Teen puts a frog in a potato gun. Frog exacts revenge.

by Yizuman 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Realist

    hello Tina,

    nice to meet you!

  • Ravyn

    Hey Dubla! no need to apologize! And I did not mean to make you feel belittled either.

    some people on this board take things so seriously! I was just reading the other posts about rudeness and disrespect, so that is where I was coming from.

    I dont think humans are the highest life form. In fact after spending 3 years exiled in Tennessee(and please everyone/anyone do not be offended unless the shoe actually fits...in which case you probably would not know enough to get offended...) I have not met another human who I value more than my dog. If it came down to my life or the life of one of my cats..I would have to choose my own life...but only because without me the cat would not be taken care of. I value my husband's life more than my pets. But I can not even imagine me without him or him without me. So I don't know what I would do if it was between us.

    I just don't think life once it exists ever goes away. It is energy and energy might change but it never ceases to be. So I fail to see the big deal about loss of human life. But animals are innocent, perfect as they are, meant to be here. For a human to take an animal life with no reason but to kill it-is beyond me! It just proves to me that humans have less value than animals. If humans reincarnate, or go to heaven or higher planes then why do they cling to this wretched(90% of the time) material body and life on this hostile earth?

    When I see this earth and all of its nature I see beauty and balance. I am humbled by the idea that I can experience it. But I know this is not where I belong. And I don't think I am the only one who feels like this otherwise there would never have been the need for religion. But if you went to visit some King in his castle would you start out by breaking his china just to see it shatter? or plucking his roses from his garden just to watch them die?


  • Valis
    But if you went to visit some King in his castle would you start out by breaking his china just to see it shatter? or plucking his roses from his garden just to watch them die?

    eh ravyn...that's a bit preachy underneath...besides...I'd go right for the Queen, the princesses, and the ladies in waiting, the chamber maids, etc.....speaking of plucking the roses...


    District Overbeer

  • gitasatsangha


    I don't know who invented 'em, but that sounds plasable. You can't run balistics on a smashed up potato. A friend introduced me to them in 97 I think. They are pretty dangerous, there is no way these are toys. The old ones weren't designed all that well and could blow up pretty easilly. Then again me and other kids I knew did semi-stupid things like make poison, make liquor, homemade napalm, black powder rockets.

    I dont know if anyone does this anymore, but freezing the potato made it especially hard and destructive. Much better then shooting a frog. I am not suggesting anyone do this.

  • dubla


    i have a question for you after reading your last post.

    But animals are innocent, perfect as they are, meant to be here. For a human to take an animal life with no reason but to kill it-is beyond me! It just proves to me that humans have less value than animals.

    so do you think there are no instances in the animal world of one animal taking the life of another animal for no reason?


  • Ravyn

    I don't know Dubla. Even what seems apparently unprovoked ---how can we know what an animal is thinking? But the thing is...animals deal with it. Death is not the worst thing to them. I have seen animals mourn. But they do not seem to have the same depth humans do or the same problem with dealing with it after it happens. (Every life will fight to live---but humans keep on fighting after it is done.) Maybe animals have a spirituality too--we just don't know what it is. I try not to be so arrogant and presumptuous to think humans have dibs on 'god'. Animals do not seem to have the same communication problems that humans do---we can't even communicate with each other---but animals communicate between species! Animals seem to have this whole deal worked out so much better than humans do. Have you ever seen a discontent animal/ (I don't know--how would we know if we did?)

    This earth belongs to them naturally. Not me. To kill an animal for the thrill of killing something is a crime against nature. I remember a riddle once in ethics class....it had something to do with which crime is worse? -if you stole a million dollars from Bill Gates or the last piece of bread from a homeless man?


  • Ravyn

    hey Valis! and you plan on what...PLUCKING...these women?


  • JackOliver
    I have not met another human who I value more than my dog.

    Hmm. so, are you saying that you value your DOG's and CAT's life more than even yours or your mother and father?


  • dubla


    you say the frogs life is the most important thing to it, yet death is not the worst thing for it? what would be the worst thing for an animal, if not death?

    there are, i believe, instances of animals killing simply to kill....not out of self defense, not for food, just for the kill. id have to do some research and get some links to back up that statement, but i do believe it to be true.

    Death is not the worst thing to them. I have seen animals mourn. But they do not seem to have the same depth humans do or the same problem with dealing with it after it happens.

    wouldnt this back up the point that a human death has more impact than an animal death? if a human death has more impact on humans, than an animal death has on animals, doesnt this mean that a human death is more tragic?


  • SheilaM

    Yizman: Not funny

    Viv: I NEVER dissected a frog I got so sick, in fact I'm taking botany to avoid it in college LOL but to I agree that a frog's life is not even worth discussion.

    To add levity I will tell my Thunder frog story: (and frankly Yiz deserves to have this thead hijacked)

    Thunder was installing sod at a home, it was muddy REALLY muddy and rainy (hence the mud LOL) he was kneeling on the sod and it slipped causing him to pitch forward. He had seen this little frog hopping around and when he fell he OOOOmphed and his mouth opened and IN hopped froggy hitting Thunders punching bag (uveula? sp) and he gulped SWALLOWING it. YUCK I didn't kiss him for a week LOL He still gets sick thinking about it

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