Whats the dumbest reason youve been counseled?

by avishai 155 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nelly1

    i was councelled for:

    having this on my answerphone " i cant come to the phone right now because im down in the dungeon being tortured for my good looks"

    slap slap on the wrist for that

    then for using the internet, I got reams of KM info

    then because my skirt rid up at the meeting, it was one of those skirts with that fabric u have to be careful with, and an elder flew off his face at me big time :(

    then for going out to lunch with my bible student, because they "the elders daughter called on her house and me and her were sharing a babysitter but her 15 yr old son answered the door and she ran to daddy and the CO to tell on me for leaving my daughter with a 15 yr old."

    they did not have facts in fact the real babysitter was inside the house,grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    then got counselled supposedly for prompting my kids to answer when i was only telling my 8 yr old at the time how to say a word in the WT.

    that really pissed me off

    then counselled for my daughter going to the loo more than once during a meeting.

    all i can think of for now

    love nelly

  • PopeOfEruke


    what a list!! Where was your congregation? NAZI GERMANY???

  • Scarlet

    for having my fiance put his arm around me during meeting.

    for wearing too short of skirts

    for having more than one hole in my ears (this pioneer sister told me that she too once had more than one hole in ear but realized that God would not approve of that so she removed it so she could give full devotion to God.)

    Edited by - Scarlet on 6 January 2003 23:59:36

  • Thirdson

    Wearing a paisley paterned tie.
    For allowing my wife to take her shoes off in the kingdom hall.
    For thanking the congregation for their contributions (by Alan Stokes - British CO)
    For sky-diving.
    Because of attending college and missing meetings because of some evening classes.
    For being liked by a worldy girl at work.
    For describing God's "purpose" as a plan in a prayer at the book study.
    For not bringing my 2 year old son to the meeting when his mother was at home.
    For not wearing a tie at the book study at my parents house. (I was 13)

    Lots more still.


  • Jourles

    Another one popped into my mind ---> While doing the microphones, I was told that I needed to carry the literature that we were studying at the present, be it a Watchtower or KM. Prior to this, I handled the microphone without looking at the mag in my spare hand. Supposedly, it appeared that I was not following along with the rest of the hall. Even though I would read my mag at my seat where I would sit between paragraphs.

    It was just a pain in the ass to hold the golf shaft which was holding the mic with TWO hands while crumpling up my mag at the same time.

  • yumbby

    Where do I start??? Okay I won't bore you, I'll name just a few:

    * Wearing to much black and not smiling enough "Jehovahs people are the happiest people on earth, you are not reflecting that quality"

    * I was stuck at the kingdom hall with no ride home. An elder gave me a ride home alone. Lord, I never heard the end of that one.

    * Raising my hand TO MUCH at meeting, not giving others a chance.

    Just a few. I have lots more.

  • reubenfine

    Man, you are ALL a bunch of BAD ASSOCIATION!! (Thank God)

    I was counselled for wearing a beard. Somehow I slipped through a crack and actually gave a No. 5 talk with one. The elder that counselled me has now been out for 20 years. He was real cool about it and is one of the best people you could ever know. His days in the borg HAD to be numbered!

  • jurs

    A brother, whose wife was a non believer and myself , my kids as well as the brothers kids use to car pool to the kingdom hall. We lived close by each other and the hall was quite a distance.. Apparently that was a no no. Neither of our spouses cared and we had a total of 5 kids in the car but we had to quit car pooling. It was silly!


  • Lutece

    I got counseled because an elder's wife didn't like that I was wearing a dress that accentuated my tan and was an inch above my knee. He said it was too revealing. Gimme a break! My family all thought it was a joke when I told them later.

    It wasn't that bad at all, just made me look really good, LOL.

  • Sirona

    * For telling a ministerial servant who offered advice "mind your own business - who do you think you are telling me what to do???" in a loud voice (obviously I should have been a quiet sister....and he is MALE ....)

    * for looking at someone elses husband across the hall . LOL my friend and I were laughing at him because he was so ugly and they counsel me because the wife got paranoid that we were after him!

    * for going to parties

    * for going into town for nights out

    * for getting a lift off a brother (because you can't sit in a car with a brother alone)

    * for not going on ministry enough

    * for disagreeing with the "wifely subjection" teaching at my pre-wedding meeting with an elder

    * for being nervous on the ministry (a CO said I had a "persecution complex" that i needed to get over! very loving help there!)

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