An important message from a PRACTICING Jehovah's witness

by Sparks 159 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparks

    Hi, I am also a practicing Jehovah's witness and very proud of it,to say the very-very least..! I am a middle-aged man with many decades of being a witness of Jehovah God in England.

    This important letter is personally to YOU, just as many of the Bible's 88 letters are to be taken personal by YOU the reader. I am writing to you to urge you to take stock of your life, think what your future holds for you. And mainly to urge you to return home to your Heavenly father as a Prodigal son or daughter.

    I will not water-down the Truth or my views,as most of you on this web-site are intelligent people and do not water-down your harsh view of Jehovah's witnesses.I am writing from the deepest part of my heart and do not wish to offend any of you, or indeed upset you. I am also writing "man-to-man".If you stop reading this letter, you are either a coward, or full of hate for Jehovah or His people, or just plain stupid and just enjoy reading posts where others are just fueling your excuses to not return to Jehovah as a prodigal son or daughter.I'm sorry if that sounds a bit harsh,but the people on this site are just as harsh against Jehovah's earthly Organization.

    Because most of you have very sadly been diss-fellowshiped or have left the Truth due to being stumbled or due to disagreeing with some-one or something to do with the Organization or it's teachings etc.. you therefore have a knowledge of the Truth, which maybe either a deep understanding or a basic knowledge of the an ex-Elder, pioneer,publisher or a Bible study.

    This means you know from the Bible, (and deep in your heart), that if you die, you will return to the dust,just like Adam and Eve did. When Jehovah sentenced Adam and Eve to death,He said they would return to the dust.He did not say they would go to a place called "Hell" and be tormented for eternity. Death is being in the state you was before you were pitch black.No feelings.No sound. NOTHING.

    If you try to think back to before you was born, you can not remember the Dinosaurs,The Egyptians,Romans or The Second World war etc... it's just a silent-black, nothiness. And this is the state you are heading for, if you continue on your present course.

    Your Heavenly father Jehovah is a God of intense love: to help you see this,try to imagine you are planning to have a baby and want to decorate and furnish a nursery for your unborn child,whom you already love and cherish deep in your heart. Obviously you will pay as much as you can afford to make the nursery as cosy and beautiful as you can, which will express your love.

    Well this is exactly what Jehovah did for YOU. He and His son Jesus Christ carefully designed and decorated this Earth for you. They gave you a nose to smell things;with billions of wonderful smells from flowers and perfumes to fruits and freshly baked bread.You was also given 3D vision with billions of different colored flowers,sunsets etc... A sense of taste and wonderful flavours, from chocolate to wine and other drinks. You was given nuts,fruit and vegetables etc..etc .. to enjoy food either cold or cooked;you are not like cows and sheep that only taste grass. You was given a sense of touch to enjoy different textures from fur to silk and satin etc.. plus many many other things for you to enjoy your life in your earthly home. These things are just a small fraction of the things Jehovah gave you.

    Now imagine for example, that you came into a few million dollars or pounds. After buying your dream -house,car and Yacht etc.. you decided to design and build a robot to do all the chores around the house and garden that you loath,like the washing-up,cleaning the toilet,changing baby's nappies [ diapers],pulling weeds out of the garden etc..etc.. would you give your robot the ability to enjoy stereo music,taste food,enjoy smells,fall in love, and would you think of making your robot able to enjoy dancing,swimming and would you give your robot a free will and intelligence...?

    Honest people would answer; "No; and to be quiet honest Sparks,I wouldn't have even thought of it... and I definitely would not give my robot a free will..., just incase it refused to work one day...! "

    Jehovah and Jesus designed you to enjoy ecstatic happiness on this earth for ever, [ If Adam and Eve wouldn't have taken sides against Jehovah God,they would still be alive today].Apart from giving all humans a free will to make choices,

    Jehovah also gave you spiritual things like intelligence,love and feelings etc.. plus the ability to enjoy sex and re-producing children that are like you and your spouse. Only a person with a heart like a cold piece of stone wouldn't be moved to thank Jehovah God for being born and being given all those free gifts......

