The first few years my parents celebrated holidays and were "normal" then a nice witness lady came to the door and my mom was hooked. We were "weak" witnesses and hardly ever went out in service, but I took it to heart, especially when I was a teenager. I was a "good little witness" and later when I had my own children I was dragging them to the meetings and trying to make up for lack of holidays by having parties and extra toys, etc. Jehovah was very real to me, but the witness teachings just never fully made sense and I always figured that "Jehovah would straighten it all out eventually, ahem, yeah right!" Deep down I knew I was torn, but I put those doubts on the shelf. Then deaths in the family and the attitudes shown by my witness "family and friends" convinced me to start investigating doubts which led me to the internet and then disassociating myself. I'm much happier now and healthier in spirit and so are my kids. I can't believe how long I lived thinking I was never "doing enough" and was never good enough to make it through Armageddon. The negativity of it all could have driven me crazy. I hope to help others wake up, but I'm not dwelling on it anymore, there's too much living to do and so much to experience to be trapped in the past. Good luck to all on their journey and if you want to talk, pm me anytime! :)