All appointed men are being told they have to pioneer now!

by stuckinarut2 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • konceptual99

    Can this be confirmed? No buzz elsewhere atm.

  • hoser

    Am I ever glad I'm not appointed anymore.

    And they wonder why they have to beg for men.

  • AnnOMaly

    Isn't there a special campaign in August this year before the conventions?

  • hamsterbait

    just do what they always did LIE ABOUT YOUR HOURS.



    No one cares about JWs. Hare Krishnas jumping on the sidewalk are more noticeable. Imagine the disappointment when someone sees a tendy looking store and then walks inside. The soul-sucking atmosphere is palpable. Now imagine walking into a store that sells Eastern religious trinkets. You may not ascribe to those beliefs, but the store has LIFE!

    Since the JWs are the most ignored cult on the planet, and evidently furiously re-branding, EVERY month will soon be a "campaign" of some sort. They can cheaply print their crap off by the millions, say that the END is soon and dubs will continue to waste all of their free time in slavery. I would seriously look for campaigns to increase, not decrease. There will be "invitation campaigns" for everything! CA's RC's [ formerly DC's] Special One Day's, throw in some more campaigns against " False Religion" and " PETS- harmless fun or False God's?" to drum up persecution. The rolly-cart ministry will be increased with Dubs having to purchase their roll-cart [ most likely made by a JW owned company], then the GB will initiate " Nostalgia Month" and all JWs will dress up in 1914 attire while wearing sandwich boards. DON'T THINK IT CAN'T HAPPEN....


  • KateWild


    I wouldn't be overly concerned about this. There are going to be new creative way to count time aparantly.

    So you can informal witness at work. Perhaps by leaving a magazine in the breakroom or on your desk all day. That means you get in 8 hrs. Do this all week you get in 40hrs a week, 160 hrs for your month. You would even qualify to be a special pioneer.

    Another creative way you will be allowed to count time, it to have a sticker on your car. Then you can count time for all daylight hours. You are being a witness afterall!

    Kate xx

  • cantleave

    Am I right in thining they only have to do 30 hours? If so that is hardly onerous.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Soon all "appointed men" will need to be circumcised also.

    just saying


  • Satanus

    Will the gb also be doing this, taking the lead, as they demanding others do?


  • Bob_NC

    I hope this is true. I love it when new control measures come out. This will result in all sorts of local posturing. Just wait till the CO visits to see which servants pioneered. Each one will have his qualifications reviewed. Lots of peer pressure.

    This is a golden move by the GB and/or Service Dept. They are already begging for more men to step forward (reach out) and along comes more disqualifying requirements. You gotta love it.

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