If you don't believe in God, Jesus, and everything in the Bible, you are willfully ignorant.

by defender of truth 104 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • opusdei1972

    BackseatDevil The problem emerges when religious organizations like the Watchtower use the tales of the Old Testament, to justify mind control over thousands of people.

  • designs

    why are the God of the Bible and his kid so pissed all the time....

  • givemejustalittlemoretime

    You are wrong they are not pissed.Theones who have been set free form religon and the churches and recognise the living Christ within them, are free from the enslavement by man, while those who choose not to accept the living messiah in them are ensalved to the world

  • Crazyguy

    There are so many contradictions in the bible and so many mistakes that only Ignorant believe it, not to mention all the parallels with ancient pagan god beliefs!!!!!!!

  • Finkelstein

    My own personal perspective (theory) of the Exodus of the Hebrews is that the Egyptians captured some Canaanites (polytheists) as slaves to use in building of

    the Pyramids at the time.

    While these Canaanites were there in Egypt they witnessed the power and singular relevance the Pharaohs had of that civilization.

    When they were finally released and made their way back to the land of Caan, there they told their story of how these people (Egyptians)

    worshiped a singular demigod of sorts namely a Pharaoh.

    From that event perhaps the Canaanites eventually moved from a polytheistic (many) form of worship to a more monotheistic style, a singular style toward YHWH.

    YHWH of armies was one of the (major) gods worshiped by the Canaanites.


    Nevertheless the writings in the bible contravene particular events or these events never happened as they were told/written, strengthening the assertion that they

    were stories told to bring a semblance of security by empowering their own god(s) out of wanting necessity.

  • designs

    givey- you didn't read the verse quoted then did you :D

  • Mikado

    isnt it funny, the arrogance of people preaching turns my stomach now...I am so ashamed of what I was....

    when I was a child, I thought as a child.

    now I am an adult I think as an adult.

    i do not need any book of fairy tales to tell me how to live, and listening to others pass judgement on people is stomach turning.

  • Finkelstein

    I thought the belief in gods is being willfully ignorant

    Is there not a oxymoron in that statement then ?

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It's pretty low taking a comment from a poster we have a disagreement with and starting a new thread to mock their comment (even if it is very mockable). This is the kind of gossipy, back-stabbing stuff some JW's are fond of doing in the congregation to those they don't like.

  • BackseatDevil

    @opusdei1972 Is it really... a problem? I mean, I consider it a problem when they want to force pseudoscience in schools or pass laws to regulate civility... yes, then it's a problem.

    Outside that, any toddler religion today is simply doing what religions have done for thousands of years. There is absolutely nothing the Watchtower can come up with that the Catholics have not tried and abandoned as some point in their history. None of this is new.

    So if people want to... in their personal lives... walk backwards in history, so be it. You may call it a problem, I call it "weeding."

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