It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • TonusOH


  • Athanasius

    Lloyd knows that it often takes time for those leaving the Watchtower to lose their JW prejudices. Moreover, his primary audience is made up of wavering JWs and exJWs. So if Lloyd is gay, perhaps the reason he stays in the closet is because he is afraid he would lose patrons if he came out as a gay man.

  • ForeverAlone
    We keep asking the same question - why did he tell Kim and Bob he was seeing prostitutes?

    I have always thought the reason he told Kim and Bob about it is because he wanted to have sex with 1 or both of them. I feel 99% sure this is right but that is just me.

    So if Lloyd is gay,

    I have thought that he was gay or bi since the infamous live stream. Me, as a straight woman, it would have never crossed my mind to mention "You're not allowed to be a lesbian in the JW's" because that fact has 0% effect on my life, and 0% of the reason, I left the JW's. It just simply would not have come to mind, let alone mention it again and again the way Lloyd has done.

  • DerekMoors

    I might mention the gay thing but only in the context of other people. Like, "You're not allowed to be gay in Jehovah's Witnesses. Not that they don't have a lot of gay people, they're just so far in the closet they share a zip code with Narnia..."

  • 144thousand_and_one
    Yes, if you commit a crime against someone in a certain country broadly speaking you can't just hide in another part of the world.

    This post establishes that SlobLLoyd is actually dumber than I already believed him to be.

    I have always thought the reason he told Kim and Bob about it is because he wanted to have sex with 1 or both of them. I feel 99% sure this is right but that is just me.

    I have the same opinion. I think he was "testing the waters."

  • Mikejw
    Lloyd knows that it often takes time for those leaving the Watchtower to lose their JW prejudices. Moreover, his primary audience is made up of wavering JWs and exJWs. So if Lloyd is gay, perhaps the reason he stays in the closet is because he is afraid he would lose patrons if he came out as a gay man.

    Those pictures of Thailand sex workers he paid all those donated funds to did look a bit like lady boys.

  • Chinapomo

    Just came back from Thailand. I agree with Mikejw

  • MeanMrMustard
    So if Lloyd is gay, perhaps the reason he stays in the closet is because he is afraid he would lose patrons if he came out as a gay man.

    Lol, there is something to indicate this officially? Lol...

    Let the record show that it was I .. I indeed theorized, from the beginning, that we were jumping the gun assuming "girls definitely older than 20" meant that he was with "girls" at all. The mega thread holds the record. Indeed we all knew "definitely over 20" meant "definitely not older than 20", and so it was a simple logical jump to "definitely not girls".

    All his complaints about "not being sexually compatible" with his wife make sense in this context.

  • slimboyfat

    He’s gay AND he told Kim about prostitutes because he wanted to hit on her? (What a weird way to hit on someone, but he is weird) Can’t have it both ways, can we? Unless he’s bisexual, I suppose. But I’m skeptical that bisexual really exists. Maybe for women it does, but for men? I don’t know if it’s really a thing. But just because I don’t know, doesn’t make it so. Anything’s possible, I suppose.

    All this is beside the point though, and a bit of a diversion. Whether he’s 50% this or that, he’s definitely 100% a liar and hypocrite and abusive to those around him.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    That “I would have liked the option to be gay” is more reflective of him trying to score points as a progressive than him trying to out himself as one. He’s often sought out fights with people online that invariably ended with him applying the label of homophobic or transphobic. It’s an ingrained part of his shtick to start passionately sounding off on issues traditionally associated with the political left.

    As much as a victim he likes to be, if he had been gay we’d have already known about it and the M7 would have picked up a homophobic label by now. When he said on the livestream “my sexuality has been tampered with”, I thought for sure he was coming out as bi. It would have been an opportune moment to do so and would have given him another talking point he desperately needed. But he didn’t.

    Whether he’s 50% this or that, he’s definitely 100% a liar and hypocrite and abusive to those around him.

    Yep. A fine example of that was during the migrant crisis when Croatia was being used as a transit point. He passionately defended their cause and symbolically offered up his home as a refuge! Either he was just virtue signaling or was being a moron for exposing his wife and young daughters to Syrian migrants sleeping in his own house. As protective and controlling over his own family as we know him to be, it was likely virtue signaling.

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