Is it wrong for a white to marry a black?

by gumby 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sabine

    thanks marmashel!!

    I forgot to mention the bi-racial children problem...yes, it's awful. Our son is 15, 6'3", drop dead georgeous, a talented musician and the girls just won't leave him alone...poor kid!!

  • Mulan

    Sabine, you two are just great. I think in our area, race is a non issue. I never talk about stuff like that, and only say a person's race if I am describing them. People in your congregation were no doubt jealous of your beauty, your intelligence, your happy marriage, etc., and those blondes (one in particular) there just couldn't handle it.

    I get irritated at racist threads here, and also with those who feel like they have problems ONLY because of their race. Maybe they are an unpleasant person to be around, and race isn't an issue at all. I have a daughter in law, who is very irritating to be with, and she would use race if she could, but she's white. (she is part Native American, but it doesn't show.............she comments about it a lot though, and thinks she is discriminated against, or treated badly because of it..............believe me, no one knows) I am the same fraction myself, and it doesn't show. (maybe the brown eyes)

    As to biracial marriage..............who cares? Not me. I wouldn't want to be in a biracial marriage in the South though. That would be unpleasant, I think.

    I agree that biracial children are unusally good looking, for the most part. I had a manicurist for awhile that was half Vietnamese and half black (product of the war), and he was gorgeous!! (yes, it was a HE) Mak and Sabine's son is GORGEOUS. He looks Greek or Italian.........I would never guess biracial. But, as I said, who cares?

    Edited by - mulan on 6 October 2002 19:8:59

  • Sabine

    Hey Mulan, thanks, you are too funny...(the blondes, hehe). How are all the georgeous red-heads in your life doing? I just started school two weeks ago...Anatomy and Physiology are going to be the death of me!!! I'm online trying to avoid studying for a Chemistry quiz.

    Can't wait to get together soon, pass our greetings to BigRed and Princess and family.

  • Mulan

    The redheads are doing great. Life is interesting lately. We do need to get together to bring you up to date.

    Hugs to Mak and "little" Mak. By the way, you wouldn't be dark skinned if you weren't in the sun so much.

  • WildHorses
    I grew up in NC and things were cool there

    Back2dafront, what part on NC did you grow up in? I grew up in Wake Forest, but now live in Fuquay Varina.

  • back2dafront

    Valis - ballin on a budget....HAHAHAHAHAHA tooooo funnny dude...

    tee jay...right on man...yeah...this one is WAY worth holding on to. ones like this don't come around that often. maybe every other bus. :-P j/k

    yeah...that's the thing w/ emails, messages, etc...can never catch tone of voice, thus picking up on possible sarcasm or not. all is understood...

    yeah man, cali rocks. i love it out here. i miss NYC a lot, but it's good to be away from the concrete jungle. NYC is a nice place to visit, to much to live there though.

    air quality out here sucks, but forntunately santa cruz has really great air because it's right in between the ocean and a mountain. gotta drive up to SF for culture though, but it's worth the drive.

    later, jay

  • mamashel

    Back2dafront, i just wanted to tell you, i love your name.. Where did you come up with it? From that song, my neck, my back????

    lol mamashel

  • jack2

    I know of several instances in which the strongest criticism of inter-racial relationships came from practicing JWs.

  • gumby

    Damn guys, I wish I was a 'blood" right now so I could relate to my own damn thread!

    Mulan, and me are so white we don't even have a shadow!

    Actually I have been enjoying just watching the rest of you guys.....your great!

  • LDH

    Hello all!!!

    Hugs all around. Don't have much time to comment, but I'd like to add my two cents to what i believe is the REAL issue here. NOT how "society" views inter-racial marriages, but how "THE SOCIETY" views interracial marriages.

    Three years ago a black sister from my congregation married a white brother. Shortly before the wedding, an elder by the name of Bill Brigden took this brother 'aside' and asked him why he would marry the black sister when there were so many eligible WHITE sisters. He even had the gall to tell this brother the name of one of the sisters (white) who liked him, and asked him didn't he have 'any feelings for her?"

    The wedding went on as scheduled. I found out these details from the black sister, and when I pointed out to her the gross hypocrisy within "Jehovah's arrangement" and the fact that her husband, a Ministerial Servant, should confront Bill about it, I was told that they had decided to "WAIT ON JEHOVAH." (TM)

    This happened in New York by the way. Three years ago. Bill Brigden was also one of the elders who sat on my committee at age 19 for 'immorality' and asked what color was the guy I slept with? I have no respect for him. He can rot and burn in the King James Version of Hell for all I care.

    Although, methinks his name will be removed by our zealous moderators, LOL.


    Knocks your socks off, STILL, Class

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