Number of Muslims protesting London terrorist attack = ZERO. Number of Muslims protesting forced Mosque closure in France = HUNDREDS

by kpop 233 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Simon
    1, for obvious reasons (presumably, someone who does nothing or little of what Mohammed did is less Islamic than someone who tries to do much, by the common definition of the word Islamic).

    See, it wasn't too difficult was it ?!

    I would recommend you to read the report. What do you think about her suggestion that there are moderate Muslims and reformers with whom meaningful alliances can be build?

    Well the question really is why do we want to save it? What does it add to humanity or civilization?

    Did we try to reform and accommodate a more acceptable and milder version if Nazism? No, of course not.

    I think Islam need to be annihilated or at least diminished enough not to be a threat for a few decades.

    Having studied it a bit more, I also think that those seeking to reform it are well intentioned but doomed to failure. There zero evidence that it can ever be reformed or will ever be reformed and part of that is the obstructive behavior of the left to even having rational discussion on the matter.

    We can't fix Islam because people insist on wasting all the time debating if there is even a problem with it (when there clearly is). People like you do that bohm when your ideological conditioning to deny all issues kicks in.

    It's like JW reformers ... is there any evidence that they will succeed? I think the only effective tactic that a radical ideology responds to is direct opposition and that means supporting those who oppose it - the apostates and ex-muslims and hope that they win out.

  • Ruby456


    how interesting that Hirsi agrees with Haykel - I would never have thought it

    i watched some of Haykel the other evening and have to say he is on the money.

    re your argument - I was following it - very Socratic. Problem is what constructive thing do you replace it with. Even Socrates via Plato had to admit that his method was very destructive. In the back of my mind I was also thinking about how many bad things have not been selected for the bible canon that were part of the past and needed to be left in the past.

  • Ruby456

    Bohm I was waiting for Simon to extricate himself - I definitely think there is a way but will wait patiently

  • LoveUniHateExams

    1, for obvious reasons (presumably, someone who does nothing or little of what Mohammed did is less Islamic than someone who tries to do much, by the common definition of the word Islamic) [emphasis mine] - too cautious.

    Depressingly, ISIS have accomplished much and the aftereffect will no doubt linger for a long time after they've been defeated. Many thousands of eager jihadists from around the globe have poured into their Caliphate.

    ISIS are also the richest terrorist group of all time and they hold the largest territory of any terrorist group.

    And ISIS are not an anomaly. There are a myriad of terrorist groups in Syria, all pressing for Sharia. Al Qaeda still exists, too. There are also banned Islamist groups pressing for Sharia in Western countries, e.g. Hizb-ut-Tahrir, Muslim Brotherhood, etc.

    And then you have the plain vanilla Muslim countries that typically hang blasphemers, ban women from leaving the house without a male relative, ban freedom of religion, want to kill Jews, etc.

    I just can't get my head around why you seemingly have a hard time discussing Islam's connection to Islamist groups and retarded values.

    It's ridiculous.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    There's a good article about the response to the Westminster terrorist attack by Douglas Murray in today's Spectator.

    He asks why people encourage the part drugs may play in a terrorists' behaviour, why the role of the UK's foreign policy is always mentioned, but why the role religion played in the atrocity is discouraged.

    Worth a read, IMO:

    Bohm I was waiting for Simon to extricate himself - I definitely think there is a way but will wait patiently - Simon's comments are sound. He's criticising and asking questions of Islam in the same way you and Bohm do re the Watchtower religion.

  • Ruby456

    luhe I agree that Simon's comments are sound but I also think Bohm's are sound too.

  • digderidoo

    Interesting thread, I was in London last Wednesday, though not near Parliament.

    I got in to a lengthy discussion here a couple of years ago after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, trying to understand the nature of the attacks being due to young Algerian Muslims being oppressed in France. The last couple of years I have begun to change my views. I can see how those in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan are oppressed by the West and see no issue in them wanting to defend themselves from invading US and allies troops, but that is not the issue here.

