It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3021 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    While we’re at it, here’s a question for an elder:

    If a wife discovered a sext from another woman on her husband’s phone, shouldn’t she be questioned per the guidelines in the Sheparding the Flock book and brought before the committee to bring testimony? She’s a witness to the crime, and certainly they would want to know if it was the first time he’d done this (it wasn’t), the contents of the sext, and even details of their sex life…

    For all of Lloyd’s protestations about how blowback to his affairs hurt his family, it’s quite odd that when describing his humiliation and grief in his JCs (all in his article, his book, and even in his letter to Dijana), he says nothing about her humiliation in being forced to talk to the elders about this.

    Two possibilities come to mind, and they could both be true at the same time:

    1. Dijana had left him and went to Croatia. She declined to be interviewed by the UK elders and told them she was being counselled by the brothers back in Sisak regarding her husband’s infidelity.
    2. Lloyd’s JC had little or nothing to do with the sexting he claimed it was about. He got caught doing something else and his wife wasn’t a first hand witness to it, thus she didn’t need to be questioned.

    As for the timeline, I think she left and quite possibly didn’t even return. If she did, it was only to help him move. Lloyd spent some time in Croatia attempting to woo her back and that was where the “discussions” occurred. It could have been her primary condition that he return alone and clean up the mess he made. During this time away, he lost his job and was close to being evicted for unpaid rent. This would explain how he seemed to get out of his lease so easily (he had already broken it by non-payment) and also the extensive debt he occurred. Another reason why Croatia was the better option was because no one would rent to them again.

  • TonusOH

    He says that the JWs messed him up because they don't let you do all of these sex-related things. Then he admits that he did a lot of them anyway. In the livestream, he claims that he "skirted as close to the line" as he could without being DF'ed. If we keep in mind that (1)his dad apparently was protecting him and (2)he's a filthy liar who constantly minimizes his own behavior, then we can only imagine how much nasty stuff he got away with.

    When he is describing how Dijana found the sexts on his phone, he admitted that it wasn't the first time. This language is specific-- it allows him to imply that it 'only' happened twice, but this could have been the third, fourth, or tenth time it happened. And this led to actual consequences only because she put her foot down and would not agree to sweep it under the rug, as she would have done the previous time(s).

    I think this is one reason why he focuses on the accusations regarding a young teenager. That accusation is difficult --perhaps even impossible at this point-- to prove (this is not to minimize how horrible the crime would be, or that people should stop talking about it). But the stuff he got away with during his time as a married man and an elder in a JW congregation? That could still get out, and there's not much he could do aside from try to lie his way past it, and we've seen what a bad liar he is.

  • DerekMoors

    Hey all, I need to catch up on some projects that are going to take up most of my free time for the next month at least, so if anyone is interested in keeping the Patreoff alive, can someone else create the link and whatever else? I probably won't even have time to check in here much less remind people and all that.

    Please and thank you!

  • Elena

    hey did Lloyd actually admit in last video that he likes to “wrestle with sex dolls”

    yes those words came out of his mouth.

    would normal healthy people ever even think of saying something like that? That would be very concerning if someone actually said those words

  • Jehalapeno

    Hey folks, Cappy here. I will send Pasra_Hour the Kim interview.

    I decided to make all my ExJW related videos private. Not interested in the least of being involved in ExJW stuff to that extent anymore.

  • lloydevansinfo

    Cappy/Jalapeno :

    Thank you for your kind cooperation. We fully understand your need to detach from this and we would like to bring the following point to everyone's attention: This is one of the reasons why we created this YouTube channel. People who have made content about Lloyd Evans and felt they have said what needed to be said have an understandable right to pull away at some point and not be involved. This is why we want to be able to host these important and educational videos so that the content is never lost. In the past, this is precisely how Lloyd Evans managed to use and abuse the trust and generosity of several different waves of unsuspecting and vulnerable exiting Jehovah's Witnesses who were already conditioned by their cult indoctrination to give their money to causes that ostensibly "saves lives" - as Lloyd Evans has described his own videos.

    We have a playlist of two videos we have already obtained by people who have saved your content to disc:

    There is also an amusing playlist of people responding to their legal threat / extortion letters from the Evans / Novosel team:

    If there are any other videos of yours besides the two you posted that are relevant, we would like to host them. We can be contacted at [email protected]

    As of today (12 May 2024) we have a total of 101 Lloyd Evans related videos with still more to go. The sheer number of this should demonstrate beyond a doubt how destructive this man has been in this community and thus the need to keep a central repository of information for people who are unaware of his exploits so far - in no small part due to Lloyds own manipulative tactics and outright lies.

    I have received this comment on my reposting of Wally's video:

    This reposting of JW Thoughts video already has 1.6K views and 72 likes. A lot of people need this information and have yet to realise what a destructive and malignant character Lloyd Evans is.

  • jehovaxx

    I’m interested to know if Lloyd himself knows what a scumbag he has been to his family?

    reading those letters he wrote to his wife it seems it’s all her fault that he cheated on her with prostitution.

    does he genuinely feel those that accused him of using sex workers are in the wrong for accusing him of that even though it’s true?

  • WingCommander

    I see Hemorrhoid Evans is on here again downvoting every post. How's the exposure of your scumbag behaviour feel, you dumbass wanker??

    PS: Eat a bag of dicks!

  • Pasta_Hour

    Is it weird to anyone else besides me the words Lloyd uses to define his story as a "clean break" ..?

    Really makes ya think ;)

  • Thisismein1972
    Eat a bag of dicks!

    I suspect he would enjoy that way too much.

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