It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    Well Croatia is an hour ahead of the UK and six hours ahead of the US (EST) so perhaps we should all wait until he's crawled into his bed before leaving a few comments 😉

  • Diogenesister
  • Toblerone5

    So on sept 25 2023, There was a Live Uncovered open mic Zagreb, only 2 people perform, one of them was L.E. It was long and BORING I'm not even going to give you the Instagram link (unless you want it) .But i did made a very short video on it on my Twitter account. I will say only two thing , he tried to make a joke that the screen behind him look like sperms. when nobody laugh he said ok it was just me... then when he introduce is first song (he sang 3 or 4 boring song ) he said this: this song is a song that I wrote about 20 years ago.when I was in a cult,I was a Jehovah's witness,and not allowed to get into any sexual relationship with anyone whom i wasn't maried with and it had an infortunate impact on my social life .. Those are the two clip video i have...Oh and he said he's having a middle life crisis, blond hair...😒 nobody laugh...

  • Simon

    He literally can't help talking about sex at every opportunity can he? Who even says "sperms", let alone to an audience? What a freaking weirdo!

    At some point, "I was brought up as a Jehovahs Witness" is just a footnote to your life, it's not the equivalent of being vegan (you know, that you have to tell everyone about it).

  • Toblerone5

    DerekMoors ,Inna ,and Kim i hope you don't mind i just posted this on my twitter account, But i can delete it if one of you is not o.k with it... To my defense ,I'm french ,I didn't have a high education ,Thanks Watchtower! . Also do you know how hard it was to be respectable and not call him a Narcissist ego maniac Liar P.O.S. ...But I didn't.

  • TonusOH

    I can't see his improv career going anywhere. He was getting used to doing TV interviews and rubbing elbows with people outside of the exJW pond. Now he is doing amateur night in a bar in Croatia, with a crowd that doesn't care that he's a sex-addled cult escapee. If he cannot find the energy to make content for people who practically worship him, he definitely doesn't want to keep going on stage and being ignored.

  • usualusername1

    Lloyd has legal papers he needs translated. He needs Patreons to foot his bill.

    Shame he doesn't have a company that translates.

    Or a wife who is a translator.

  • DerekMoors

    @Toblerone 5 Not a problem, although it was someone else on this forum who suggested trying to find an attorney through a site like Upwork... It was their suggestion that made the lightbulb go off as the wife has been a freelancer for decades and already had an account on Upwork so we thought we'd give it a shot.

    Honestly, the gods or whomever must have been on our side as that attorney we hired was the only one qualified who answered our ad. She was also incredibly helpful and professional. I'm sure Lloyd thought he could keep things quiet and confidential and no one would be the wiser if he didn't share any documents, he probably didn't figure that - surprise surprise to the bleached blond tub of lard - other people listed in a suit have rights to see what someone filed.

    BTW, the wife posted the ad and spoke to the attorney at length before bringing Kim in, then Kim was the one to talk to the attorney once she understood what we needed, and the attorney was a woman. Mister Misogyny got his balls busted by a gaggle of ladies. As Nelson Muntz would say, ha ha!

  • Toblerone5

    OOPS at the end i wanted to say i was PROUD to say I was one of them...( a kim big fan )

  • ForeverAlone
    DerekMoors ,Inna ,and Kim i hope you don't mind i just posted this on my twitter account, But i can delete it if one of you is not o.k with it... To my defense ,I'm french ,I didn't have a high education ,Thanks Watchtower! . Also do you know how hard it was to be respectable and not call him a Narcissist ego maniac Liar P.O.S. ...But I didn't.
    I hope they do not mind it. I just retweeted. I am proud to be called a Kim Silvio fan as well as her southern chick friend from "up over." TEE HEE!!!

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