It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2663 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pasta_Hour

    Countdown to Lloyd wearing a dress in bad makeup doing a video called "So, I sucked a dick."

    you can't tell me with his previous behavior this isn't fully within the realm of possibility here.

    Apostate HR gonna wreck me for saying it out loud but yall know I'm right

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    @Pasta_Hour Why does that Aerosmith song "Dude looks like a lady" song come to my mind? lol

    Finally found the Croatia court page....( I have a new PC & couldn't find it) But why does the court keep messing with this dumbass? Why don't they just assume that he has abandoned it & dismiss the case!!!!!

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Truly fitting that the Croatian court keeps on using the initials “VD” in a case initiated by Lloyd Evans.

    Problem is I think most people assume the law works the way English common law does. Eastern Europe is a whole different game, still rife with bureaucracy and corruption. In Jabba the Hutt’s case, it’s more like bureaucracy and disinterest. It is not that there isn’t a judge eager to throw this bullshit out, think of it as a folder in the middle of a huge pile of folders on someone’s desk who is only in the office 2 or 3 days a week. It will work its way to the top eventually and there won’t be a second thought about dismissing it and closing the case.

    He’ll go out with a whimper, a tiny last gasp of enthusiasm. Much like Cara pronounced Sara experienced with the big man himself.

    If he’s gay he would have already said so and tried desperately to paint his critics as homophobes. Not saying the guy’s completely straight - I mean how can you look at someone like Dijana and think: “Damn I want her up the ass so badly. Nothing else, just gotta have that ass”.

    Has to be some weird & pathetic kink like him dressing up as Darth Vader and sticking a plastic lightsaber up Han Solo’s ass.

  • Thisismein1972

    God loves a trier...Oh, wait!

  • WingCommander

    I've been saying it all along: LE goes to Thailand not for sexy exotic females. He goes there for the "Lady-Boys." He's into the fecal fandango.....munching the chocolate star......surfing the brown eye........and he likes to see a set of balls in front him while he does it. I mean, he's too fat to see his own? Might as well be some other feminine dude's.......

    Does that make him gay? Yes.......yes it does!

    I will give him this: if he hadn't been born a JW, all of this confusion and heartache would have been avoided. He would have come out in his teens, had normal gay relationships, not married Dijiana, never been a JW, never sexted underage girls, never had to do any of this ex-JW Youtube crap. He'd just be another gay dude....maybe even actually successful? So yes, just like the rest of us he was unlucky enough to be born into this cult. And that in itself, is a shame. So many lives ruined.

  • TonusOH

    LMsA: I mean how can you look at someone like Dijana and think: “Damn I want her up the ass so badly. Nothing else, just gotta have that ass”.

    Dominance. Humiliation. Control. Break someone down enough, and their self-esteem erodes away. It shows us who/what he really is. He speaks of how important one's sexuality is. He considers himself a 'sexual being.' His rage at the WTS is based mostly on their restrictive policies towards sex and sexual stimulation. His "sexual identity" is what matters most to him.

    So, when he demands that his wife submit to anal sex (which she probably did not want), it's a way to assert dominance and break down her confidence and self-image. When he asks for an open marriage, he is trying to humiliate her (remember, he was disappointed to find that she "wasn't enough" for him). When she changes her mind and he blows up, it's an attempt to intimidate her and put her back in her place. When she finds out that he is chasing after girls women online and on street corners and he reacts by blaming it on 'problems with their marriage', he is really putting the blame on her. He pretends that their problems are due to the WTS 'messing him up' and his wife making it worse, which implies that she's just as bad as the JWs (one of his common clapbacks at his critics).

    In other words, this is the kind of behavior you see from abusive spouses. Break down her self-esteem and self-confidence, blame her for everything, and pretend to be forgiving when she comes crawling on her knees. And then you rinse and repeat, because it is a cycle. It never stops.

    tl;dr- he's an abuser.

  • btlc


    Countdown to Lloyd wearing a dress in bad makeup doing a video called "So, I sucked a dick."

    Smells like the future winner of the Euro Song Contest 2025 :)

  • Diogenesister
  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    When she changes her mind and he blows up, it's an attempt to intimidate her and put her back in her place.

    It worked. It’s a miracle she didn’t belong to the 99% of females worldwide who would have had his shit on the kerb once he said he’s going to Thailand after sending her an incredibly abusive letter.

    Both made poor life choices, for which they are paying the consequences for at this very moment. I would argue that she’s bearing the most difficult burden of all - raising two young girls by herself in rural Croatia with practically no prospect of getting herself a local job that will improve her quality of life. At least he can drown his misery with some rum and coke (and coke) and pretend the woman who just left wasn’t just given €100 for the trouble.

    Her mistake was ever believing in his grift and that it was so golden even Jabba the Hutt couldn’t fuck it up. Plus - never give Pedo Pete two children to manipulate. One quote of hers from that first letter sticks out to me and that is her admission that through 15 years “of lying” something never felt right.

    Well, duh. Still in the honeymoon period and he won’t quit sexting teens.

    Hmmm wonder what else he was lying about for 15 years? Doesn’t sound like it was 3 to 4 years. Perhaps that’s why he hated Bo Juel so much during the AAWA launch in 2013-2014. I can picture it now: in a lively Tucson bar he makes eye contact with an attractive young woman who then makes her way to Bo.

    Insanely jealous, he then claims Bo was hitting on Dijana.

    I actually reached out to Bo about that. He laughed and said Dijana was a sweet gal, but wasn’t his type. He was only being talkative and friendly.

  • WingCommander

    He was probably propping up his Macho-Man image by claiming Bo was hitting on Dijana. Secretly, he wanted Bo to hit on him. He wanted to clap Bo's cheeks. But he couldn't let it show. Couldn't let the fake hetero facade down and his true self show. Hungry like the Wolf. Hungry for the Big D and a chocolate star for desert.

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