    You may now honestly say: " Yes,I agree with you that God has given humans a wonderful home and many wonderful things to enjoy life Sparks,but what proof have you got that The Jehovah's witnesses are God's people and have the truth?"

    1. Almighty God's name is Jehovah,the God of Abraham. Which is a well known fact. Jehovah's people carry His name:

    ( Isaiah 43:10,Psalms 146:5-6)

    2.Jehovah's witnesses sanctify or "hallow" God's name.Lord's prayer: (Matthew 6:9 ).

    3.Jehovah's witnesses are hated by all nations on account of God's name:( Matthew 24:9)

    4.Jehovah's witnesses do not go to war or take-up weapons:(Matthew 26:52)

    5. Jehovah's witnesses believe and follow all the Bible.They do not pick and choose scriptures to suit themselves.They do not add to the Bible or add made-up words like Crucifixion,Trinity,Ghost, Purgatory etc..

    6.Jehovah's witnesses preach The Good News of The Kingdom world-wide: ( Matthew 24:14) and to all races,colours,religions etc.. They fully understand what God's Kingdom is, a Government and Jesus reigning as King since 1914.

    7. Jehovah's people do not practice false or pagan teachings such as Christmas,Easter,The cross,Hell fire torment,and that all good people go to heaven.

    8.God's people do not smoke,swear,lie,steal,fornicate, drink-eat blood,use violence,gamble,get drunk or follow the world.

    9.Jehovah's witnesses do not get involved with politics.They are no part of this world:(John 17:16)

    10. The Jehovah's witnesses are the only religion to understand all the Bibles books and prophesies and visions in infinite detail from Genesis 3:15 to Revelation 22:19

    Obviously there are many-many other ways to identify the true religion,but the best way to find-out, is to study the Bible with the JWs.

    I'm deeply sorry if you have been stumbled by some-one inside the congregation. I myself have been stumbled in the past. If you have studied the Bible over some time, you will know that Jesus gave an illustration about the weeds; Matthew 13:24-30 This illustration is talking about people inside the congregation that call themselves "Jehovah's witnesses" but are really imposters,even if they are baptized.Some elders are also weeds or "rocks hidden below the water"Jude verse 12. If you carefully read these scriptures you will see that these imposters are "planted" in the congregation by Satan the devil.

    They are left inside the congregation until the "harvest" when they are ripped-out and tossed in to the fire. Jehovah may leave these weeds inside the congregation for a long time until the "harvest" or Armageddon. Bad elders are likened to rocks hidden below the water, because they "sink" boats [ brothers & sisters] in the congregation where they are drownd by Satan's world. These bad elders may also stay in the congregation until the end of this system of things. Jehovah leaves them in the congregation so you have the opportunity to stand-firm against Satan's tests like Jesus did in the wilderness; Matthew 4:1-12.

    If you have been stumbled by either a weed or a rock under the water, then you failed the tests against you. This is nothing to be ashamed of,because "We all stumble MANY times" James 3:2, none of us are perfect. Even the Apostle Paul,an anointed Christian, had to fight constantly against his imperfection.

    Maybe you was stumbled by this web-site or other anti-JW web-sites,or by some-one that states that the Watch Tower and Bible Society keeps changing it's teachings etc.. But have you really looked into these accusations yourself or have you just accepted what non-believers tell you. Yes, it is true that The Organization has made mistakes. Take for example that, way back when the early Jehovah's witnesses started in America,[ then called "Bible Students"] they celebrated Christmas in the Bethel and they wore a metal Cross and Crown emblem badge.But these things were cut out as their knowledge of the Truth increased. This is another thing which makes Jehovah's witnesses unique from other religions,they openly admit mistakes.

