An important message from a PRACTICING Jehovah's witness

by Sparks 159 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert222

    OMG - agree with another commenter here...I bet that guy counted at least 3 hrs of time for his little timesheet to the KH. Good for him, JWs beliefs are from the old testament for the rank and file, they are Jews using the name Jehovah, with the annointed in the New Testament using "father" and they are now the new group to be worshipped by the rank and file. The Governing Body has replaced Jesus. The book of revelation is filled with fantasy and visions, yet 144,000 is a real number. Only a selected group go to heaven while the annointed group increases every year at each memorial. There religion is floundering, after 100 yrs of faked end dates, it is time their own end date becomes a reality.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    One of the SIX reasons we KNOW WE HAVE THE TRUTH:

    *The number of annointed partaking go down each year....

  • factfinder


    Jehovah's Witnesses are not "Jews", the Jewish religion is far different than jws or any form of christianity.

  • BluePill2

    DesirousofChange: No I didn't read the wall of text. Folks, its pretty simple: a) he is a troll b) he is "sincere" and just turned into an apostate by posting here. Case solved. Either one is good to me. Have a nice Sunday. Enjoy it before you join the dinosaurs (looking forward to that!).

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Silly and childishly arrogant to think 'my religion is right' and all the others are wrong.

    It's like saying my nation is right and others are wrong, that you must belong to my culture to be saved, that you must speak my language to be a true human being.

    Childish petulance and arrogance is insistence that one's religion alone is necessary for 'salvation' and you must return to it.

    This barbaric and pig-ignorant attitude is what's driving ISIS to massacre 'apostates' in the Middle East.

  • SAHS

    I’m wondering if our Mr. “Sparks” had started to “fall away” from his JW beliefs for a time, then began feeling guilty and anxious about it, and then had some change of heart wherein he felt that he should return to the WTS to become “approved” so as to escape that non-existent state of death which he referred to. It almost sounds to me like he’s somehow making a rather pathetic attempt to ease his own guilty conscience, as he sees it, and redeem himself by making some show of affinity and allegence to what he says is God’s true organization. (Although, I would wonder if even Mr. “Sparks” himself actually believes, deep in the logical part of his noodle, what he is now spewing out to us.)

    All well. At least, if nothing else, he has in reality just ended up shooting himself in the foot, as he has really just laid out for everyone how ridiculous and nonsensical it is to devote oneself to such an obviously man-made, power-hungry, and self-serving outfit as the WTS. (That is, of course, assuming that he’s not just playing with us. Either way, he’s certainly getting under my skin.) All in all, I believe that this “Sparks” fellow has, albeit unwittingly, done us all a favour!

  • 4thgen

    So how much time did you get in by typing that? Didn't you want to stand by the trolley?

  • Finkelstein

    I’m wondering if our Mr. “Sparks” had started to “fall away” from his JW beliefs for a time, then began feeling guilty and anxious about it, and then had some change of heart wherein he felt that he should return to the WTS to become “approved”

    Have weighed in on that as well SAHS but I'll stand on his original intent was a expressive piece of satire.,

    to create a point of just how corruptly JWS are brainwashed and exploited by the Watchtower Corporation.


    Then again I've known many JWs to be a mentally and emotionally unstable.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Enough already, move on.


    Sparks please let your body of elders know that you posted on this site so that you can experience the full force of the loving concern that they will show you.

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