Accusing Ex-JWs of Behaving Like JWs Should be Taboo

by cofty 447 Replies latest members private

  • sd-7

    I behave like JWs in that I do not smoke, do not get drunk, and, evidently, do not use foul language when speaking to others. I also write spiritually upbuilding literature that I share with others, such as the ongoing Bible-based magazine The Beast-Tower and its predecessor, The Breast-Tower. Despite opposition from those who would wish to silence my preaching work, I have endured. Is this not a faith-strengthening testimony to the fine benefits of divine instruction?

    Some may reason that I am like JWs as a result of the fine literature I have published. Is this necessarily the case? Well, consider the fine benefits many have gained from reading The Beast-Tower. Seth, a young Christian from England, writes: "I eagerly look forward to new issues of The Beast-Tower to help me draw closer to Jehovah. I cherish each issue and read it over and over again! This has helped me to cope with marital problems and to avoid dangers like trolling, water, and immodest dress and grooming while at home."

    Thus, we invite you to see for yourself what The Beast-Tower has to offer. Why not read an issue in your area? You will reap fine rewards if you do.


  • cofty

    Both theists and athiests have been deleted from the forum for abusive extremes - FHN

    Yes and so they should be. I am still here because I am not abusive. I attack bad ideas uncompromisingly, I don't attack and insult people.

    In return I am insulted and personally attacked frequently by believers.

    I am not complaining about that at all. It's usually a sign of insecurity. Some posters who hated me at some point have later taken the time to thank me.

    I am just pointing out that if you are trying to lecture me it is misdirected.

    sd7 - Can I have a 6 month subscription please? If I fill in a yellow slip will it take 3 and a half years before I get my first delivery?

  • phats

    I'm with Tal on this. You go girl & keep speaking your mind as a "strong woman"

    Cofty? When you say things like "I am not abusive. I attack bad ideas uncompromisingly" then you are believing that you have the right to set the standard of what constitutes a good or bad idea. Now if that's the case then you are acting like the org & if your acting like the org then you are indeed acting like an elder.


  • snowbird

    Booyah! @ Phats.

  • phats

    & When attacking other posters "Bad ideas" then you are indeed attacking the posters themselves.
    No offense & all that.


  • cofty

    When you say things like "I am not abusive. I attack bad ideas uncompromisingly" then you are believing that you have the right to set the standard of what constitutes a good or bad idea. - phats

    No I am not.

    A good or bad idea must be judged on evidence not on opinions or popularity.

    Theists get angry when faced with evidence and attack the messenger.

    The rest of your post just adds evidence to my premise in the Op Thanks.

  • cofty

    When attacking other posters "Bad ideas" then you are indeed attacking the posters themselves. - Phat

    That is self-evidently fallacious.

    Believers claim to "hate the sin but love the sinner" but claim they are being personally atacked when somebody shows why their beliefs are irrational.

  • phats

    Hah!, You're doing it to me now. Hay Cofty. YES YOU ARE!!!! Man, You're bent out of shape because you believe that your thoughts a the right thoughts & if that isn't the org then I don't know what it Sir.



  • FlyingHighNow

    Theists get angry when faced with evidence and attack the messneger.

    Sweeping generalization.

  • phats


    This guy is something else.


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