by Sabine 129 Replies latest social current

  • Windchaser

    (((((((((((((Sabine)))))))))))) My heart is with you and Mak today, and all those who are impacted by this tragedy.

    It's been said, but I, too, am sickened by the jw mentality that if you are not "in", your life is worthless. Even though the papers and police may not dig into this crime (for, indeed, the religion has committed another atrocity by his death), this young man spoke volumes in the way he died and maybe some people in his congregation will think about it and realize that there is something seriously wrong with that religion.

    Love to you and Mak.


  • Sabine

    My son's friend spent the night with us last night, it turns out he found the body. Poor kid, how gruesome, the body was found early in the morning last Saturday, he was putting out the trash because he forgot the night before. A paper boy called to him from across the street in the KH parking lot. The body was partially decapitated, in a pool of blood. They called 911, I imagine it must have been quite a sight for those meeting for service that morning. I am very concerned about my son's friend, seeing that could cause anyone to have post traumatic distress. I'm talking to his parents about it this afternoon.

    I agree it would be great if the sister received cards from us, without anti-jw statements, just expressing our deep sympathy. I know after our daughter died, we were in such shock, it literally took us two years to sort out what happened, and after going to suicide counseling, and speaking with an impartial third party, to realize the big part the religion had in her death.

    It is just your first instinct to totally blame yourself when a child takes their own life. And after 35 years of indoctrination, it was so scarey to admit it was her belief that she sinned against Jehovah and would be put out of his organization that lead her to do it. Her suicide letter was so clear about that, but it still took us a long time to stop blaming ourselves and really read what her letter said. When people ask me how I have been able to handle it, I say that her leaving us the letter saved us from going totally crazy with guilt and grief. She stated how much she loved us, what great parents we were, not to blame ourselves. But the letter was full of statements like "I have been lying to you, Satan is the father of the lie, so I deserve to be destroyed by Jah, I don't deserve to have your love, I'm a horrible sinner", etc.

    We let the elders read her letter, and yet, in order to shift the blame to us, they said we were to blame for her death, we were too strict as parents, it was just pure slander. I don't know how they sleep at night knowing they came to our house while we were out of town, talked to her alone about her relationship with an unbaptized brother, and threatened to remove her as a pioneer and disfellowship her...then the next day she commited suicide in her car in our garage. But somehow it was our fault. It still amazes me how quickly everyone turned on us once we started questioning the elder's part in her death, and the tremendous pressure to lead a double life like most of the other young people in this area. I was very side tracked by the fact that so many parents new what their kids where doing, and many times lied for them and tried to shield them from the elders. Of course now that's just a moot point, they were just reacting to a ridiculous religion full of unrealistic, unnecessary rules and control. But we made a lot of parents feel very guilty, and that's when their compassion for us ended.

    It's worth it to me to drudge up these painful feelings if someone lurking out there reads this and it moves them to seriously research their beliefs and the organization's history of legalism and control. What does unconditional love really mean???

  • Windchaser

    Dearest Dazzling! (((((((((((((((Dazed)))))))))))))) (I've missed you very much!)

    While I think your idea about writing to the kh is a noble one, I wonder if the bastards would give her these cards. Maybe there is some other way.

  • waiting

    My dear Sabine - and I mean that honestly,

    Quote: We let the elders read her letter, and yet, in order to shift the blame to us, they said we were to blame for her death, we were too strict as parents, it was just pure slander. I don't know how they sleep at night knowing they came to our house while we were out of town, talked to her alone about her relationship with an unbaptized brother, and threatened to remove her as a pioneer and disfellowship her...then the next day she commited suicide in her car in our garage. But somehow it was our fault. It still amazes me how quickly everyone turned on us once we started questioning the elder's part in her death, - sabine.

    I would think the bold statements speak for themselves. The elders might have moved to aggressively against a young, possible worldly naive girl - without the permission of her parents while she still lived in your house. It's odd that a father can be removed as an elder if a grown child lives at home and is not "living with christian principles" - but they can question that same grown child in the parents' house without notification.

    So "to shift blame" from their irresponsibility to then became "too strict". Lol, and it was your daughter who was the Christian Pioneer. Given different circumstance, she would have been at the next Circuit Assembly encouraging other children to follow her spiritual lead......and thousands would have applauded her.

    It's such a gift that you and your family have found a sort of peace - congratulations.

    Btw, I know of several other suicides of children who grew up in the Truth - and chose to kill themselves rather than be df'd. I would think a lot of us do. We had a thread on this within the last year. So terribly sad - but not spoken about in the congregation because it's "not upbuilding to our brothers and sisters." The purposeful killing of children usual isn't upbuilding, now is it.


