Atheism is a Belief System

by seekchristonly 194 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    Atheism MIGHT be a belief, but only if a person holds the philosophical/quasi-religious position, "I believe God does not exist."

    That person has stated a belief. (As for it being a "system," well, that's a whole other matter).

    On the other hand, when a different person clearly expresses this thought, "I do not believe in God," that is a far different thing. Here they are articulating a lack of belief.

    They could have different reasons for this, but most often (from what I've observed) they simply do not find the arguments for belief in God to be convincing.

    The point I am making is not merely a matter of semantics, but rather it is a very important philosophical point: Having a belief--no matter what it is--is not the same as NOT having a belief. They just aren't.

    I find that one of the biggest problems in these kinds of debates is that the average person does not think clearly; in fact, they are mostly very sloppy in their thoughts. The matter gets compounded when they speak these convoluted, unclear thoughts out loud (or type them on a keyboard).

    Then, when they are misunderstood, they get their knickers in a knot. Pretty funny considering the confusion started inside their own head.

    Learning to think clearly and to express yourself clearly is a very difficult thing. It takes a lot of hard work, a lot of mistakes, a sense of humility and the ability to not take yourself too seriously when others offer constructive feedback.

    Anyways, those are my beliefs, ... for what it's worth!

  • MadGiant

    "Is Atheism a belief system. After all the atheist believes there is no God .So if that's the case then an Atheist if a person of Faith. They have faith in the fact there is no God."

  • Viviane

    I learned that in elementary school science, a thing called, "The law of conservation of energy", which states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. Or are you saying this scientific fact had new light like the WT and no longer applies?

    They must have taught you wrong. That's not what conservation of energy is.

  • Viviane

    Does science prove that something can exist from nothing . If it can then that means if i lock an empty room for 100 billionyears when i open the door again it will be full of furniture right or wrong


  • BackseatDevil

    I'm atheist and I don't believe anything. So I have no belief system centered around a god or not god. My beliefs are based on what is. No more, no less.

    It's like all spirituality are flavors of icer cream and you asking me what flavor of ice cream I like best...

    ... and me saying I'm lactose intolerant.

  • Viviane

    When we think of nothing, there are no properties.

    That's the point of the book. You should read it to clear up any confusion.

    But what Krauss is showing based upon my answering of your explanation, is that once you have the building blocks then a creator is not needed.

    You haven't read the book, so you really have no idea what Krauss is or isn't showing.

  • talesin


    ha! Great pic.

  • Finkelstein
  • Qcmbr

    To have faith you must believe in something our trolling christians seem to want to argue that absolute nothing can exist (despite the latest evidence) and that Atheism is the state of believing in it.

    Cofty you fight the good fight. Trolling christians is it foolish to deflect information and knowledge in pursuit of word games? Your intelligence is not increased by redefining atheism or in speculating about physics using the bible and googled book reviews.

    Atheism - to be without theism (a state not a belief)

    Anti-theism - to be opposed to theism ( a belief that theism is detrimental.)

    If you can't resolve the argument in 5 minutes using data you are discussing religion, if you don't have enough data stop arguing and go get it - paraphrased quote from the Clean Coder.

  • prologos

    third party face palm: where is the pie?

    egg on the face?

    conclusion from Krauss's book:

    there is no such ting as NO-thing.

    even the primordial vaccuum seethes with energy, unstable virtual particles popping in and out of existence all the time [therefore primordia time].

    the expanding universe absorbes dark energy as it increases in size hence the accelerating expansion.

    science is like noo lite: surprises all the time. but fact-based.

    long live science.

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