It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thisismein1972

    15 minutes until the big event.

  • Diogenesister

    I'm really worried now about someone mentioned in the livestream. Someone who did the original cartcrashes and whom Lloyd called regressive etc etc....when they said "not with us", please don't say you mean passed away?😥

  • Diogenesister
    Wing Commander Q.What exactly does Lloyd do.....ya know.....for a REAL job? I'm not talking about "activism." No, I mean what did did this fat lump of cookie dough do before he even went online?

    He had a translation business. Er....a bit peculiar considering he only speaks one language. I think it was Dijana who did the translating....and Lloyd raked in the cash. Funny, he's done the same thing with his you tube business. Got others to do most of the work while he pocketed the proceeds. Anything he did write was creamed from or this website. He's too lazy to research anything himself.

  • Toblerone5

    Just a little Australian humor to start the new year with...

  • Toblerone5

    Remember this ? Those were the good days...

    Now 388 patrons , but he only need 232 more Patrons to reach his "Desired" number of 620 ...😁

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    He had a translation business. Er....a bit peculiar considering he only speaks one language. I think it was Dijana who did the translating....and Lloyd raked in the cash

    That website was bonkers. Anyone with reading comprehension could see that he was pimping out his wife’s translation services and managing her.

    Lloyd - Director/President/CEO

    Dijana - Head/Lead Translator

    Disingenuous way to say “only translator”. He didn’t really make much of an attempt to conceal it either, calling himself a “Croatian language student”.

    So someone who’s still learning the language is coming at you as a “Director” of a translation service in the same language.

    “JLE Translation Services …. Er Sorry no speak Croatian talk to wife please”

    He actually named his Croatian translation service after the only person who couldn’t speak it!

    What he did advertise himself as was a professional proofreader with native English fluency. Which anyone on this site with native or learnt high level fluency could do.

    In typical Lloyd fashion, he gives details of how others viewed his business practices in his book. He expects the reader to drop all critical thinking and think “JW Elders Bad” and immediately take his side. I think they saw this ogre from Manchester come by and scoop up this shy and timid pioneer girl they knew most if not all of her life and take advantage of her. So this evil elder who moved into the Sisak congregation and had a hard on for Lloyd starts questioning his business practices in farming out translation work to qualified individuals in the KH.

    This elder knew precisely what he was up to - giving the JW Croatian translators a small percentage of what he actually pulled in for these jobs, doing the easy work of proofreading it and pocketing the majority. A foreshadowing of what he did with exJW volunteers he never paid.

    In related news, I will be opening up a Yiddish language school. Looking for fluent Yiddish teachers, please DM me for details and be prepared to submit your CV complete with references.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I can’t view the livestream in full right now. I skimmed it and saw that LE is demanding something like €17K. Is that from every member of the M7?

    that from every member of the M7?

    The documents aren’t clear, it appears to be the total between the 7 🤷‍♀️


    The link with all the documents is pinned in the youtube video but also here for anyone who wants to read.

    Please note, as specified in the youtube comment: This is the link to all of the documents that were discussed in the livestream. Please note that unless there is a stamp on the document, the document has not been professionally translated. I will happily rectify anything that Lloyd views as inaccurate or does not accurately represent his position in the court.

  • Journeyman

    There we go! It's 0730 GMT/UTC on Tuesday 2nd January 2024 and he's made it.
    He's officially equalled his previous lowest figure of 387 paid members for the past few years, as last 'achieved' in January and April 2023! 🤣 Anything lower than this now is a 'bonus'...

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