    Through-out their history, the Organization of Jehovah's witnesses have made radical re-adjustments to their teachings and beliefs.This is freely and loudly admitted by the Governing body. In fact,this very month ( August 2014) a new book was released at all the world-wide " Keep Seeking First God's Kingdom" Conventions. This new book states clearly and openly with pictures that our teachings and beliefs have changed over the years. Many-many books and Watch Towers have stated that adjustments have been made.One Watch Tower back in the 1980s gave the illustration that; "the Organization is like a Yacht which has to tack to reach it destination or goal ". Many JW publications use the scripture in Proverbs 4:18 "But the path of righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established" [ the day here meaning the end of this system of things]. In other words, the Organization is like a train passing through a tunnel with the light at the end of the tunnel getting brighter. If you have a good knowledge of the bible,you will know that the early Christians also had to make changes; many were Jews before becoming a Christian so thought they should carry-on circumcision and not eat pig [pork]. Jesus also made changes like the abolishing of the ten commandments etc... The Bible students of Jehovah like the Jews still held-on to former Christian teachings like the cross,Christmas etc..

    Some outsiders have stated that some Jehovah's witnesses said the world would end in 1975. Again this is true. I was in Chelsea congregation,London in 1974.A rumor was going around that one of the Governing body gave a talk in America heavily suggesting or advocating that this world COULD end in 1975 based on a calculation of years between Adam and Eves creation.The talk was on a cassette tape being passed around. I listened to the tape and heard the brother say that "MAYBE" or "POSSIBLY" the world COULD end in 1975. However, no book,tract,brochure,Watch Tower or Awake! magazine has EVER stated the world will end in 1975, that's impossible because nowhere in the Bible does it give a date for Armageddon,either in numbers 1975 or in nineteen seventy five. All JW books and other publications back-up each teaching with scriptures,so it was impossible to say this. And all the millions of witnesses world-wide,would have been out raged, of course. All the Jehovah's witness publications can be read on-line at JW.ORG or on the JW library CD ROM.

    The Watch Towers and books have always quoted from the Bible: "For YOU your-selves know that Jehovah's day is coming exactly as a thief in the night" (1 Thessalonians 5:2) plus: "Concerning that day and hour NOBODY knows,neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son,but only the Father" ( Matthew 24:36).So it is impossible for the Governing Body in The Watch Tower to print any year in which the end is to come, and obviously they never have; and if any-one ever tells you it was printed in a Jehovah's witness publication,ask them to show you..! The truth of the matter is, Apostates are LIARS like their god Satan the devil. And if you believe them,you are being mislead by Satan the devil, just like Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden.

    Adam and Eve were perfect, with a full brain capacity[ We only have about 5% or less]. Obviously,all that Satan said to Eve couldn't be recorded in the Bible, as with Jesus' words, otherwise the Bible would take-up many volumes. So Eve was not fooled by Satan in just a few words as recorded in Genesis,it probably took him months, or even years, of hard work to convince her to go her own way and reject Jehovah.

    Did you know that a huge majority of the members on this web-site have been on here for many years,some over 13 years now? Many spends hours DAILY writing posts and following threads etc.. Take a look at the members list.

    Why do you suppose these people spend so long writing things against the Jehovah's witnesses and The Organization..? Obviously,many are trying to convince themselves, and others, including YOU, that the Jehovah's witnesses are not the true religion. This is like some-one spending hours daily for weeks,months and years,even a decade saying they hate homosexuals..! You don't have to be a physiatrist to work out that they are trying to convince themselves they are not homosexual or have those tendencies. It's like some-one leaving a tennis club after having a row or fight with a member,then going on FaceBook for hours,days,weeks,months,years moaning and running down all the members and the owner. Normal people don't do that. Meaning the people spending their life on this web-site running down Jehovah's witnesses have a serious problem facing-up to the truth.

    If you don't like some-one, you speak to others like your self who also don't like that person.You do not speak to your enemies friends about them. This is why most of the members on this web-site joined here... to gang-up against Jehovah's witnesses. However, like on FaceBook,you may think you have many friends here.But are they really friends if you've never met them in the flesh? Are they really good friends if they encourage you to be hateful towards people that love God and His son Jesus Christ..? these Christian people fear God and do not steal,adulterate,gamble,beat their wives and kill other religions or countries on the battle field. The vast majority of Jehovah's witnesses are peace loving people that really care for their fellow humans, what-ever their back-ground,race,colour or religion. These are real flesh and blood people like you,not faceless electronic cyber buddies on a web-page.

