All appointed men are being told they have to pioneer now!

by stuckinarut2 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Londo111


  • sir82

    Nothing on

    It might be a rogue CO imposing his personal law on the congregations in his circuit.

  • stuckinarut2

    Hey Jonahstourguide!

    Yes...that letter was indeed reread to us just before we were told we (all appointed in the cong) had to therefore pioneer for the duration.

    We were told it was the official "recommendation" (ie better do it or you will be looked down on)

  • punkofnice

    A copy of the letter would help.

    As others have said this may be the spin of an overzealous pedant CoBE or CO who is high on Governing Body worship.

  • konceptual99

    That letter is simply encouraging all to pioneer and reminding the appointed men that sheep like to follow rather than be pushed. There is no obligation to pioneer. As I said earlier however, now there are at least 4 opportunities to aux pioneer on 30 hours a year I can understand the peer pressure ramping if an appointed man is percieved to be making no effort to set the lead in pioneering on any occasion during the year.

    If your CO or COBE is saying you have to do it then that sounds like a over zealous local bellend. In fact, just a bellend. There is no obligation.

  • nugget

    This is all to look good. The E and MS have more personnal investement in this cult and therefore the most to loose. It is easier to apply pressure to this group. It also is made up of a number of individuals some of whom are elderly and infirm and for whom 30 hours is still a big ask. They are likely to feel the most pressure.

    On the annual report there will be much talk of willing spirit and Jehovah's blessing when in fact it is coercion and control. In the past there was much emphasis on personal commitment and being moved by the spirit to do more. This has all gone if it was ever there in the first place. If appointed men feel guilty about not pioneering and step down this may create other issues since they have trouble getting men to take on the responsibility. This could be an own goal for the society.

  • jonahstourguide

    Yes stuckinarut2, you're on to it.

    Bit of the old story, funnily enough it makes sense in that if you're

    gonna tell folks to do stuff then the shepherds need to lead,,kinda makes sense

    in any chosen way of life.


  • minimus

    It seems this thread's title is incorrect.

  • WTWizard

    There is no reason to pious-sneer, especially if you get hounded to. Once you are hounded more than twice, you cannot do it because you would only be doing it to show off for men. Taking the lead, or being a showcase, is a poor excuse. I would rather see those "taking the lead" exhibit more of a variety in "personal preference" issues and not fake happiness or pious-sneer when it is not reasonable and prudent. They have families. They have jobs. They have homes--and those need a good cleaning right during the REJECT Astaroth Party season. Those who are renting could use the time to clean things (such as carpets and windows). And, they have other needs.

    Such as what happened to August as the preparation for a new circus year? During August, those planning to pious-sneer should do an inventory and assess what they have, what they need, and whether they need new supplies and equipment this year. Do they need a new suit? Or, perhaps they should get more dress shirts. On the other hand, maybe they have plenty. Do they need a new circus bag, perhaps because their old one is no longer adequate or is in bad condition? August is the time to prepare for this. By taking that away, they are going into September with no chance to get these needed replacements or upgrades. It also prevents them from taking stock of the one time they were in a building hallway, and the lone squiggly thing abruptly went pitch dark while they were in the hall.

    And, just because one has a title, that does not take away from that need. I, for one, cannot see in total darkness (unless I have a good flashlight). Throw on a hounder title, that changes nothing. If my bag is worn out or no longer adequate, a "hounder" title does not change that I will need a new one. If I don't have enough suits or dress shirts, or if the ones I have are in bad condition, this title is not going to change that I will need more. And it will not change the fact that people need to start preparing--it only takes a minor emergency, such as lightning hitting a telephone pole, to lose your electricity. Even they say "Time and unforseen occurrences befall us all"--just because one is in an appointed position does not change that you need to be ready when it does come.


    That letter is just promoting a "peer pressure" situation to get the elders and ms to aux pio. You don't HAVE to do it.... but you really should. This letter gives publishers license to point fingers and critisize the appointed men who do not do it.

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