by You Know 101 Replies latest social current

  • You Know
    You Know

    Neon madman

    Because you found a BBC article that says that Britain and America are friendly nations and have a "special" relationship, that proves that there is an "Anglo-American dual world power" so notable as to be the subject of Bible prophecy?

    I doubt if you have read to many history books, but the expression Anglo-American power is a very common expression. I simply linked you to an article that drew from those established historical sources.

    You want so badly to accept Watchtower dogma that you're grasping at straws .

    That's ridiculous. The existence of the Anglo-American dual world power in prophecy is about the easiest to prove. Of course, there are those who are so perversely ignorant so as to insist that the earth is flat and that NASA didn't land a man on the moon, so it is to be expected that people like yourself would also deny such obvious truths as the existence of an Anglo-American dual world power.

    Were Britain and America a "dual world power" during the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, or were they enemies? Alliances and friendships between nations change over time, and Britain and America are no exception.

    No one is saying that Britian and America have always been yolked in a special relationship. The Watchtower certainly doesn't teach that. Where did you come up with that nonsense? History and the Watchtower recognizes that the Anglo-American dual world power was forged at the point when the United States entered WWI on the side of England and France. Before the sinking of the Lusitania there was no "special relationship." / You Know

  • abbagail

    Has YK been watching Trinity Broadcasting Network's Hal Lindsey? His "International Intelligence Briefing" news show this weekend was about the same $$$ subject, Crisis of Confidence. Among many other tidbits of information which I already forgot, he showed two dollar bills (old and new), and the fact that the green money in our pockets is worthless as it represents FUTURE EARNINGS. Prior to (? year), a dollar bill said it was "One Dollar Good for Payment on Demand," whereas our dollar bills today say "Federal NOTE" (or something to that effect). -- Also, the man of lawlessness, which would already be in existence and controlling the "day's wages," he says is that worldwide group of bankers (those 'behind the scenes' guys) who took over in 1913 when the Federal Reserve came on the scene, etc. etc. International Finance is not one of my pet subjects, but I never knew that about the wording on the dollar bills. FWIW -- (that's what a dollar SHOULD say on it: FWIW!) :)

    hillary_step wrote: "You are an extraordinary mixture of the village idiot and Albert Eienstein." -- LOL!!!!!!

    Lady Lee -- So sorry to hear about your story. Man oh man. You got hit coming and going. Brutal. {{{{{hugs}}}}}

    Gopher said: "Twiddle our thumbs and "wait on Jehovah"? -- I did my best to reply to that line of reasoning as regards pedophiles in the congs... see another thread entitled, "The Garbage Man Cometh..."

    dungbeetle: Back when a JW, I was horrified at picketing apostates. But I gotta tell ya, I REALLY like your sign: "Hugs not shunning for JW kids in trouble." I bet that sign itself tugged at many a JW-Mom's heart.

    Later warriors... I was just passing thru when I heard gunfire and had to stop and see whaaas up... :)


  • You Know
    You Know


    Has YK been watching Trinity Broadcasting Network's Hal Lindsey? His "International Intelligence Briefing" news show this weekend was about the same $$$ subject, Crisis of Confidence.

    No. I don't get that where I live now, although I have seen it in the past. But, any marginally sentient creature is aware of what's going on Wall Street these days.

    Also, the man of lawlessness, which would already be in existence and controlling the "day's wages," he says is that worldwide group of bankers (those 'behind the scenes' guys) who took over in 1913 when the Federal Reserve came on the scene, etc. etc. International Finance is not one of my pet subjects, but I never knew that about the wording on the dollar bills. FWIW

    It is true that the Federal reserve is not a federal institution. A book entitiled the "Creature from Jekel Island" written about 20 years ago explained how private bankers secretly met on Jekel Island off the coast of Caolina back in 1912 in a conspiracy to launch the Federal Reserve in order to take money creation out of the hands of government. But, the bottom line is that regardless of who controls the money system, it has worked relatively well at times. Now, though it is apparent that policies put in place over recent decades were designed to deliberately blow the system up at a future point. We are now arriving at that point detonation. / You Know

    Edited by - You Know on 22 July 2002 11:49:59

  • You Know
    You Know

    Neon madman asks YK

    Has it occurred to you that perhaps Jehovah is using Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson and others as his way of saying "ENOUGH," much as he used Jeremiah to a similar purpose when his "organization" back then became corrupt?

