All appointed men are being told they have to pioneer now!

by stuckinarut2 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quarterback

    I don't know how the pioneer sisters look like in your congregation, CBG, but in mine, they look like bag ladies on Crack.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    hahahahaha... This is like in the 70's when they said all elders have to knock on doors, and they lost 25% of them. Prior to that a lot of elders would only go on RV's or bible studies. When they said "nope doesn't cut it" many walked rather than going cold calling in field service. My grandfather being one of them.

  • MissFit

    Has there been any new information? I do not go any more but I like to keep informed.

  • themaccauk11

    The preaching was was completed in the 1st century.Messiah said to those who were standing right in front of him "truly i tell you some of you standing here will still be ALIVE before the son of God comes in his kingdom". Unless there there are 2000 year old apostelson the earth today then it happened in the 1st century.There is no dual fulfillment as messiah said the tribulation was a one time event never to be repeated. You need tostudy what happened in 70ad to understand how the prophecies were fulfilled in that genration. The endtime churhes are a delusionbuilding their ownkingdoms on earth andstopping the kingdom that rules spiritually now and has doenfor 2000 years all wegot to do is get out of the churches enter in through Christ live your life and at the end of your life you will be resurrected to live forever thas it

  • stuckinarut2


    At the service meeting this week during the announcements, as well as during the service meeting part about "will you auxiliary pioneer in August?" The names of all those pioneering was read out...

    I have always hated this form of "adulation" or "credit" that things brings the "righteous pioneers"...

    Anyway, then it was announced "so as you can see bros and sis, nearly every one of our appointed men are taking the lead in pioneering this month! Isn't that wonderful to see? " (clap clap clap etc....)

    BUT I am the only one who hasn't put in a form and of course my name wasn't read out! So I got asked afterwards, "did you need a form, or do you have one already?!"

    The attempted pressuring is out of control in this cong!!!

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    Why haven't had barely any pressure at our hall. Thank goodness.

  • stuckinarut2

    Hey ignorance.....I wish I was in your hall then at this time.....

    I reckon I might have to get some rare, flu, or injury that spans the length of August.......(well, on midweek nights and Sundays only of course...)

  • Focus


    It might be a rogue CO imposing his personal law on the congregations in his circuit.

    Please mind your language.

    Every CO is a rogue CO.

    The word "rogue" is thus redundant as applied to such deeply disgusting Spiritual Excrement as these...


    ("Love" Class)

  • Ignoranceisbliss


    I will keep u posted if they turn up the pressure. I was expecting way more. They haven't even read the list from the stage yet. August is an awful month for the campaign. There are still regional conventions going on. Also many are on vacations. Kids going back to school. I won't have any problem being the only appointed brother to not pioneer if it comes down to that.

  • ohnightdivine

    Pressuring everyone to take part in this grand campaign to trumpet the website as a solution to mankind's problems. What happened to him up there?

    How glorious.

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