most wouldnā€™t even notice.

    He reminds me of one of those Star Wars or Star Trek creators who have nothing but contempt for where their beloved franchise has taken them in recent years, but still watches every single episode because they are practically compelled to do it to stay relevant content-wise.

    He said heā€™s transitioning out of JW content but not a single one of his videos since the ā€œAftermathā€ video seven weeks ago hasnā€™t been about JWs. Heā€™s done six videos, four of which have been sushis in addition to three livestreams. Heā€™s averaging roughly one video a week. Thatā€™s OK for the part timers who actually work jobs, but for a full timer like him this wonā€™t cut it in the long term.

    Successful creators also tend to be young and buxom or a charming, hip looking guy. Lloyd has never been a good looking man even when he was young and itā€™s going to be difficult to be an aging man hiding behind a dye job, crazy hoodies and excessive jewelry talking about JWs and how he left over a decade ago. There are going to be younger and certainly better looking people coming out who are more clued in to how JWs operate today. Some are likely going to be Bethelites who actually knew GB members and might actually tell you first hand why Tony Morris left.

    What Lloyd should be concerned about is the discrepancy between likes and his actual patron count. His Aftermath video got 1.8K likes, yet he has only 424 patrons plus whatever is left of his YT paying members. So you can say that 1800+ people like him and his content, but 75% of those people donā€™t donate to him despite his constant pleas to be funded. This is why heā€™s so dead set on suing for lost wages because hardly anyone really believes he needs the money anymore.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    I try to be honest to people, instead of not letting them know the reason

  • Toblerone5

    šŸ˜‰ For years His Youtube channels was at 109 subscibers...And now he made the big announcement ,Drum roll pleasešŸ„

  • Thisismein1972

    Thank you to all (non) subscribers whom I (paid for) and thank you to the 109 that are still subscribed to me.

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

  • Teddnzo

    He will move back to the uk and claim benefits soon.

    he thinks he will evolve his channel into something else but it wonā€™t work

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