It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    $1 - This basic level of support allows you to stay updated with occasional member-only announcements updated you on my work.

    Read the manipulative words in that:

    “basic level”



    Carefully worded so that prospective Patrons know this is entry level and the very least you can do for him. It’s like being a Kingdom Hall publisher. You get the honour of calling yourself a Jehovah’s Witness Lloyd Evans Patron but you are meant to believe that you could and should be doing more.

    I’d reckon he has too many of these casual $1 patrons for his taste and he’s eager to coerce and shame them into higher levels.

    The Zooms were likely done away with because they were sparsely attended and he cancelled most of them anyhow.

  • AudeSapere
    TonusOH wrote: Looks like he ended the monthly Zoom videos?
    But replaced them with monthly 1-on-1 meetings? That should go well.

    Likely so the 2 remaining patrons at this level don't know that there is only one or two of them remaining.

  • TonusOH

    I had been wondering what the split was of patrons in the various levels, since that would determine how well he was doing financially. If a lot of them were in the $50 tier, he could still be in good shape. The change to the tiers would indicate that there are either none, or just one or two as Aude says. I doubt he'd want to schedule more than a couple of calls a month; he didn't seem too enthusiastic about the Zoom calls, after all.

    This could be a bad move, though. Does anyone really want to have a monthly 1-on-1 conversation with him? Does he want to have them? Paying $50 a month to either be ghosted or listen to 10 minutes of excuses before some 'emergency' ends the call sounds like a bad deal.

  • AudeSapere

    Apologies that my prior comment implied there are 2 patrons at the $50 level. (There might be 100; there might be none!?)

    To clarify, I really have no idea how many patrons at each level but I cannot imagine there are many at the higher levels. Likely much fewer in that category than at the lower levels. 1:1 is the best way for anyone except Lloyd to know the real number and not let others know when someone drops.

    @Tonus - 100% agree with your comments on this. Cannot imagine either side is truly enthusiastic about this perk.

  • nicolaou
    1:1 is the best way for anyone except Lloyd to know the real number and not let others know when someone drops

    Nailed it AudeSapere

  • Diogenesister

    😬could also because he wants to ensure a regular line of communication with well-off patrons!

    He doesn't want to risk this type of patron loosing interest merely because they can't make HIS scheduled meet ups 🤷‍♀️

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I had been wondering what the split was of patrons in the various levels, since that would determine how well he was doing financially.

    $10 or more a month gets you on the outro screen on his videos. There have been 145 on there and it stays fairly constant so that pretty much represents his core base. That means 213 are at $1 or $5 per month.

    At very least that’s $213 per month. Adding in the $5 donors might bump it up to $500 or so.

    Then you have the 145 who are pledging $10 or more and it’s imposible to know the breakdown beyond that.

    It’s a safe bet he makes enough to live semi-comfortably in Zagreb. I say that because I have serious doubts about him paying child support, and if he does, it’s a token amount and Dijana doesn’t seem like one to push him for more. This was a guy who was bitching about paying for his daughter’s haircut, so he’s been reduced to pinching pennies. He’s also one who is prone to conceal his income to the court and claim poverty.

    Welp! Par for the course when you marry a low-life narcissistic scumbag like Jabba the Hutt. All the best for her if she is pursuing this in court, but knowing the personality of both individuals, this is an amicable arrangement between the two and he’s paying her (if anything) as little as he can get away with.

    But he’s a good man! And a father! Keep those pledges coming in, he’s busy saving lives with three videos a month!

  • TonusOH

    AudeSapere: 1:1 is the best way for anyone except Lloyd to know the real number and not let others know when someone drops.

    That's a good point. He can apply pressure directly and privately to those individuals now. I hope they aren't comparing notes...

    Interesting breakdown, LMsA. So he might be looking at around $1,500-2,200 per month. Which is pretty good for someone living in Croatia. I honestly have to wonder where all the money went when he was making two-to-four times as much. Are hookers that expensive?

  • WingCommander

    OMG......a new breakdown of paying members? The grift continues!

    This man-child absolutely REFUSES to obtain a REAL paying job!

  • Simon

    Something to think about:

    Patreon is 'great' for hooking up with donors, but they do take a cut. Anyone with half a brain will try to divert people into sending money directly (PayPal, or whatever) so they get more of it, especially if Patreon isn't really being used to provide people with any actual rewards, it's just a begging bowl.

    So don't limit Lloyd's potential income to calculations based purely on Patreon numbers. He's likely tapping some people for money directly.

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