JW org collapses

by I Faded Twice 138 Replies latest social humour

  • Vidiot

    Seems like most people here are convinced that the WTS is at least in decline, for a lot of real-world reasons, and not just wishful thinking.

    So, here's a question... is a crowdsourced consensus generally reliable, or is it inherently flawed due to bias?

  • Doubter

    Facts are not determined by popular belief.

  • _Morpheus

    i have said from the begining that i object to “collapse” not to the idea that the org has declined as compared to 10 or 20 years ago.

    Collapse has a very specific meaning that slim and his fan base have bastardized. According to webster:

    (of an institution or undertaking) fail suddenly and completely.

    That in no way describes the org. Words mean things.

  • Doubter

    Personally, I can get behind “decline” (really, depending on the location and the area of decline). A religion can’t grow, even at 1 percent, and simultaneously be in decline.

  • Crazyguy

    According to some on YouTube and other websites they the Borg have lost 321 congregations and 135 Kingdom Halls over the last twelve years in Germany alone. Ofcourse the cult still publishes a growth in that country of members in that same time period. It doesn’t take a genius to smell a rat! Their numbers are bunk and have been monipulated since 1978 in my opinion.

    Yes no collapse as of yet but a huge downturn in members yes! Their constant begging for money and other things we’ve seen done by them over the last few years indicates to me that these loses have come home to roost!

  • Doubter

    Jws are VERY conservative in counting their membership. They only count “active” members. They can count inactive ones and have probably around 18-20 million members on paper, and technically, they would not be lying as inactive members are still jws.

    There is no reason to believe they are making up numbers in Germany.

  • _Morpheus

    Your faling into the slim trap of counting buildings.

    It. Dosent. Matter.

    if you put a every single jw in a building by themself and say you have 8 million congregations thats the exact same membership as having all 8 million in one congreation

  • Crazyguy

    They dont have 8 million members they claim 8 million peak publishers. The evidence says others wise. Take the number of baptized one from year to year and you’ll soon realize their missing members in to tune of several hundred thousand per year. JW facts does a nice break down of these missing ones. Even with the dfd ones and the dead ones it still doesn’t add up to how many are missing. Some one once did a count year by year of baptisms from about 1950 or 60 and showed there are more ex dubs then active ones.

    Take out the kids not baptized and all the missing ones and you have less then 5 million baptized members maybe even less then 4 million.

  • _Morpheus

    Smh.... how can you take out “ missing” ones? By definition they are already missing. Stop trying to be smart.

  • Crazyguy

    It’s easy go to jwfacts and see how there missing IE not there from year to year. Example 100,000 members in year 1980 with 20,000 baptized yet the next year 1981 120,000 and another 20,000 baptized and the next year 20,000 more baptized should be a total of 160, 000 yet there only 135,000. Just an example but again go to JWfacts.com

    sure one can argued dead ones and dfd ones but to many gone to be of those reasons only.

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