    There is a basic problem with a fringe on the left (of which I was one), in that it begins to excuse any act of terrorism if committed by a Muslim as being a response to historic Muslim oppression. Whereas, an act of terrorism committed by the right wing, (Anders Breivak in Norway, Timothy McVeighthe Oklahoma bombing, Dylan Roof - CHarleston church shooting) are rightly condemned and never excused.

    Why is it that when a Muslim commits terrorism, this fringe left (regressive left, call it what you will), condemns it only in the context of a response to oppression, whereas when a white commits terrorism it is rightly condemned outright? This left fringe actually adds the problem, by excusing terror when committed by brown skinned people.

    Anyone who then looks to the Muslim faith to see what is going on and begins to condemn aspects of that Muslim faith that they see as a problem is then shut down as a racist, as I once was guilty of. The left should rightfully condemn the Quran which supports such an ideology.

    There is a problem in the Muslim faith that should be rightly addressed. Individuals use verses of the Quran as a reason to commit these atrocities, yet when a so-called 'moderate muslim' is just asked to condemn those verses of the Quran 99% of them refuse to do so. Many of them will condemn the atrocity itself, but not those verses of the Quran that has been used to justify the atrocity.

    Trevor Phillips who once headed the Race Relations Board in the UK has done an interesting study and asks whether political correctness has gone mad. He conducted a survey among Muslims in the UK, here are some of the findings -

    2,650,000 Muslims live in the UK

    47% do not want their children to be taught by a gay teacher

    66% would not inform the police if someone they knew was involved with supporters of terrorism in Syria

    1/6 want to live separately from the rest of the population

    4% sympathise with suicide bombers (that's 111,000 muslims in the UK)

    52% believe homosexuality should be illegal

    23% support the introduction of Sharia Law

    32% refuse to condemn violence against those who mock the Prophet

    39% agree wives should obey their husbands

    5% sympathise with stoning women for adultery (132,000 in the UK)

    If Muslims refuse to address this problem, which crosses over with the so-called 'moderate muslims', there will be no integration and if the left continue to excuse the problem as a reaction of being oppressed or discriminated against it will continue.

    Ex-Muslims, when speaking out against their former religion are shut down as being bigots, racists, etc. Maryam Namazie has had to struggle just to get a platform at University debates, often ridiculed as a bigot, all because she has a point of view that the Muslim faith should address these concerns.

    The kind of findings that Trevor Phillips report suggests belong within an ideology that is fascist. I have changed my view over the last year or so. There are always those who are bigoted or racist and condemn Muslims from that platform, but that should not stop a criticism of the Muslim faith and the Quran itself, which essentially belongs within a fascist ideology.

  • freemindfade

    Excellent post

  • kpop

    I think the media continues to purposely hide certain information and it is having an affect but we must not forget that like the JW cult which uses Theocratic Warfare (lying, deceit) to advance their purpose, Muslims have the exact same thing called Taqiyya and they teach it well in their Mosques: Smile to their faces, lie to their faces and then when the moment is right strike like a cobra. Example?

    OVERFLOW CROWD of 500 Muslims Attend Funeral of Copenhagen Terrorist Omar El-Hussein

    The gunman who killed two people in Copenhagen was today buried in a Muslim cemetery in the city, despite objections from the Islamic group that owns it.

    Omar El-Hussein, 22, murdered two people last weekend following a bloody rampage through the Danish capital that ended when he was killed in a shootout with police.

    The ceremony at the Islamic Society of Denmark was attended by approximately 500 mourners and sympathisers, before he was buried in a Muslim cemetery on the outskirts of the city.

    Moderate Muslims? Sure, they exist like the Sumatran Rhinoceros exists. I won't be fooled. Ayaan Hirsi is 100% correct and nobody could know it better than an "apostate." We as ex-JWs know the best.

  • Caedes

    Above, muslims protesting the recent terror attack in London.

    It is possible to condemn terrorism, condemn Islam for being a horrible religion and still not wish to kill people just because of their religion or subscribe to the thought that the world would be better off without muslims.

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