    If you want to see how friendly they really are,try sending them all a personal message asking them to loan you $10 [ £5] for a week or two....! yes,that's right, you have no chance of even getting a single penny out of them. These people are like cats.. they purrrr when you stroke them [ say all the right things] but will turn on you in the wink of an eye if you brush them-up the wrong way.

    The truth of the matter is,these people don't love you.Where-as most of the witnesses you knew did, and some still love you. And more importantly, Jehovah and His Son Jesus, love you and is begging you to return home.The story of the Prodigal son in the Bible was written for YOU. Why not watch a full length movie called " The Prodigal Returns" on JW.ORG which was made for brothers and sisters like you.

    Many of the members on this site are homosexual,(male and female)that just wanted to do their own thing, and not be answerable to God. Many other members are very worldly, with no regard for the ten commandments and other Bible standards,some are drunkards,drug users,liars and do not love or even believe there is a God in heaven.They are on the wide road leading off into destruction.Most are even laughing at these words of mine and at Jesus's words at Matthew7:13,these are goats that go off into everlasting destruction...

    Time is running out,for YOU and this evil world of Satan's,and believe me,Satan is gong to take down as many with him as he can.Satan's jealous of us humans because we have an opportunity to live forever on a paradise earth,where-as his grave is dug and waiting for him and his evil buddies.

    If you were stumbled by a weed in the congregation,or even by a rock under the water,why don't you move to another congregation,this worked for me and my wife.We was welcomed back with open arms by all the congregation and they just did not want to know why we left our old congregation. In the Revelation Climax book, you may remember that Jesus spoke to John in a vision saying how not all congregation are spiritual, that also applies to modern day congregations. Okay,so you was stumbled,so what..! We all stumble, even as many Bible characters were stumbled. Would you trip over some-thing and lay on the ground and just never get up again? Of course you wouldn't,so why not stand-up and do yourself a favor.

    Think about this; A man comes home from work and says to his wife: " I'm leaving you because I had a disagreement with one of my workmates today."

    Isn't that really like you leaving your loving heavenly Father Jehovah just because you fell out with one of the witnesses?

    Us humans say: "I may forgive him or her,but I'll never forget..!" Where-as, Jehovah your heavenly father not only forgives,but He also forgets. When you finish reading this personal letter to you, dear brother or sister,please think about the way Jehovah God and His Son furnished this earth for You and gave you all those gifts like,smell,taste,touch,intelligence,free will,sex,the ability to reproduce and the chance to live in paradise forever.And most importantly,Jehovah God gave His beloved son Jesus as a ransom,and Jesus gave his life for YOU so you can take sides with Jehovah and against Satan and live forever in perfect health and exquisite happiness.

    We all make mistakes;I'm in my 60s and if I had a penny for all my mistakes,I would be a very rich man now..! Please don't lie to your self,If you know you have made a mistake,then stop denying the truth to yourself,return to those that really love you. Like Jehovah,we really care for you.

    With affectionate Christian love to those prodigal son's and daughters returning to your heavenly Father Jehovah and our King Jesus.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    If you stop reading this letter, you are either a coward, or full of hate for Jehovah or His people, or just plain stupid and just enjoy reading posts where others are just fueling your excuses to not return to Jehovah

    Yes, you are definitely an active JW: Judgmental, critical, condemning, working from a position of total ignorance.

    Tell me: what credibility do you have in telling us to return to and listen to WT, "god's organization"?

    YOU don't even follow the Governing Body's explicit counsel to avoid "apostate" websites.

    Why should we obey the GB when you, an active JW, do not??


  • Paris

    Holy Cow - I need a cup of coffee - I will get back to this - Where to begin ? Sparks if you contiune in your present course, you will have wasted your life and you will make Jesus very sad. Please do me the courtesy of reading my reply, which I will try to keep short and simple and address every one of the 10 points you have listed. I hope you are as honest a man as you claim you are. I need a minute here, don't go away. You are doing the right thing by coming here, count the time. I need to catch my breath and compose myself.

