by You Know 101 Replies latest social current

  • You Know
    You Know

    I don't have a clue how a computer works. I just turn it on and point and click and I am able to do what I need to do, unless of course something goes wrong, or in the worst case scenario if my little machine experiences the dreaded blue-screen crash, then I am really in a mess. That is the way the financial system is for most people. We go to work and get our pay. We dont have to know how the system works. We put money in the bank, and write checks, and use credit cards, and ATM cards, or cash, to take care of business and support our families and ourselves. We don't have to worry about how the system functions. We just use it, like we are presently using a computer and Internet system. But, what happens if the system experiences a crash? Well, there's nothing we can do about it is about all anyone can say.

    The global financial system is an extremely complex integrated network of various components made up of national institutions, corporations large and small, banking networks, and stock markets, giant hedge funds, numerous currencies that float in their relative value towards each other, and derivatives, hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of derivatives. And then there are the Dollars, and Loonies, Yen, and Euros of everyone who has a bank account or 401K or retirement account. All together it makes up a system of things that virtually everyone on the planet is dependent upon to some degree, either directly or indirectly. That means that the continued viability of the system is a matter of life and death.

    The United States is unquestionably the greatest nation that has ever existed, and few people could ever imagine that the present system, anchored by the Anglo-American dual world power, is in any imminent danger of collapse. Anyone who even makes such a suggestion has always been branded as a lunatic doom and gloomer and has instantly made themselves the object of derision and ridicule. But all that is changing. In recent weeks, and the last few days in particular, a creeping fear is starting to settle upon some that the system may not be invulnerable after all. In the last two weeks alone the United States stock market has lost more money than the entire economy of France produces in a whole year. A trillion and half-dollars simply vaporized. In the last two years over 7 trillion dollars of market capitalization has been erased. At each phase of the breakdown the "experts" have always said that it was just a bump in the road that prosperity would return, soon, very soon. Where have we heard that before? Even now with the financial markets on the verge of a full-blown panic, the majority of voices are urging people to stick with the program, that everything is going to be okay. And no doubt most people have been so conditioned by the constant barrage of lies that they will remain oblivious up until the moment that the system disintegrates. But, thats what we have come to.

    The Bible contains an historical account of the collapse of the Egyptian system of things in the days of Joseph, when a famine brought the nation to its knees. Over the course of the famine every Egyptian was eventually forced to liquidate their possessions to buy food from Pharaoh in order to stay alive. Incidentally, Egypt was the first in a continuous succession of powers that make up the 7-headed beast that remains to the present moment. But, the point is that everyone is dependent on the system, and that Jehovah brought that ancient Egyptian system into judgment on more than one occasion.

    They say money makes the world go around, so that would mean that the world is going to come to a standstill when money fails, as it is in the process of doing. Apparently that is what it is going to take for Jehovah to get everyones attention. Just like God brought the first world power to heel, he is about to force the issue with the last one real soon now.

    Heres an excellent article that explains a bit about how the global financial system works. It was written about 5 years ago.

    Heres an essay by my favorite lunatic doom and gloomer, Doug Machintosh.

    Doug Noland's Credit Bubble Bulletin this week may be of interest to some. He pretty much verifies that the system is going to blow, soon, very soon.

    / You Know

    Edited by - You Know on 21 July 2002 1:26:0

  • D8TA


    Huh? Thought YouKnow said something was suppose to get "interesting". Aaaah, just another "blah blah sky is falling yack yack" post.



  • You Know
    You Know


    That's a typical reaction of those who are deep in denial. Like I said, there are those who, like yourself, were sleep walking in a delusion, but who have in recent days been jarred somewhat awake by the ongoing global financial collapse and the looming threat of war. You may, though, continue on in your make-believe fantasy world if you please. But, at some point you will be forced to reckon with the fact that you have been a mere fool. / You Know

  • Thirdson

    Oh Goody I can't wait.

    It's been pretty boring (as you imply) reading all the failed predictions of impending doom. Wake me up when it gets interesting, otherwise, I'll be sleeping through to 2014.

    Goodnight, sleep tight,


  • Gopher

    The decline of the American stock market has everything to do with the lack of public trust in major institutions, due to the current accounting scandals. The president is going to see that the system of accounting is reformed.

    Once the public regains confidence, the stocks will naturally head back into a growth phase.

    Jehovah is not the "cause" of the current downturn, and he'll have little or nothing to do with the upcoming "interesting" stock market recovery.

    Edited by - Gopher on 21 July 2002 2:31:34

  • dungbeetle

    Hey YouDon'tKnowSh*t

    DENY THIS you pedophile supporter..

    (posted on another thread)

    guess what I did today... I picketed the JW convention. Waddya think of THAT? On the best of days, JW's are leaving the org in near hemorrhage numbers, and today my picketing partner and I helped them along a little.

    My signs said:

    Please Watchtower, 'don't ask don't tell' medical care for kids


    Hugs not shunning for JW kids in trouble.

    Soon, YouDon'tKnowSh*t you will have the whole Kingdom Hall to yourself and YOU won't have anybody to despise and deride.

    And with this goes my warmest Christian LOVE you TWIT

  • Farkel

    You Know,

    Thanks for coming back to your classical position. I almost thought you were going soft on us (remember that same comment you made to me in a missive several years ago?

    : That's a typical reaction of those who are deep in denial.

    If YOU were in denial would you deny it?

    Just curious.


  • Elsewhere

    The sky is falling!

    The sky is falling!

    The sky is falling!

  • D8TA

    Yep, keep yer bitching....for their will be a day of restitution, and that day is nigh. For there are worlds that exist beyond yours, and much more that goes beyond your delusional philosophy. We all have a box that we live within, but my existence is unique, I've learned to change boxes...and the ever rare ability to jump out of them, and stop and absorb that which most cannot.

    You are stagnent, immobile. Forever imprisoned within an existence of nightmares, manipulated by the strings of your puppet masters in "Bethel". You will always deny the light, in which exposes who your "Jehovah" really is. You have only bequeathed a curse upon your own soul, forever crying that it is "Jehovah" in which guides you....only to walk within the shadows of an impaired mind, from the sins of your youth. Locked in a reality of black and white, denying yourself within an eternity, never to taste the colours of freedom.

    From deep within the abyss, in which you scream your pain with nonsensical fonts and wordless sentences, you can not reach my ears. For the voice in which you cry with, is one that I have once shared in chorus with you in a distant lifetime. I will never again seek shelter within the darkness of deciet, and leave the light of "truth".

    Back to your swamp of counterfeit hope YouKnow, back to your world of terror and gloom.

    Here's a "prophecy" for YouKnow:

    When the Great Mountain, in which your own eye can see, begins to rumble from the belly of the will NOT acknowledge these words here today I have given you. Yet on the day the Great Mountain decimates all which it encompasses, that day will be your day of doubt in your mind, not of the words here---but the ones are deep in your mind. On that day, will be the day in which my words will show light...and in your heart will see the truth within my words here.


  • TR

    Same dipshit, different story. No, actually SAME story. Still same dipshit, though.


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