It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • pr0ner

    Hmm... my personal belief is he doesn't seem that unhinged. To kill your kids is pretty out there. I also don't think he'd kill himself. There is a big difference between clinical depression and narcissistic personality disorder. Wild armchair psychologist speculation here (from someone with no expertise) but people who are actually depressed aren't likely to go off to holiday in an exotic local going on dates.

    My guess is he'll probably always have a small cult like following who will keep the rent paid. He'll have to take a part-time job doing...something... and he'll get a young girlfriend who leaves him after a year or two. All while he continues to see sex workers cause you can bet that probably never stopped.

  • 6820

    I agree.

    He's a bully but not a psychopath (in the context of killing people)

  • Thisismein1972

    Speaking from experience. Although have now to a certain extent beaton the worst of it. Anyone who is severely depressed cannot even walk out of the house without one's energy being drained from them. Real depression is debilitating. The last thing on your mind is going on holiday. Nothing can take away that big black cloud that hangs over your head.

  • Toblerone5

    Bonjour Diamondfrog. This is the link of my Twitter account, the one with the shorth video of the Instagram Open Mouth in Zagreb one...I mean Open Mic...

  • TonusOH

    Sounds like Mouth Breather Night Open Mic night didn't go so great.

  • Toblerone5

    My plan is to use the extra time to go back to my writing ...get the Second Edition of The Reluctant Apostate finished

  • Toblerone5

    Sorry , because it takes me some time to write in english ,sometime ,i will start a post ,but when I click post reply , it will only post my first biggy i'm to slow...this is what i wanted to say

    ust remember something about the Instagram thing. He say that he will start writting new song soon ...Well good for him , he can write an opera, a musical , like we care, it's not like he doesn't have all the time in the world to do that either ,Hello ? he doesn't have a job. The thing is though , I wonder how his Patreon would feel if they new that . He told them on his last Patreon Post this:

    My plan is to use the extra time to go back to my writing ...get the Second Edition of The Reluctant Apostate finished...

    Yes ,some people could do both , write a song and a book at the same time... But come on , not him. Don't even thing he could walk and chew gum at the same time.He's lazy, so what would be the thing that would required the less work for him , a song or a book? Do you thing he would tell his Patreon that ? By the way thanks for your donations, because of it i was able to write my new song , that you can all purchase now on Spotify !

    Oh and Yes thank you L.MSA for your rebuttall of his Instagram live show, and yes he did mention he had made a bunch of stickers ( that his ex-jw Subscribers paid for , Those ex-jw are not the toxic ,judgumental ,shit stirrer one though ) and he ask people to go and post them everywhere, his way to busy to do that himself ,unless somebody would give him some wages for that...

  • Ron.W.
    go back to my writing...


  • TonusOH

    I've no interest in his book, but I am curious why it would take so long to revise it for a second edition. Yes, it's a very long book, but revisions are usually just that- fixing grammar here and there, updating a few passages or notes to reflect changes or knowledge since the original was published, and so on.

    If he wants to add anything about the past two/three years, that would require a sequel, not a revised edition. It's way too much info to cover as an addendum or update, especially with his inability to control is penis word count.

  • pr0ner

    That open mic cut was incredible. Lloyd can't go two minutes with out having to bring up something sex related. This is so cringe it's insane. How tone-deaf can one man be?? Like 99% of the people who google him and read about the "apology" will get heavy creep vibes from any of these jokes. He's trying to take advantage of that slim demographic who will be interested in you and never use google lol.

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