What is spirit, exactly?

by Viviane 609 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    I live a rural area that won't see such magic trickery for years to come.

    6 mgb broadand is as good as it gets for now.

  • caliber

    Understanding the difference between you and we is expressed in this joke

    Nurse Vivian says to an old man in a nursing home "Shall we take our bath now ? "

    Old man ....." Well you go right ahead I will just watch this time "

    "We "implies co-operative effort of will or purpose

  • Viviane

    Interesting analogy, Caliber. So we still don't know? I'm not giving you a bath.

    Can you tell us what spirit is comprised of, Caliber? You calimed you knew, yet we, including you, still have no answer.

  • Twitch


    Is a definition of spirit here only relevant to discrete "spirit beings or external forces" such as god, holy spirit, angels, demons, etc?

    Does this exclude definitions of spirit as it pertains to individuals?

    The OP specifically mentions the former but is unclear on the latter.

    The dictionary lists each as separate entries

    Just wondering...

  • caliber

    Viv.. "We are no closer to the truth "

    The truth is .....we are not privy at this time to understand .. I gave two bible verses to verify this thought

    but you breezed right past those

  • prologos

    cofty, of course not, you know better than that.

    the paper, ink of the book* is the carrier , an embodyment perhaps, the idea you get by reading it,-- in your MIND is the INFORMATION, the spirit if you will.

    THe Brain is the CARRIER of your MIND. The mind is the spirit if you care to call it that.

    *or its internet equivalent of course.

    to use another analogy, and I am in trouble here,

    The code in the Chromosomes is the carrier of the INFORMATION that allows life to exist, do what it does.

    use of INFORMATION is the spirit?

    INFORMATION put into action is the spirit?

  • cofty

    Caliber - Did those verses explain what spirit is?

  • cofty

    it is information, no matter what is the carrier

    So the telephone numbers contained in the directory is spirit then?

    THe Brain is the CARRIER of your MIND. The mind is the spirit if you care to call it that.

    So spirit is a function of our brain?

  • prologos

    The number are dormant close. until they become spirited, information that is alive in your mind.

    perhaps life is a function of the message in our genetic code, and life is spirited, ready for action any moment.

  • cofty

    The code in the Chromosomes is the carrier of the INFORMATION that allows life to exist, do what it does. use of INFORMATION is the spirit? INFORMATION put into action is the spirit?

    So the spirit resides in ribosomes does it?

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