How many years left to Armageddon

by JH 99 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sherwood

    Dave utters:

    First; no.

    -- Dave, are you being clever with my wording of your former usenet name similarities? Come clean, if you're not BEING honest. Under which names did you use under usenet?

    Dave utters:
    Boy, you sure got me didn't you, I'm bleeding....aaaaaaaaaaaa.

    I get a kick out of you

    -- Well, I guess we are kicking each other and laughing ourselves
    to a tease . . . . . ;o)

    Dave utters:
    simple minded fundies


    Dave utters:
    who can't see past the stupidity of a talking snake myth.

    -- You could have made a point here, but I will let the babble go on to make A point.

    Dave utters:
    All you need to know about life is written one little book that is nothing but an accumulation of bumbling contradictions and cut and paste myths of ancient religions. You share the same kind of simple blind logic as the red neck christians who run around at night with sheets over their heads and light crosses on fire screaming "jesus is with us"!!!!!.

    Hey, did they tell you the one about the talking bush yet?

    I like stories about talking plants and animals. The Cat in The Hat is my favorite but I do think he was sent by Satin the debbel to mess with those little kinds. Oh no, what was that noise behind me???? Oh shit, it's a demon and he's coming at me and he..........................aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    -- Pray tell, you assert such things are absurd in our vast "universe" of scientific LAWS SEEN in Earth's nature. Who is narrow minded now?

    Think about it before YOU decide to play again.

    The other trainee Atheist/Agnostic FOLLOWERS of imperfect men need not respond (excluding AlanF). You haven't learned UR lessons properly.

    Peace Out ;-)


    Edited by - Sherwood on 16 February 2003 0:44:4

  • seven006


    First of all I have never posted or used usenet in my life. If you have ever read one single post I have ever made on this board (as you say you have) you will know that I do not lie about anything and if I say something based on my own opinion that I find to be wrong I have absolutely no problem admitting I was wrong. I even go as far as thanking the person who has pointed out my mistake. This is called having an open mind and willingness to learn and grow as an intelligent human.

    People like you wouldn't admit your ass was on fire if you were sitting on a fully inflamed BarBQ pit. Your inability to have one single original thought or for that matter come to an educated conclusion based on personal research and information that has been proven by history or science is as childishly typical. Why think on your own when you can have others tell you exactly what you think. To find out if something is bullshit you go to the source or the beginning of the issue. I see more and more so called Christians back sliding on their once staunch belief that we are all in a world of shit because a talking snake told a naked lady to eat a piece of fruit. That is the beginning, that is the first myth and lie that perpetrates all the others. Either the first one is historically and scientific factual or it is not. If it is not, then the rest of the following bullshit myths are as hallow as the first.

    If you think the story of the talking snake isn't reasonable or believable than you have just experienced a tiny hint of what it is like to use your brain in a logical and reasoning manner. As the Christian champion of existential philosophy and mumbo jumbo logic, Kierkegaard stated in the late 19th century "you cannot use reasoning or logic to explain Christianity." Well, that dip shit was at least right about that one thing. Unfortunately it set a precedent of anyone who tried to fake some kind of intelligence and read beyond the bible by picking up a book of philosophy to try and prove that even an intelligent person agrees with them. If any of them went beyond Kierkegaards writing and read about his personal history and life they would find out is was a total nut ball who was beaten by his father and forced to defend the Christian myth or his ass was grass.

    If you can take your brain and try to use it for more than a taped message center for your religion you might be able to spend a little time and try and do some research based on historical facts. If Jesus was supposed to have been the son of god and the most important person ever to walk the earth one might think there would be at least 10 historical references to him during the so called time of his life here on earth. There is not. The two most prominent historians living in the same area and living during the time Jesus supposedly lived, did not mention one single historical event or fact about him. I challenge your programed and very shallow mind to find historical facts to dispute my statement. If you do, I will recant my statements in this post. You will find noting during this time or shortly after OUT SIDE of the bible book of myth that backs up any historical fact that the "Christ" ever existed in history.

    As far as the similarities of Christ, Buddha and Krishna there are many stories and miracles that have been ripped off from the older writings of the older religions and mysteriously recopied into the bible. The so called miracle of turning a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish into enough food to feed a crowed of people was attributed to Buddha over 200 years before it was ever attributed to Jesus. The myth of the woman who lost her child and was told to collect a mustard seed from the homes of people who had a close relative die was also attributed to Buddha over 200 years before Jesus and was recorded almost word for word in the Buddhist holy book way before it was in the bible. That's just a tad bit coincidental to me. But, if you want to think that the Satin the debble knew over 200 year before hand that Jesus was going to do these things and had the writers of the Tipitaka write them before he was supposedly born than you go right ahead. You wouldn't be the first so called Christian to deny history of religious myth and accept Christian myth so that you can sleep all snugly at night in your bed knowing that Jesus loves you and your brain can keep cruising along in total oblivion to history and science.

