Teen puts a frog in a potato gun. Frog exacts revenge.

by Yizuman 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    *LOL* Sheila...brings a whole new meaning to the term "frog prince"...*LOL* reeeeedip...reeeedip...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • Yizuman
    Teenyuck wrote:
    At least we can agree on this. Regardless of how we feel about each other Teenyuck, you're a precious person nonetheless.

    You are only saying that because I am an Empress now...



  • Trauma_Hound

    Just call it, instand Karma, what comes around goes around, do I think he needed be taught a lesson like this, probibly not, however, he's responsible for his own actions. Many serial killers got they're start, but being cruel to animals. Vivumus, I was never cruel to animals, growing up, yes I disected frogs, but they were already dead, and I wasn't the one the killed them, we disected road kill too. I think it's ok to eat animals, as long as you use the entire animal. I have no problem wearing leather, but fur is another matter, as the entire animal is not being used.

  • SheilaM
    I really enjoy a tasty weiner

    ME TOO!!!!

  • Yizuman
    SheilaM wrote: Yizman: Not funny


  • Ravyn

    Jack I would not hesitate one millisecond to choose any of my three cats or my dog over my mother or father. Neither of them have accomplished anything in life but infecting others with their human misery. I believe in reincarnation--I would have been born this time around no matter who had the sex to make it happen. The only human life I value more than my pets is my own and my husband's. Not saying that there is not another human-or lots of them- out there who is worth more than my pets--just that I have never met them. (I exclude all my online friends because I have never actually met any of you yet either.) Dubla---suffering is worse than death. and it would only be more tragic to humans. Just because it is more of an issue with humans does not make it any more or less important than if it is less of an issue to animals. Why would it? Just because humans have more fears and act more dramatically does not change the fact that death is the same to anything that dies. Ravyn

  • teenyuck

    Sheila, that is sooo funny! The poor guy!

    As an aside....I read on a Snapple cap (they have little factoids on the inside), that people swallow bugs at night. They noted that spiders are the most common.

    I freak now at night. I always check around, under and in the bed for spiders. That is a nightmare.

  • Yizuman
    Teenyuck wrote: I freak now at night. I always check around, under and in the bed for spiders. That is a nightmare.

    You mean like this one? Click here.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    I detest deliberate cruelty to animals, especially when an individual decides it's a form of entertainment. What happened to the kid was harsh and it's a shame. Hopefully, others will take heed of his fate. Still, I have no problem biting into a nice big juicy In N Out burger.

    I think it's ok to eat animals, as long as you use the entire animal. I have no problem wearing leather, but fur is another matter, as the entire animal is not being used.

    I never quite understood the logic behind opinions like this. It's makes me think of a Sitcom I watch about 15 years ago. One of the female characters was going to model a fur coat in a fashion show. This character's sister expressed disgust at the notion that she was going to wear FUR. So, when the character explained that the sister that she, herself, had no problem wearing leather and eating beef, the sister explained it was because they used other parts of the animal and didn't just kill it for the skin. To this the female character replied to her sister "So, if I sat down to a big ole mink steak, you wouldn't have any problem with the coat"?

    To me, the animal dies regardless. Do I want to see it suffer unnecessarily? No, of course not. But, once it's dead, it's dead. The animal doesn't suffer any more, or less, because we don't use the total of their parts.

    So, is it the vanity that bothers people? (in the case of fur) The wastefulness? If we all start eating mink, fur will be okay to wear? (Just thinking out loud). Because dogs like to chew on pig's ears and cow hooves it's ok to kill them? What if we just threw those parts away? At what point does it become okay to kill animals?

    I know to some people it's not okay to eat, or kill, animals regardless of the reasons. That is much easier to me to understand. A clear line has been drawn. For others, it's much murkier.


    Plucked the feathers off headless chickens class

  • Maverick

    To get back to the article. I was under the impression that the boy who was injured was not the owner of the gun. He just wanted to look down the barrel and the gun went off. He is a little boy. Little boys do stupid things, hell big boys do stupid things! All this other stuff about, leather, and eating meet, well...to each his/her own. Maverick

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