It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3010 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I can't see his improv career going anywhere.

    It was bad. It was him and this British guy named Andy and apparently his open mic gig is going about as well as his exJW one. He went to great lengths to say that more will be involved next time but tonight is was only him and Andy (who was also the one making most of the noises and cheers in the back). About 8 - 10 people there, with about half of that being his group of friends who did all the cheering.

    Him and Andy rotated sets, Lloyd bringing out his classics “You made me misbehave” (he made sure the audience knew it was from his JW days and thus nothing to do with Dijana).

    Three new ones, the first with lines like:

    “Girl you should see me run because I’m shooting for the sun”

    This was his breakup song he related as he wrote this after moving to Zagreb after a “break-up” - probably the most firm he’s even been about the status of his marriage. He previously labelled it as a trial separation.

    Second one was about depression.

    I’m only here because of the pills

    I may start joking but I won’t be hilarious

    Ask how I’m doing but don’t be too curious

    If you can’t handle it then move along move along”

    His unbalanced scat singing during the chorus made this song unlistenable. He also has a hard time hitting the high notes and at least one song was written in the wrong key due to his limited vocal range.

    After bragging about how they are Zagreb’s “Number One” for musicians because they write their own songs, he starts into a new song:

    “There’s emptiness between us. I’ve seen the very worst of you and I don’t like what I see.”

    He got even more cocky and obnoxious after this, saying:

    “This is a Catholic country and I’ve just disrespected the National religion which is (makes the devil sign) rock and roll.”

    He claims he’s producing the last song on Spotify, says it is the best song he’s written (I’ll be your Guinea pig) and addressed to a potential love (if you take a chance on me I’ll be your Guinea pig).

    oh and he had stickers to advertise the open mic event and asked the 8 people there to take some to help him advertise.

  • Diamondfrog

    Toblerone. What’s your twitter name? I swear I was following you but I can’t find you.

    It’s all Kim’s fault.

  • ForeverAlone
    It’s all Kim’s fault.

    I swear I'm going to get a t-shirt made with this on it!!! TEE HEE!!!

  • Tamalam

    "not allowed to get into sexual relationship with anyone whom i wasn't maried with and it had an infortunate impact on my social life .."

    Hey, Lloyd.

    I was also raised a JW, and not allowed to have sex with anyone.

    I left, met my lovely 'worldly' spouse, slept with and married them

    Guess what?

    I haven't cheated on them, I haven't paid any vulnerable people to access their bodies for sex. I haven't had any difficulties with my social life. I haven't sexted anyone, spoken to any 'girls- ahem- I mean- women' online.

    I haven't "dated a sex worker" nor even flirted with another person.

    Stop with this incessant victimhood and complete denial that YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR BODY AND YOUR DECISIONS

    the JWs did not make you a sex obsessed freak, you did that entirely by yourself. The rest of us are doing just fine. Saintly, you could even call us, right?


    INNA definitely deserves the credit for exposing the documents. She did the lions share of the work and I for one am extremely grateful 🥰🥰

  • Diogenesister
    Hey, Lloyd.
    I was also raised a JW, and not allowed to have sex with anyone.
    I left, met my lovely 'worldly' spouse, slept with and married them
    Guess what?
    I haven't cheated on them, I haven't paid any vulnerable people to access their bodies for sex.

    👏👍👍Exactly Tamalam

    Not to mention he met and married a beautiful, sweet natured woman who clearly loved him & had two little girls.

    He doesn't know how blessed he is.

    There are people on this thread, even, deeply grieving the loss of a beloved spouse would give the world to have back what Lloyd has right now. 😞

  • Diamondfrog

    ForeverAlonean hour ago
    It’s all Kim’s fault.

    I swear I'm going to get a t-shirt made with this on it!!! TEE HEE!!!

    Then we all wear the T-shirt and meet for a big party!

    By the way I found you on Twitter Toblerone I checked Kim’s feed. It’s all her fault I found you 🤪

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    So how does it end? I wouldn't be surprised if I opened the internet one day and read he's overdosed or blown his brains out.
    He won’t go quietly and without notice. If it ever comes to that he’ll involve his kids in it someway and have a Hitleresque last statement blaming everyone for his demise.

    It’s always been his M.O. to pull down the community with him if he can’t dominate it. And you are right - he’s going to have a hell of a time finding a donor base that is anywhere near the exJW one that is conditioned to direct all their loyalties to one source. I suspect he’ll continue with as little exJW content as he can get away with in order to keep those donors, primarily voicemails where he just gives his advice. He’ll be dismayed that his JW voicemail video has double or triple the views of his Hare Krishna one.

  • Thisismein1972

    He will never kill himself. Anyone who is that desperate never announces to the world they are going to kill themselves, he has used this as a weapon for a long time now to garner sympathy.

    He won’t go quietly and without notice.

    He's already started the ball rolling here with his last attempt at trying to throw people under the bus with the previous governing body member. Most narcissists never go quietly into the night, they have to make as much noise as possible before disappearing.

  • 6820

    There's a very unsettling book called "look what you made me do" by Megan Norris

    It goes through various cases of spouses killing their children to get back at their partners as a type of revenge.

    Very spooky. One of the most common scenarios in the book was a husband who finding out that his abused wife had started divorce proceedings/was in the process of leaving the abusive relationship with or without the children and the man taking "action."

    I am in no way implying that lloyd will do anything like that but it's interesting none the less

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