    If it wasn't for people like you, people like me wouldn't need to learn how to read or think. We could all just float through life accepting that Santa slips down our chimney Christmas Eve and the Easter bunny makes millions of colored eggs once a year and hides them so millions of kids can go find them then toss them in the garbage once they turn rotten.

    Now, did the people or person you claim I am who you played bible games with on usenet post like I do? If so, I would like to meet this person or persons. As far as you are concerned, keep believing what ever you like, your mind is so close to anything close to historical fact or truth you wouldn't know it if it flew up your butt.

    Here's a suggestion, read more than one book in your life!


    Edited by - seven006 on 16 February 2003 3:6:28

  • seven006


    Cat got your typing fingers?


    Hey Sherwood,your not doing too good with your rebutal.Aside from calling some posters a few goofy names,you haven`t been able to back up your posts..Not a good thing on this board..In case you haven`t noticed we have some very intelligent people on this board,AlanF and Seven006 would be among them..Blowing them off will not win a debate..At this point,it would seem they,among others,have picked your bones clean.....OUTLAW

  • Sherwood


    Cat got your typing fingers?



    No, I have been trying to post in this thread for several days. Let's see if this passes.


  • Sherwood


    Cat got your typing fingers?



    No, I have been trying to post in this thread for several days. Let's see if this passes.


    ##$%##$%##$%##$%##$%##$%##$%##$%##$%##$% Ah, ya, IE6 solved? BULLSH*T issues of security? What the F*CK is this new format on this site? Sherwood
  • seven006


    Say a prayer, have a drink, say fuck three more times (that cracked me up, I love Jesus people who can cuss) and then try and answer the questions. May I suggest a little Jack and coke? If you do good you get a cookie and can join Alan and me for a couple of glasses of 18 year old Scotch. Me and Nasty old Alan are Scotch guys.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    Sherwood ; you tryed me on the other thread, since you could/\'t handle the truth on this one... come back some time .. but have your fact first, or i'll ask the waiter an other BOWL OF CROW FOR MY FRIEND SHERWOOD PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your friend john

  • SYN

    Hi Sherwood,

    When are you going to start answering the questions? We're waiting...but, as with all trolls, we know you won't. All the smart money is riding on the fact that you CANNOT reply to AlanF without making yourself look like a, how would you say, non-believer!

  • kat_newmas

    I really believe the armageddon myth, like most of the horror stories modern religion teaches, is nothing more than that... a story. Since ancient times people have used stories to explain natural events....

    I have explained it to my step-son this way: The earth has been changing for millions of years. There is a cycle of life and death that everything in the world is a part of. Death exists so that new life may exist... if nothing died, nothing can be born. A leaf dies, falls from the tree, only to nourish new life. Life on earth has changed, and will change again. The bible seems to leave that out.... where does the story of creation leave the dinosaur?(if you have an answer to that one let me know... it is a sincere question)

    Are we to believe that this marvelous cycle of life, is punishment for sins? Does man die because Adam and Eve ate from the wrong tree? Why would man be the only thing on the entire planet that was designed to NOT be a part of this cycle? Armageddon would most certainly not be the first world-wide cataclysm. What of the ice age? I believe the earth itself is a part of God's great cycle of life. It grows life and that life dies in order that new life may take it's place. No two people have been exactly the same since time began. No two life-forms the same.

    We now know through examining the world around us, that the earth is millions of years old. Life has changed on the face of the planet many many times... perhaps more than we can know. One day it will be mans turn. Man, like any other parasite has only TAKEN from its host. That host (the earth) will most certainly find a way to rid itself of the modern dinosaur, so that new life may exist.

    Perhaps it wasnt a "prophecy". Perhaps even our ancestors knew that life had changed on the planet. Perhaps they knew that life would change again. The armageddon myth, like any other has been used to instill fear and control. The whole idea that a loving god, a perfect god.... screwed up, and has to start over in a blaze of fire.... well a little contradictory dont you think. I mean when you "create" YOUR first child, and he eats the dessert you were saving for the party...... are you gonna "wipe him out" start over with a new kid and say "oh well, that first kid.... he was a bad seed... ate all the wrong things... had to wipe his butt off the planet" .... and we arent even God..... seems like he/she had a little more insight than that!

    Thats just my opinion though. I believe God comes to every man in a way that that person can accept. Even the Jehovah's Witnesses..... perhaps they need that way of thinking. Perhaps without a 'good reason' they cannot follow their own rules. They dont believe in 'eternal damnation' so perhaps they have simply found this concept as a way to believe in god. The trouble is, when you force those beliefs, or use them to instill fear in others... then you are interfering with the spiritual developement of others. Christianity itself is sort of a 'necesary evil" I think. Without it the kings of old, couldnt control their people.... I mean the man had his name put on the cover of the bible for goodness sake! it says right there in big Gold letters........ The King James VERSION of the bible. Well that's his version.. right?

    Thanx again for this forum... I have been on this site for almost two days... cant get enough. Love to hear all the opinions and Ideas.... love that you people dont fight in here...hope that you find god in whatever form is right for each of you.

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