It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3021 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon
  • jehovaxx

    What are realistic predictions for Lloyd in a year or two’s time?

    Can he survive on the income from his channel if it keep dropping so much and he keeps his word that he will keep his legal case going against the mag7?

  • TonusOH

    Almost any outcome would be realistic, in a situation like his. I find it difficult to predict any particular outcome because there are so many possibilities.

    If he can stabilize his Patreon support, he could get by for years on that income. But he would gradually have to scale back on anything outside of necessities, which will put a real strain on him. He lived a very comfortable life before, and he still seems to have time for multiple vacations a year. Losing that would really hurt.

    Money issues aside, his primary concern is burnout. He was trying to pivot away from exJW content, but now he has to stick with it to keep the money flowing. And he has to do all of the work now, instead of having others do most of it for little or no pay. I'm not sure he can keep going under those circumstances. Not for very long, anyway.

    The other question is how the "legal issues" turn out. At some point, the sham lawsuit will crumble and he will have to deal with the fallout from it. His control of the narrative is already slipping, and will continue to get out of hand as time goes on. His determination to push back at every step will make this situation worse.

    My best guess for where he is in two years? Fighting to keep the tatters of his reputation intact while his Patreon support dips below the minimum level he needs to finance even a modest life for himself. What happens when he cannot support his family anymore? What new secrets might find their way to the internet then?

  • DerekMoors

    He does not have a very rosy future ahead of him if he's relying on YouTube. You don't get paid for subscriber count, you get paid for ads viewed, members only videos, super chats, etc. That means having to REACH your audience, no matter your sub count. We've seen he's not doing that, with just a few thousand views here and there.

    His other problem is that his information gets stale, fast. What we put on our YouTube channel, people might click on "Dumbest Customer Interactions" five years from now. But who will click on convention rebuttals five years after said convention? Maybe a handful of videos will still draw in someone curious about what happened to Morris or why they stopped turning in time, but you're talking a very paltry few.

    Plus, I think there was a big surge a few years back after the turn of the century and the whole "overlapping generation" nonsense, JWs knew instinctively something was wrong. That new system just wasn't coming. The internet was now in just about every home, CSA and DV victims were coming forward, "Spotlight" gets released so news agencies were talking about CSA in religions... it all snowballed into more JWs walking out than ever. He jumped on that bandwagon at just the right time.

    But, that's pretty much over now. The religion is dying its own death from within. There are fewer and fewer people who need a swift kick to wake up and most aren't taking months and months of videos and interviews and books to leave. More exJWs are also doing the job he once dominated.

    I think he's probably slowly waking up to the fact that his old life is over, he can't rely on begging and grifting and attacking and pity parties, not like he once did. He can't just put a post on social media, "contact Lloyd if you want to be considered for an interview" and people fall all over themselves to be on his channel. Nobody cares about his channel except a few hundred patrons and YT members.

    But obviously this is a slow ripping off of the Band-Aid. We all know he's stupid enough to think he's actually going to get money out of his lawsuit. Chances are he's staring at that black hole ahead of him but has no clue, not one frickin' clue, what to do about it.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    What are realistic predictions for Lloyd in a year or two’s time?

    His updated take on The Reluctant Apostate will be finished by then and he’ll attempt a rebrand either through that or with a different book. The part where he loses the lawsuit and is counter sued will be carefully omitted. He’ll still be “seeking justice” for the most dastardly crime since OJ killed his wife and the waiter.

    He’s all but given up on all of this generation as he stated in the Aftermath video and holds out fading hope that a new generation of idiots will find Jabba the Hutt fresh and hip. Hence the rap album cover, the dye job and his new “fuck it” attitude.

    He’s trying to out Zoomer the Zoomers but is looking more and more like the older guy at the club who can’t get anyone to dance with him.

    He had planned on passing off the mantle of the “Lloyd Evans Channel” to a new and unpaid/underpaid host with him remaining as “Producer” and fundraising off his successor’s work. He attempted doing it with his website a few years back and even fundraised off a “handover” video with O’Donnell and Covert Fade.

    He excels at making people do all the work and collecting the profit. Until he mouthed off to two volunteers that he banged prostitutes and didn’t give a flying fuck about his wife.

    In short, look for a new and rebranded Lloyd Evans once every six months or so. He’ll do everything but what the PR agent he said he would hire would have advised him to do: admit responsibility for misusing funds on hookers in Thailand and fucking off.

    He’s not going anywhere. There’s nowhere to go. He’s fucked himself out of what was a highly lucrative gig.

    Lloyd has become his dad - unemployed asshole.

  • Pasta_Hour

    " He’ll still be “seeking justice” for the most dastardly crime since OJ killed his wife and the waiter."

    Quote him on that one, folks.

    Lloyd is a dopamine addicted loser. Some of his best "content" came from him ripping off other people's ideas. That faucet has likely run dry lately with nobody wanting to work with him. His brand has forever been engraved with "sex tourist" and "illegal brothels", so, my prediction would be a further and steady decline into madness. He's never sought therapy. He'll hold out milking the grift until he can't.

    lol.. fun thought exercise: Just what would Lloyd do without his Patreon account? anyone? ..anyone?

  • pr0ner

    Loser is the best description right now. Dude is 45 trying to attract a 25 year old and failing hard. Imagine, being that age and deciding you're going to become a musician or a stand-up comedian and having no experience in either. Hats off to him if he can somehow pull it off but these are called a young persons game for a reason. It is extremely, extremely hard for him to break through. Now imagine trying to do that and when people google you they find out you had an addiction to prostitutes.

    Speaking of his dating life, its hard enough to date when your divorced without tons of baggage. When I was going through my divorce I dated a woman casually and mentioned being married before but didn't get into the details, so she started digging on her own. She thought I was still married because my ex-wife didn't change her status on facebook. Even with an amicable breakup some found the divorce just in itself a red flag. For Lloyd it's it's gonna make 99% of women run.

    So now you have a 45 year old man who had delusions of grandeur, living alone, probably not being able to get a date and no real possibilities to earn a living. All brought on himself because his ego wouldn't allow him to just fess up and apologize for hurting his audience.

    With all this, he hasn't needed to take a mental health break from his audience.

  • slimboyfat

    He’s a practiced confidence trickster. His main skill apparently has always been getting other people to work or do things for him for free. It might be a lot harder for him now, but he hasn’t suddenly lost that skill, so he’ll probably land on his feet at some point, to other people’s detriment.

  • DerekMoors
    he’ll probably land on his feet at some point, to other people’s detriment.

    I have to wonder if he isn't trying to worm his way into other people's businesses, with the people he's meeting at these comedy clubs and bars. They'll mention an opening for a job at their company or talk about a business idea they have and he says "hey I would be a great fit for that."

    The problem is, from day one he won't do a damn bit of work and will only boss around everyone else, play his stupid gaslighting games, throw a fit and twist their words and other intellectual dishonesties to get his way. He won't last long with them pulling that crap because to them, he's not the great Lloyd, waking up poor downtrodden sheep. He's just some guy with no skills and absolutely no work ethic or personality. Whatever they want him to do, it won't get done or worse yet, he'll lose sales, customers, etc. by offending everyone around him and having tantrums like a child. He'll cross the wrong person, hit on the wrong woman, or get caught watching porn at work, and get kicked to the curb.

    That's my guess anyway.

  • DesirousOfChange
    Loser is the best description right now. Dude is 45 trying to attract a 25 year old and failing hard.

    Midlife crisis?

    Maybe he should buy a sporty convertible!

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