It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pasta_Hour

    DerekMoors said

    What also pisses me off is that so much good could have been done with a widely known platform. The only good thing I'll say about Lloyd (and yes I'm throwing up in my mouth as I do this) is that he did know how to hunt down other people for added exposure.

    So if he wasn't such a dill hole and actually supported other exJWs, imagine what could have been accomplished. Maybe if he listened to other people's input about his shitty book, it would have gotten a wider audience rathan than screaming "self published, unedited claptrap" from page one. If he didn't demand you live up to certain self-serving standards with your story, he could have gotten lots more in print or on his channel. He could have hunted down contacts and then gotten other people interviewed rather than always hogging the spotlight.

    But his fat ass, Bowen, Richard Kelly, all the rest are impossible to work with so instead of moving things forward, he's now the most "regressive" activist in the bunch and has just scared off more people than helped. Fucking useless overly wet bag of cement, I hope he chokes on a chicken bone.

    I can tell you exactly what could have been accomplished using our old our hole in the wall podcast with 2000 subscribers as scientific control. We pulled off an award winning documentary on W5, a sight that saw people come together from multiple countries and trolled the GB into addressing the 3 witness rule on jw broadcast. Imagine the crowd someone with 100k subs could whip up. Lloyd is controlled opposition in my mind. He's literally advocated for considering the Watchtower just as any other "religion", making videos begging "nooo don't ban them nooo"

    It's simple math

  • DerekMoors

    Here's something else the dumbass didn't consider. YouTube doesn't pay you a consistent rate for ads throughout the year. The amount that advertisers pay for ad space fluctuates according to shopping season. November and December have the highest cost per thousand, meaning the highest price companies will pay, as they're competing for ad space during the Christmas shopping season.

    So he put out absolute crap, nine whole videos, during his peak YT earning season. Gee, with business sense like that, I'm sure he'll be fine financially in the upcoming years and months.

  • Chinapomo

    Hi Lloyd, you lurking and downvoting again? 😂

    You are a pathetic fat blob

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Hi Lloyd, you lurking and downvoting again?

    I was going to STFU for another 24 hours, but fuck that…. One of my posts got downvoted.

    He probably dropped his kids off and is feeling exceptionally lonely again for the third straight New Year, especially after seeing an unfamiliar car parked where his BMW once sat on a particular driveway in Sisak. What’s your New Year’s Resolution this year Lloyd? I know the last couple didn’t stick with wifey calling out your bullshit and your business closing.

    I remember when this asshole was posting here and had a trim British man with a tweed cap as his avatar. Everyone thought he was this classy British man of mystery - he lived in this undisclosed “Eastern European” country with his wife - and ran his own business! He used to brag about how he had a home office and this was before the advent of remote working.

    Even after he came out with his real pic people were desperately trying to be nice to him about it.

    Lloyd didn’t care about your fucking documentary. He wasn’t involved and so he did everything in his power to downplay and sabotage it, claiming the GB response was scripted long before the protest and he was about to one-up you with Leah Remini. He even started shit on Twitter with Avery Haines, the award winning Canadian investigative reporter who platformed the Warwick protesters.

    FYI - Read Avery’s wiki entry and you’ll see what a big deal the W5 doc was.

    Or you can read about how the W5 doc won the Dan McArthur Award here:

    The W5 documentary had rape and incest victims, and so did the Leah Remini special. But Lloyd’s story he related on Leah’s programme was also “special”.

    And what a heart wrenching story that was. The younger Evans wasn’t paid for unsolicited lawn care by the senior Evans. He drove right on by without giving his son the gotcha moment on video he so craved.

    Leah - Lloyd isn’t finished. Next he’ll tell you how his dad took his Star Wars toys away because he was playing with himself out in field service.

  • ElderBerry

    “Lloyd is controlled opposition in my mind. He's literally advocated for considering the Watchtower just as any other "religion", making videos begging "nooo don't ban them nooo"”

    How would this situation come about? After MTS he got found out about his not being able to control his penis, which he admitted to even after he married. That the branch were involved is also known, this doesn’t happen often only in special cases do they send someone from the branch.

    So he starts his apostasy journey and kept in touch with someone from the branch. They plan him to be controlled opposition?

    He particularly attacked Tony, perhaps someone wanted Tony gone for a long time. Lloyd even was given the number to get through to Tony by someone in the branch and he recorded a phone call to Tony.

    Lloyd often said there is No mansion connection to JWs anymore even though it’s a fact there was for many years at the start.

    Yes even if Lloyd didn’t know maybe he was controlled opposition to an extent,

    even if not all the top dogs knew about it

  • Thisismein1972
    He particularly attacked Tony, perhaps someone wanted Tony gone for a long time. Lloyd even was given the number to get through to Tony by someone in the branch and he recorded a phone call to Tony.

    This is something that everyone should sit up and take notice of. Not only this but also the fact when he did manage to speak to Tony Morris, he did not ask any serious questions, he just ended up being childish. He had every opportunity to ask some real questions.

    Even the video that went viral with Tony buying alcohol in the store was controlled too. Tony Morris is gone now and these videos contributed to that. Someone, or even himself wanted (him) out.

  • WingCommander

    Q: What exactly does Lloyd do.....ya know.....for a REAL job? I'm not talking about "activism." No, I mean what did did this fat lump of cookie dough do before he even went online? Certainly not manual labor by the looks of him. I guess mowing lawns.....on a tractor you sit on (not push). ?? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    I found it amazing someone would be so gullible as to give this prick a BMW SUV, and then when times got a little rough, this ungrateful windbag up and sold it....the one thing he owned free and clear! Guess he felt a VESPA scooter would be enough to navigate the streets of Croatia, just like in Thailand!

    I think it'd be cool if when he was in America the other week, if he dropped in to Lumberton, NC and went to interview Fat Tony da Turd. Maybe the development has another half duplex for sale? That'd be irony.....these 2 losers living in the same neighbourhood in shit-hole Appalachia with nothing to do but watch the grass grow and chase the McCallens with cheap Miller Lite (the Champagne of beers) lol

  • DerekMoors
    He's literally advocated for considering the Watchtower just as any other "religion", making videos begging "nooo don't ban them nooo"

    That's because he's always seen himself as being both morally and intellectually superior to everyone, acting as if he's taking the high ground while all us immature little children haven't really thought things through. He probably also thought Watchtower would listen to his reasoning, change their rules and beliefs based on his recommendations, and then look to him with admiring gratitude for making them understand the best way to live. "Oh thank you Lloyd for coming along and saving us from ourselves..."

    And as it turns out, he's the one cheating on his wife with prostitutes of all things, the fucking hypocrite.

  • Toblerone5

    By the way Only 3 day left now until Jan 2 2024 ...😉

  • DerekMoors
    By the way Only 3 day left now until Jan 2 2024 ...

    Hopefully some people's new year's resolutions will include taking a closer look at their finances and cutitng anything unnecessary... like sending money to a lazy slob who hasn't lived up to his patreon promises in how many months now?

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