It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3021 Replies latest jw friends

  • Diogenesister
    Ron W.even when he eventually produces content they are still getting shit!!!!😉


    It's so funny the way his numbers shot up overnight - before he even made an announcement about free membership- 🤣🤣 He must have literally stayed up all ruddy night creating email accounts & joining🤦🏻‍♀️

    And you get nothing at all for joining!! Not even his crappy announcements!!! He's too tight to give away the smell off his farts for free but that's so stupid because if he drew people in by giving them just a taste of what they could get as a member, he may entice more to join 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Instead he just annoys people by getting them to go to the effort of becoming a member, all for them to get one stupid message in total🤦🏻‍♀️Not a great strategy!

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    That @cedarsjwsurvey hijack on Twitter/X has to be the defining moment in the fall of Lloyd Evans.

    It’s like the Fall of Constantinople and the conquered Temple Mount all in one.

    We are like Islam. Took the holiest of sites and built a fucking mosque on top of it.

  • Debra02

    Damn can't copy and paste, Derekmoors I did the same thing regarding reporting him for not fulfilling his promises on you tube, you have to click on the right thing, it's a bit of a mine field but I figured it please try again

  • Diogenesister
    LMsAIt’s like the Fall of Constantinople and the conquered Temple Mount all in one.
    We are like Islam. Took the holiest of sites and built a fucking mosque on top of it.


  • DerekMoors
    you have to click on the right thing, it's a bit of a mine field but I figured it please try again

    @Debra ... will do, soon as we get five minutes today! Wish us luck.

  • Tamalam

    Wow, a trip to LA.

    Something most of us normies can't imagine being able to afford in our lifetime (those of us in Europe, or whatever 1000's of miles journey equivalent for elsewhere)

    If only I knew I could have achieved it by making videos of myself whining on YouTube.

    Never mind, on second thought... I'll skip the trip and just enjoy my normie life- no holidays. But.... a loving spouse, vibrant and engaging family life and seeing my kids off to school and into bed every day I can <3

  • Tamalam
    That @cedarsjwsurvey hijack on Twitter/X has to be the defining moment in the fall of Lloyd Evans.

    Indeed, and best part about is, he can't argue it's impersonation/copyright infringement/identity theft.

    Because his name isn't James Evanston 🤣

  • DerekMoors

    415 already and it's barely morning here in the States. Better get your ass home and start crapping out more videos Lloyd, your alcohol and porn subscriptions won't pay for themselves!

  • Toblerone5

    Well it looks like the number will be this one...

  • Toblerone5

    So he started the month at 422 , the number did went up to 427 then went down to 420 , and now it's at 409. so he lost 13 Patrons ,if we take the 422 number . I was a little surprise it was not higher than that, since he only did 2 videos, miss the Patreon zoom call cause he brag about someone paying him to "travel" (California) for "some therapy" ? 🙄 🫤 Riiight ...

    Anyway then I thought , it might be only 13 but I doubt it was Patrons that have the $1 (usd) membeships. those membership Patrons do they even get to see the zoom call ? I also think they don't really care how many videos he do in one month. So who would care ,must be the one that give more $$$ each months .Those are the one that would also be upset that he goes on so many "breaks" with there money. Also , People that take the time to cancel there membership, must be because it's a little bit higher than just a $1 a month. So ,to be fair let's say it was the $10 membership this month . Which means $10 X13 = $130 ...But if we put that number, $130 make it for one years x12 = $1.560!

    If we had taken the 427 Patrons number minus 409 , that would make it -18 patrons , again using the $10 memberships x 18 patrons = $ 180 x 12 months = $2,160! 😉 Now were talking 😁...

    Oh and why not , for fun let's take the $25 memberships one , with the -18 number ...

    $25 x 18 = $ 450 x 12 months = $5,400 ! 😬 😆🤣

    (By the time it took me to write this the Patreon number went up to 410 🤬🤬🤬)

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