by Sabine 129 Replies latest social current

  • ronin1


    I do not know where you come from or how your brain thinks.

    But if you can speak so callously of those who have committed suicide that were JW's ( and by personal experience many feel very bad for get DF'D-to the point of wanting to die) you need to get off this post and post elsewhere, say like the Watchtower's post.

    Your comments are dispicable and hurtful.

    Go rethink yourself.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    To sf, et al -

    For what it is worth, I verified the story with a call to the Snohomish County Police. This being the weekend, the officer in charge of the case was not available. A search of Seattle and Everett area newspapers (Times, PI, Eastside Journal, Weekly, Herald) turned up no hits for the story, nor are there any obit listings that might match this fellow. I have no personal connection to this case.

  • waiting

    thanks Nathan.

  • Sabine


    I just thought you would be relieved to know the elders in my area never dropped the ball. The day after my daughter's memorial service they came promptly to visit me. For what reason? First and of upmost collect her pioneer card. And, to encourage me to get back out in service as soon as possible and not neglect my return visits. Of course since my daughter often accompanied me out in service (we were both regular pioneers), explaining her absence would be just the thing I needed at that time.

    Don't go changin, YouKnow, reading your posts is a great constant reminder of how jws check their love and compassion at the door. Some jw friends that still talk to me are constantly blaming how I was treated to being in an unusually unloving area, they are sure things would have been handled differently in their congregation. You are a great example of the unity that exists.

    It must be wonderful to be cloaked in the self assurance of being 100% right while others lie dying and bleeding in the gutter. No wonder you all are so looking forward to god's great day of fury, when all the weak ones will be permanently out of your way. Notice I said weak? I remember a WT article that tried to explain why god didn't put David to death after his sins of adultery and murder, but promptly put Ananias and Sapphira to death for lying about the money. It said god could judge between a weak person and an evil person...apparently there has been new light...cause all jws seem to be able to judge those that are evil as opposed to weak.

  • cellomould

    You Know,

    You too have battled with depression. It's not something you just 'get over'; I think you understand that. Could that be why you are posting here? Sharing your experiences would be a lot more effective than sharing your judgements.


    Edited by - cellomould on 15 June 2002 22:17:16

  • crawdad2

    hi sabine.......... @#$#@>>>>>>>>>>>&*&^%.....!!!,,,.................. i mean, ,,,,,,,//////////.......

    sabine,......... he murdered your daughter, and he got away with it so far...,,,,,,i'll bet she begged him not to disfellowship her............ i'll bet she was crying so loud,,,,/,,,,,,,, meanwhile he was telling her she was going to die, if he disfellowshipped her........cause if armageddon comes while you are die.....

    Edited by - crawdad2 on 15 June 2002 23:31:6

  • Sabine

    It's okay crawdad!! If you knew the life that poor son of a gun leads. Some fates ARE worst than death. He is just such a poor, pathetic human being. Also, he has had horrible tragedy in his own family, with one of his sons (before my daughter's death). That's whats so ironic about it, he should have been in a position, of all people, to know what it's like to have a kid you thought was doing GREAT in the truth, sink to the depths of depression and put their life in terrible danger. It's called transfering HIS horrible guilt to me, textbook case of denial.

    I have genuinely let go of most of my anger on this. It's just not healthy for me, and I have a wonderful son and husband still in my life that I want to shower with all the unconditional love I can muster. I think among other well is the best revenge. Every day I get to be in my house in Hawaii, on the beach, enjoying the splendid beauty there, I look up and say I love you to my daughter. I only had her for 21 years, but crawdad, many, many people have lost young children and babies. I wouldn't trade a day I got to be with her. I know how angry this makes you my friend, and I appreciate that. I think they will get what they have coming in the end...and if not, at least I have the satisfaction of knowing they weren't able to take away the joyful memories I enjoy of my daughter!!

    I hope we can meet sometime ((((crawdad)))), you are some character.....takes one to know one!

  • JT

    Once again as if by intention we can always count on the poster who "Claim" to be jw to come thru right on time.

    personally i don't know if YK and Fred are even jw, but they do whether intentionally or not provide a look at the type of mindset that the wt produces within it's members.

    how many times did we hear somone say, i just lost an Uncle and the jw would always ask

    was he a bro - always the streak of selfishness coming to the fore.

    it is only by means of getting a jw to speak or post can one see just how warped the mindset is of those involved in High Control groups like the jw

    once again i thank yk and fred for allowing us to see they type of men and women who are behind the smiling faces we see on sat morning


  • Mulan

    Thank you Sabine for sharing your story with this board.

    For those who haven't talked to Mak and Sabine (we have spent several evenings together), I thought one thing should be clarified. Their daughter had done nothing to be disfellowshipped for............but the elders put that fear in her, if she were to disobey them. She liked a young man, who was not baptized, who was attending meetings at another congregation. Since she was a regular pioneer, she had to be exemplary, and dating an unbaptized person didn't fit that profile. They threatened to remover her as a pioneer, and she had pioneered for several years, and loved it. I believe it was her "identity" so to speak. The young man was not a good association for her, and she had told her family she was going to break it off with him, and hadn't yet. (that was her lie to her parents)

    It is such a tragedy, that she felt so despondent and such a sinner, over something so minor. It truly is a destructive cult.

    Hope you don't mind my telling those details Sabine. I thought it needed to be clear that this was a very moral, fine young woman, not a closet sinner.

  • Princess

    Interesting how some blame it on being in an unloving area Sabine. I heard the same thing regarding Lynnwood when we left. Someone told me that any other congo but Lynnwood would have treated us better. They are all the same. The person who told me that has since seen the light and left after her sister was treated VERY badly by the elders and the rest of the gang.

    I also agree with your comments to You Know. If his heart ever grew to normal size, we might just forget how totally unloving they all are. I am loving the fact that dubs are now put in the position of defending the bloodguilty and pedophiles.

    As soon as this crazy weekend is over I am going to sit down and forward a lot of this information to the local newsstations. It needs the media attention.


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