All appointed men are being told they have to pioneer now!

by stuckinarut2 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • skeeter1

    That's a good way to get rid of a number who "claim" to be "annoited." And, as an added beneift, the Kingdom Halls don't have to spend as much money on wine!

  • steve2

    So, the letter is just more of the same pressure-to-preach-stuff. There is no statement that all appointed men have to pioneer.

    Talk about giving a thread an inaccurate title!

  • stuckinarut2

    Hi all,

    My intention certainly was not to try and give this thread an inacurate title...or lead anyone astray...sorry if it has appeared this way.

    I was simply reporting what has occured in our cong, and the directives we have been given.

    We were reminded about that letter and then told that as appointed men we would have to pioneer to "take the lead, as per the GB strong recoemmendation"

    Then we were told to plan now for August so that we can all do it. There was no option presented to NOT do it.

    As some have suggested, perhaps our COBE read more into it? In a days time we are supposed to have another letter read to us to confirm this...I'll let you know whatever this is supposed to be....

  • Quarterback

    Frig....another letter is coming......When will it all stop????


    That may be it! We already know the pressure to "take the lead" is there. I don't care if it's thirty hours or thirty seconds, I ain't doin' it.


  • stuckinarut2

    Ok, so we were reminded of the letter, and asked "why can't we all pioneer for the month of August.?"

    As appointed men, "we are supposed to set the lead, in order to encourage the flock"

    The " governing body are all in full time service, so we should do our bit too"

    One bro simply said.."we'll I'm afraid I need to support my family by working, so ill set the example by doing that" does seem like it was a locally over zealous COBE reading more into the letter...but trying to present it as a gb directive!!

    Man...I am so pissed off now!

  • Vidiot

    Quarterback - "Frig....another letter is coming......When will it all stop????"

    No kidding; it's like they can barely wait for the last one to sink in before they shoot off the next.

  • konceptual99

    Taking the lead is not the same as making sure you put your name down for pioneering. It's not even the same as doing more than some average or other. It's a state of mind. You might find one elder in a hall who is really taking the lead but the chances are that every single well meaning, genuine man has had the depth of his personallity shovelled out and replaced with a machine that has to respond to letters, follow directions and tick endless boxes.

  • cultBgone

    One bro simply said.."we'll I'm afraid I need to support my family by working, so ill set the example by doing that"

    Love this. Amen.

  • Finkelstein

    Seems the WTS. is on tirade to point out any weak ones or possible dissenters, they already pushed to avoid any

    association with family members who left the cult or got DFed, now they want their elders to be the most strongest

    ones in the congregation.

    The WTS. knows that there's a huge amount on the inter-net that exposes them, so they pretty much have to keep

    a close watch of whom they put in place as elders.


    Big brother is watching closer now.

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