    That's possible. I wouldn't presume to say exactly what Jehovah would and wouldn't do in that respect. If that were true that would mean that it is still Jehovah's organization, though, right? Weren't the Jews God's people? In the case of Jeremiah he had no doubt that the Jews were Jehovah's people. It seems to me, though, that since Bill Bown and Mrs. Anderson have allied themselves with the faithless apostate movement that they themselves have ceased being Jehovah's Witnesses. It is an undeniable fact that many apostates are themselves grossly immoral. I view the apostate movement as nothing more than a lawless, torch-carrying, blood thirsty mob storming the Watchtower castle. Besides, no matter what the Watchtower does as far as changing its policies, or whatever, it is not going to stop sexual predators and other types of wicked absuers from doing what they do. Only Jehovah can get to the root of the problem and effect a permanent solution to the problem of child abuse. / You Know

  • ozziepost
    In the case of Jeremiah he had no doubt that the Jews were Jehovah's people.

    Now don't start on that again, You Know!

    The nation of Israel was clearly chosen as God's possession. That's fine.

    But to equate that with the WTS is stretching the imagination too far!

    Was the WTS clearly "chosen" as God's possession?

    With the nation of Israel, even the pagan nations round about recognised that they were a chosen people. But where is that in the 20th century, and now into the 21st?

    You cannot use one supposition to "prove" another.

    Sorry, old son. Try again.


  • You Know
    You Know

    OZ asks YK

    But to equate that with the WTS is stretching the imagination too far! Was the WTS clearly "chosen" as God's possession?

    Neon Madman suggested that Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson were instuments of Jehovah similar to Jeremiah. I merely replied that if that were true it would mean that Jehovah's Witnesses were in fact God's people after all, since the reason that Jehovah sent Jeremiah to the Jews was to get them to live up to their covenant with him. Obviously, Madman hadn't really thought that all they way through. / You Know

  • MikeMusto


    your reasoning is wrong..

    You stated that other nations id'd Israel as Gods chosen people.

    Likewise, people of the nations have recognized the the WTS are a special possession.

    Did you not read that in a remote African country, the Awake! magazine recieved an

    award of recoginition, stating that it is better than a college education?


    Hey YK,it appears god wants nothing to do with your filthy organization.So now it`s up to you and the rest of the WBTS supporters to clean up WBTS.You won`t do it because WBTS will through you out and You Know it.So your all happy to wallow in the filth called WBTS,you support corruption,and you want the rest of us to join you.Sorry,we have something most dubs don`t have....morals...OUTLAW

  • You Know
    You Know


    Hey YK,it appears god wants nothing to do with your filthy organization.So now it`s up to you and the rest of the WBTS supporters to clean up WBTS.

    I am quite confident that you don't have the faintest clue what God thinks or wants. Besides, if God doesn't want anything to do with the Watchtower why should I? I think, though, that Jehovah is perfectly able to speak for himself, and as it appears that the present system is about to take a swan dive into an empty pool, we should be hearing from Jehovah shortly. / You Know


    Hey YK,you constantly speak for god as though you were his right hand man.(I`ll bet you don`t even have his cell phone no# LOL)Your actions betray your words.As for the present system taking a swan dive.It was here long before WBTS was here,It will be here long after WBTS is gone.Fools who sell everything and wait for the end of the world will retire and die in poverty,I`ve seen it first hand.The only economy that is going down the toilet is yours.You won`t be hearing from god,you don`t have his cell phone no#..LOL..OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 22 July 2002 14:24:18

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