  • LyinEyes

    My dearest Sabine..... my heart hurts for you right now, and that boys family. My mom commited suidice, when I was 18, she was awitness for over 15 yrs. She and dad had troubles in the marriage and she chose to turn to pain pills to numb her emotional pain. The elders knew all about her many stays in rehab to get off the pills many times thru out many years. It was keep quiet , so dad could stay an elder. He ran the show in the congregation and had alot of money. So of course they pushed her problems under the rug, so to speak, and my dad was a big part of her problem. The last year of their marriage , she got worse, always stoned out of her mind, at meetings,. she would stumble around like she was drunk, she feel asleep in her food.I was very embarrassed of it all. This went on for years before it got this bad. Anyway, my dad was a big time business man and was always perfect in everything he ever did, my mom was nothing but a shell of a person by now. Dad started cheating on her with a much younger sister, the sister was only 8 yrs older than me. He did all of this while she was in rehab for the last time. Well she started smoking, as alot of ex addicts do, and got a letter in the mail that she had been d/f. It took them a little longer to get my dad and his g/f,, he knew how to keep them off for awhile but he got d/f too . Mom married a man she just met right out of the drug rehab himself. She was finally starting to come back to life, she was beginning to be the bright funny loving mother that I remember so long ago and I loved being with her. Four months later after she was d/f , she jumped from a bridge into the dark water to end her life. She knew she could not swim, so I am sure it was a way to her to do it and do it right. She could have gave everyone a scare by doing more pills , she did that many times, I think half hearted attempted suicide attempts and then she did it by just accidently taking too much.. No one came to her funeral, no flowers, no cards, no one would do her funeral , because she was d/f. My husband and I were still at that time faithful active witnesses. No one came for either us.... It wasnt until I left the borg , that I started to realize that the religion , the cult, had alot to do with her choice to end her life. We had a conversation a few days before she died , and she said she might go back , i was encouraging her to go back to JW. She said but she couldnt , she had committed the unforgiveable sin. I said no you didnt , you just got into some problems and made some mistakes. She said, well I sinned and I know I sinned and I thought if you do that there is no hope for you. I told her , we all know what we are doing when we sin, sometimes we just get caught up into something with out thinking it out. She was standing , in the kitchen cutting carrots, and stopped and looked at me and said ... hummm really? and just smilied. She was so ate up with quilt over what she did with her life, all the years wasted and how she treated my sister and me, and how she lost the man she loved since she was a child. She had lost her home, I just was married, so i guess she lost me in away too, she lost her religion, she stilled beleived it, she lost hope . I was shocked when I called her one day and she was not there. I knew something bad must have happened to her. I was there when they pulled her out of the river , but far away as to not see clearly(thank God). I know now that she was so ate up with guilt that she ended her life, and I blame the JW cult for making people choose death over life. I blame them for the years and years they ignored her pleads for help. They would have rather kept my dad an elder , than to address her problems. I am sure they are bloodguilty for her death. I just cant stand to hear all the horror stories of all the lives lost because of the JW cult. I will never get over losing my mother, and I wanted to telll you Sabine, losing a child must be so much worse. I am the mother of 3 and I cant think of any harder thing to go thru. My thoughts will be with you and your family . I would pray for you , but right now , I dont feel I am even being heard.. I am trying to work on that.. Please feel free to email, it is open in my profile, anytime you need to talk, I also have a cell phone and can talk unlimited on it after 8 pm and weekends!!!! Let me know if you want me to call you, it wont cost me a dime.. I love it..... I always enjoy meeting new friends. I agree about sending a card to the sister whose son died.. I am sure she will probably have her own congregation try to ignore the whole thing. Sorry this was so long, but I thought it might help to know that there are many of us who have lost our family by suicide , due to that cult... LyinEyes(Dede)

  • Sabine

    Thank you so much for sharing your story LyinEyes, and all of you that shared your painful memories of losing someone to suicide.

    Suicide is such a horrible way to lose someone, I always said if my daughter had died of cancer or in a traffic accident, it would be hard, but not as hard as having to tell people "my daughter killed herself". When people first meet me or see me with my son they always ask if I have any other children. It's painful, but I can't act like she never existed, I usually say yes I had an older daughter, then most people will ask how she died. I now feel I can honor her life by telling people what a wonderful person she was AND how blindly following a religious cult cost us her life. Heck, I spent so many years pioneering for that stinkin religion, now I put in many hours "anti-witnessing". Ha!


    For providing a public forum to voice the atrocities committed by "god's spirit directed organization". I'm so glad that this young man's story was read by almost 1,000 people, hopefully he and my daughter didn't die in vain.

  • crawdad2

    (((((Lyin Eyes))))) ........omg!!!

    Edited by - crawdad2 on 15 June 2002 14:24:1

  • Simon

    I'm sorry that this is all I can do Sabine.

    Thanks for posting the story - it is difficult to comment on because it is just so 'aweful'. I can't imagine how the people close to the victims must feel and can't really offer any suitable words for comfort as nothing would really say how it makes me feel other than "what a terrible waste!"

  • Windchaser

    (((((((((((Lyin)))))))))) My heart hurts so much hearing these things. I lost my son to leukimia, the worst pain (I thought) I would ever experience. But, Sabine is right. If he had committed suicide because of this cruel religion and I had gone through the bs they put her through afterward, it would have hurt even more.

    People kinda shuffle their feet and look like they don't want to talk about it when I've been asked about my children. How can I omit my sweet son, who was truly the best person I have ever known? Even telling them that he died of cancer puts them off. Sabine, YES, telling them what caused your daughter to take her life is the best thing you can do for them and it honors her memory. (((((((((Sabine))))))))

    Love you both...

  • joelbear

    Dear Sabine,

    First, I am so sorry that you lost your daughter. I am also sorry that another mother somewhere is mourning today.

    I myself have battled suicidal tendencies for years.

    Disfellowshipping is a horrible thing and the elders that participate in it will be judged for their actions. Disfellowshipping does not take into account the whole person, their experiences, emotions, mental problems, on and on and on. Three men sitting in a room simply cannot judge someone. Only God can do that. This is the worst form of man playing God and the negative effects show it.

    hugs to you


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