The Trinity Is A False Doctrine!

by non_trias_theos 129 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • willy_think

    There is only one God "Jehovah"......... well....... oh ya........ then there is the other one, Jesus.... hum

    The Great and Powerful Oz:

    pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
  • Unclepenn1

    Dakot Red wrote> Like I said, Penn, as far as I am concerned, the false god argument is hollow and meaningless. Why? Bcause everything I read says that today we place more restrictions on the meanings of words than the men who wrote the Bible did.

    Give me one example in any time period, in any language, where something is the ONLY TRUE ______ in any category, and all others in that category are not false. You are committing a fallacy of diversion.[and I am not trying to jump all over you, I am just trying to prove a point]

    Dakota Red wrote> Additionally, I would like to know by who and by what authority was the second instance of theos god, capitalized at John 1:1. When I look to an interlinear, I see a distinct difference in theos and ho theos

    OK, Jesus is called Ho Theos in Matt 1:23, John 20:28, Hebrews 1:8. He is called almighty God in Rev 1:8, 22:13. There cannot be two firsts and two lasts. The first and last in revelation says he was dead and is alive again. Did Jehovah die?Have a look and get back to me.


  • Unclepenn1

    BTW Dakota Red, who is the Savior of the world?


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    My philosophy seems to be:
    if someone is trying to teach you something
    or get you to believe something
    and they do it by lying to you
    putting on a false face
    unsure of themselves or their own beliefs and
    having to resort to other peoples words,
    or any combination of the above...

    Whatever they say is suspect.
    "but they have the sayings of everlasting life"

  • the follower
    the follower

    No, I have never spoken to you before. And yes, I really think that.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    The title of the brochure is Should you believe in the Trinity.
    Their whole purpose of the brochure is to make you distrust the long time accepted christian belief.
    Just because your parents thought that way doesn't mean you have to, you should check things out. lips service. They then systematically tear down from every angle.
    But they misrepresent their quotations.
    Ever heard the expression...devil in the details?

    So you really think that way. That they are NOT crossing the line by using out-of-context and incomplete quotes.
    Now if I were to use these same quoting practices to show how the WT claimed that they got the latest scoops on heavenly news from angels, or how they prophesized that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the other old worthies were to reappear in the 1925 and take up residence at Beth Sarim, would that be ok if I prefaced the quotes with as recorded in the watchtower's own magazine.
    Oh right, I could just quote the whole story verbatim, hang on...

    I'm trying to figure out a way where I can see how this type of decepton could be in any way related to something called truth.

    Nevermind, I get it, its not truth, its TRUTH[tm].

  • the follower
    the follower

    My parents are not witnesses.

    Of course the purpose of the Trinity brochure is to disprove the Trinity, that "long time accepted christian belief", are you saying that they should not be allowed to challenge such a "long time accepted christian belief."?

    I do not think that the quote is out of context, and I think that all quotes are "incomplete" by virtue of the fact that some sort of decision has to be made: what to include, what not to include.

    I have read the paragraph about the princes and 1925 a few times, I still don't understand what you are saying.

  • DakotaRed
    There were times when Jesus was worshipped.

    This is a prime example of what I am saying. There is no truly equivalent English word to the Greek word most often translated as worship. Years ago, even the English word worship did not carry the restrictive sense we put on it today. In the Bible, it is applied to many besides God, even Satan, men, the beast and others.

    A Christian believes, the author of the bible is God,
    You may believe God authored it, but for two thousand years it has been man translating it. Even scholars cannot agree on the exact meaning of ancient words and often let their personal beliefs interfere with the translating, even the dubs did that.

    As to Jesus never saying he was God being debatable, that is an easy one to solve. Just show me the scripture where he plainly stated he was God. And I would also appreciate seeing what scripture used ho theos in relation to Jesus.

    But still, you are left with Jesus calling another “The Only True God.” There simply cannot be only one God, and having who you believe to be God calling another God, can there? And, you are also stuck with 1 Cor 15:27; 28. If Jesus is God, then how does he get placed under subjection to God?

    Think about it, it is really quite simple.

  • DakotaRed

    Penn, I will get back to you on Jesus allegedly being called ho theos. But, before you go off on all the trinitarian shallow arguments, why not stick to how Jesus can call another the only true God and he also be God, but there is still only one God.

    Clear that up, why don't you? Then we can address the rest.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Same as God can call Jesus God, ...Your throne Oh God

    or My Lord and My God, or better translation being The Lord* of Me and the God of Me. [this lord does not have the jehovah word inserted either, hey, can they pick & choose like that?]

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