  • blondie
  • LostGeneration

    A saying about not nourishing little men who live under bridges comes to mind.

    Don't waste your time people.

  • wizzstick

    but what proof have you got that The Jehovah's witnesses are God's people and have the truth?"

    Ok - let's go!

    1. Almighty God's name is Jehovah,the God of Abraham. Which is a well known fact.

    No it is not. Jehovah is a hybrid word. A mixture of the tetrgrammartron and adonai. Yahweh is the closest.

    2.Jehovah's witnesses sanctify or "hallow" God's name.Lord's prayer: (Matthew 6:9 ).

    Jehovahs Witnesses are not known for sanctifying God's name. They are known for child abuse cases, blood transfusions and calling on doors with magazines highlighting a variety of false dates, 1914 being the longest running one of all.

    3.Jehovah's witnesses are hated by all nations on account of God's name:( Matthew 24:9)

    The only thing that gets on peoples tits is being woken up on Saturday morning with invites to go to a website. Don't delude yourself with this hated by the nations crap. Seriously, you're not ISIS or Al Queda.

    4.Jehovah's witnesses do not go to war or take-up weapons:(Matthew 26:52)

    True, as with a number of Christian groups. You are NOT unique!

    5. Jehovah's witnesses believe and follow all the Bible.They do not pick and choose scriptures to suit themselves.They do not add to the Bible or add made-up words like Crucifixion,Trinity,Ghost, Purgatory etc..

    They add made up words like Jehovah, they remove Christ as the mediator for most JW's, the make up doctrines such as a Generation being made up of two overlapping groups...and so on and so on...

    6.Jehovah's witnesses preach The Good News of The Kingdom world-wide: ( Matthew 24:14) and to all races,colours,religions etc.. They fully understand what God's Kingdom is, a Government and Jesus reigning as King since 1914.

    They preach their interpretation, based on a date that comes from 607 which is a fantasy date as Jerusalem fell in 587.

    7. Jehovah's people do not practice false or pagan teachings such as Christmas,Easter,The cross,Hell fire torment,and that all good people go to heaven.

    They wear wedding rings and have weddings choca bloc with pagan practices, they use the names of the days of the week (all pagan), can have Pinata's at parties (also pagan...)

    8.God's people do not smoke,swear,lie,steal,fornicate, drink-eat blood,use violence,gamble,get drunk or follow the world.

    Yes they do. They, may get away with it, they may get reproved, and some may get DF'd but these things do happen. As for child abuses....

    9.Jehovah's witnesses do not get involved with politics.They are no part of this world:(John 17:16)

    Google JW's and UN NGO or OSCE.

    10. The Jehovah's witnesses are the only religion to understand all the Bibles books and prophesies and visions in infinite detail from Genesis 3:15 to Revelation 22:19

    No they don't. They just have a never ending carousel of New Light when old predictions run out of time.

    Proverbs 4:18 "But the path of righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established" [ the day here meaning the end of this system of things].

    See - that's what I mean. There is no evidence that the day here means the end of this system of things. It's just simply made up to explain away changes of belief.

    Read what this poster here wrote - he certainly spoke more sense that you do:

    Oh wait...that was you.

    Whatever guilt trip you are on, start reading and stop wasting your life away.

  • Calebs Airplane
  • baltar447

    Lol! The bible being your authority? I'll pass on that book from canannite goat herders.

  • sparky1

    "Think about this; a man comes home from work and says to his wife: 'I'm leaving you because I had a disagreement with one of my workmates today.' Isn't that really like you leaving your loving heavenly Father Jehovah just because you fell out with one of the witnesses." That is the STUPIDIST thing that I have heard within the last hour. In order for your simplistic, juvenile example to have any credence, THE MANS WIFE WOULD ALSO HAVE TO BE HIS BOSS OR THE OWNER OF THE COMPANY WHERE HE WORKS!!!!!

  • baltar447

    Hey he got 3 hours of his time writing that..

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