What is spirit, exactly?

by Viviane 609 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    it is information, no matter what is the carrier,-- or the embodiment it takes,-- to carry it.

  • Viviane

    Vivian is no closer to the truth... please do not speak for all of us

    "We" are not amused

    If you know what spirit is comprised of, please tell me. Otherwise, you are no closer to an answer than I am. Hence, "we".

    the nonphysical part of a person.. it is the seat of emotions...

    ...your essence

    OK, what are those things comprised of? What makes up essense? You haven't said what it is comprised of, you've just used another metaphor. So far you answer is "Caliber doesn't know".

    At this point you might as well say it's the non-teapot part of a person, his mojo. Still not an answer, just mis-direction.

  • Viviane

    it is information, no matter what is the carrier,-- or the embodiment it takes,-- to carry it.

    That makes DNA, TV, mail, a database, hard drive,a powepoint presentation, a book, a letter, etc., all spirits. Is that what you meant?

  • cofty

    it is information , no matter what is the carrier

    So the telephone directory on my bookshelf is "spirit" is it?

  • Viviane

    You don't have a problem with not being able to name an element or substance that spirit is made from.

    I get that, but if you can't detect it, tell anyone what it's made of, see it, feel it, etc., then it may as well not exist. If you CAN detect it but don't know what it's comprised of, why wouldn't you just say "I don't know, let's go work on that"?

  • Viviane

    So the telephone directory on my bookshelf is "spirit" is it?

    A ghost of technology past ;) Seriously, who uses an actual directory anymore? (I was at my CPA's office today and she used one. I told her I hadn't seen anyoneuse an actual paper directory in ages)...

  • caliber

    Any rational person would simlpy say that unless you can clearly define what the hell you are talking about, we can safely ignore all talk aboutt this imaginary stuff you call spirit ~~Cofty

    "So Cofty's logic is.. if we humans cannot understand something... it cannot exist or make sense" ~~~ Cal

    Cofty you say "don't put words in my mouth" .... I beleive not the words but the thoughts I expressed are pretty damn close in meaning to yours right ?

  • cofty

    TBH - who rings anybody on a landline anymore?

    If I didn't need a line for broadband I would get rid of mine.

  • cofty

    Not even close Caliber.

    Page 15 and not a single word explaining what spirit actually is - not one word.

  • Viviane

    We'll need another summary soon...

    Cofty, I've not had a landline in 12 years. I have municipal fiber for internet and TV direct to my door.

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