@lloydevansinfo you are welcome to grab and mirror any videos we have done about Lloydy Boy also.
Here is a good one Joel did that we mirrored
by Simon 3021 Replies latest jw friends
@lloydevansinfo you are welcome to grab and mirror any videos we have done about Lloydy Boy also.
Here is a good one Joel did that we mirrored
Here is another good one. This is after he called a grandmother of 9 a c**t after she posted a scripture on his FB page
@lloydevansinfo I have many more videos that were deleted off of youtube. Email me if you would like more
The one with the CoC blatant copyright infringement always boils my blood.
Look at the smugness on Lloyd's face.
Are you at all worried that Lloyd will end his life?
the more you post on that channel really shows nothing can be hidden online these days
Are you at all worried that Lloyd will end his life?
Oh dear, that old trope that Lloyd is near suicide for the sixteen billionth time has reared its ugly head again.
Arguably this whole thing blew up because LE had zero sympathy for somebody who had expressed suicidal thoughts in response to his videos. He demands endless understanding for his own supposed feelings (I think they’re fake anyway) but displays absolutely zero compassion for anyone else, including his own wife and family. Narcissists use the threat of suicide, as LE did with his wife, but they very, very rarely act on it. They’re among the least likely to do so because they never blame themselves for their actions and always believe in their ability to outsmart and get the upper hand. Unless there is literally no way out, like Hitler in the bunker scenario, then suicide is just not an option he will consider because a narcissist will always have confidence they can reverse whatever situation they are in and that everyone else is so stupid nobody can get in their way.
I agree. For one, I don't think he has ever been suicidal. I think he uses that and "mental health" in order to avoid having to own up to what he has done (and is doing). During the livestream he dodged a couple of accusations/questions by complaining that he was in the throes of a "mental health crisis." He's not dealing with a mental health problem.
It sounds like he wasn't above using his wife's trauma over her brother's suicide to maintain control over her. And as SBF said, he didn't seem concerned about the possibility that someone else's suicide was a result of how they interpreted his "taking a break" video. He uses the topics of mental health and self-harm as a means to manipulate people. To his supporters: THIS is the person you are sending money to.
I'm with slim and Tonus. LE is too self-centred and too set on pursuing his own pleasure and desires to be seriously suicidal. Although I'm no expert on the subject, and it's by no means 100% guaranteed, generally those who talk loudest about suicidal tendencies are not the most likely to actually do it.
The "mental health crisis" he claims to experience now and then seems most likely to be the result of wrestling with guilt (trying to suppress the warnings of the conscience), uncertainty about his future (when he sees his comfortable assumptions and self-assurances unfulfilled) and seeing the unsettling consequences of his previous words and actions coming back to haunt him.