It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • DerekMoors

    His last video was about the India blast TWO WEEKS AGO, a whopping four and a half minutes, no updates or anything since then. It's gotten all of 13K views.

    exJW Critical Thinker did one on the blast 10 days ago, 19K views. So it's been up for less time and has gotten half over again the views.

    JW Thoughts put one up two weeks ago, 20K views.

    Both have also done added videos in that time but not Lloyd.

    Really shows how well he can keep up when he doesn't have Tibor and Dijana and Redwood and whomever else doing all the work for him.

    Also shows the outright stupid of his patrons at this point; his page says "I aim to put out an average of 1 or 2 videos per week." He's not even putting out one per week. But keep giving him your heard-earned pennies for his lifesaving activism!

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Also shows the outright stupid of his patrons at this point; his page says "I aim to put out an average of 1 or 2 videos per week."

    This is not sustainable. What that tells you is that people are largely supporting him based upon reputation alone (really the reputation he wants people to see, not the reality). What kept his business empire growing before were the steady flow of ex JW recruits, many of whom are now finding lesser and lesser content and thus are seeking other creators. It also hurts his YT paid subs since they are directly supporting his work on YT rather than general activism on Patreon.

    He's far from being the main show in town as before. In fact he's just a mid level creator at this point. The buzz about his channel is fading and the newbies are being exposed to other creators who are not always asking for your money in the blatant way he does. His monetisation methods are finished as people are discovering that it is possible to make these videos in your spare time.

    Happens all the time in the secular YT world. Someone has a nice go, gathers a lot of support and followers, but someone else happens upon the scene with fresh eyes and does a way better job of it and with better enthusiasm.

  • TonusOH

    His lack of a work ethic is almost as damaging to him as his sociopathy. Imagine sitting on a potential gold mine (his YT channel) and the only thing holding you back is your own laziness.

  • WingCommander

    I know why he's too busy to upload the 1 or 2 vids per week:

    He's furiously having everything from the Hateful 8 or Slanderous 7 (or whatever da fuq he calls them) translated so that he can re-submit everything to the judge. Because after all, he's not ever going to let that go, even if it takes 40 years!!

    Life and time will pass by, but he'll be attempting to extract his "revenge" upon Mike & Kim and whomever else.

    "A van down by the river?", anyone? lol


  • JeffT

    Happens all the time in the secular YT world. Someone has a nice go, gathers a lot of support and followers, but someone else happens upon the scene with fresh eyes and does a way better job of it and with better enthusiasm.

    My wife and I left the JW's in 1988. That was well before the internet made it easy to contact XJW's. We met with a support group for XJW's once a month for a year or two. We also spoke to some church groups and and picketed a few conventions. Eventually all that led me to Randy Waters and his newsletter (his website came along later), That is what "activism" looked like in those days.

    I wrote some articles and made a few dollars, like about $50. Around the year 2000 I realized that most of what I knew about the Watchtower was dated. Fresher voices were on the scene and I no longer had much to contribute unless the subject was Watchtower history. I switched to writing fiction, with mixed reactions.

    This is Lloyd's real problem: he's past his "sell by" date. All he can do is recycle what others are saying.

    Years ago, I had a Chinese-American woman (her parents were born in China, she was a naturalized citizen) working in my accounting department. She was still very connected to her cultural heritage. One morning she came in complaining about the fried rice at restaurant she and some friends had eaten at the previous evening. I said "don't you like fried rice?" She said "I love fried rice, I just don't like paying entree prices for leftovers."

    Lloyd, this is my business background speaking. Your business model is dead, it's time to go do something else. All you have is leftovers.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    This is Lloyd's real problem: he's past his "sell by" date. All he can do is recycle what others are saying.

    When he first happened upon this forum, he made a lot out of the fact that he was still technically a JW and under no restrictions other than his meeting attendance being very poor and he didn't work in the ministry. That was his selling point - a fader who was coming to these truths in real time and offering his fresh perspective from the "inside". He would also weaponise this, often repeating his tiring mantra of "as a recently faded JW, I would go back to the Kingdom Hall if I came across you!". His shtick worked so well for him that he drug it out as long as he could, still keeping "John Cedars" as a pseudonym for a couple years, openly worrying about elders discovering his activities, giving updates on his progress getting his wife out, the DA process and Judicial Committee, etc.

    Lloyd, this is my business background speaking. Your business model is dead, it's time to go do something else. All you have is leftovers.

    At this point all he has to offer is advice coming from a man who was last active in the JWs 13 years ago. This is why he's failing. Like you said, at round 10 or so years you were more or less a WT historian. That's roughly the point he is at right now, and with all these changes with the religion in the works, all he can do is report on it and compare with how he remembered it over 13 years ago. There's a new crop coming out of the organisation who can actually give fresher and more accurate insight into how JWs work than Lloyd can. And several already have, and not coincidentally they have more views than him.

  • Toblerone5

    Didn't he mention that he wanted to translate is TRA book in german ? Anyway on the Goodreads site , his book got 2 new reviews both from August 2023 . 😉

  • Diogenesister

    Lloyd will continue for the simple reason he has no choice. He's never done anything else. (I don't count Dijana's translation business) Her parents clearly covered their basic necessities.

    Lloyd would threaten to stop doing hacktivism for us if we weren't suitably appreciative, but the truth is he did it because he had nothing else to do anyway.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened
    @slimboyfat Back then we were still calling ourselves 'christian'. Now, far from it. I don't like labels, but I like to call myself a heretic. lol
  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Very good video by KM Marie!

    She's disabled the share on other sites option, but check out her latest. She mentions Lloydy Boy

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