All appointed men are being told they have to pioneer now!

by stuckinarut2 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • committeechairman

    This is a virus that strikes most BOEs every so often. Someone (usually the COBE or SO) decides that all appointed men should pioneer so they can say this to the rank and file: "We're ALL PIONEERING in [FILL IN THE MONTH]...why not you?" They trot out old BOE letters, KMs, etc etc to emphasize this as a pseudo-requirement. It isn't.

    It usually comes across as just stupid. Also, most of the elders and servants DO NOT MAKE THEIR QUOTA. Some don't put any more time in than they normally do.

    Quick way to kill it: suggest in the meeting that evening and actual, honest to goodness, realistic times when people will be home scheduled field service be instituted for the month with the SO in charge. Watch the whole thing completely wither right before your eyes.

    It's posturing, nothing more.


    " The " governing body are all in full time service, so we should do our bit too"" LOL!!! HAHAHAHAH!!! HAAHAHAHAAAAHAH!!!

    Yes, the GB with their all-inclusive rock-star lifestyle are in "full-time" service!!! LOL!! OMG, I can't laugh enough, or even describe the absurdity of that statement! The words simply do not exist. You grok it or you don't.

    In WT-speak, "sugggest" can equal "Demand" or "Command." The GB suggest that we do not pursue Higher Education. That's like the Divine Emperor "suggesting" the Feudal Lords "suggest" to the peasants that rice donations increase. It's a command. Remember that the CO in now in charge of appointment and REMOVAL of Elders and MS's. What do think will happen if a jerky CO does not feel an appointed brother has a valid reason for not taking the lead to the proper degree??

    Just to show that this thinking is real, I will tell you a personal story. I was once told that I was not recommended for MS because my 10 year old child did not get enough service time. WHY, you may ask? Was there a valid reason? In one of the coldest winters on record, my child did not go in service enough. My child attended public school for 40 hours a week, that's like a full-time job, and my child became ill. Did the BOE really care? Hell, NO. Why not? Because the CO does not care, he cares about stats, and reporting those stats to the GB, who also do not care.

    Don't think that people won't be removed for not taking the lead in the precise manner that they are "suggested" to take the lead.


  • blondie

    All Bethelites are considered in "full-time service." When I lived out there, some single brothers signed up for auxiliary pioneering and went out weekends (not Saturday morning) and evenings. The word went down they were already in full-time service and their schedule could not support auxiliary pioneering, wow, told not to auxiliary pioneer!

  • hoser

    This is exactly the reason I stopped being a ministerial servant. They were pressuring me to auxillary pioneer back in the day when it was still 60 hours. Sorry can't do it anymore. Some people have to work for a living.

  • Vidiot

    Data-Dog - "... the GB with their all-inclusive rock-star lifestyle..."

    I have a hard time with this one.

    The GB are spending all their time between concerts convention appearances destroying hotel rooms and snorting blow off call-girls' butts?


    LOL!! Maybe!! I hope it's girls..

    I often wonder what I GB member would say about the creature worship in the Borg. I had a brother ask me, when he found out that I partook at home, to please put in a good word for him if I was really anointed and went to heaven. I routinely see JWs in long lines at conventions to see the GB and shake their hand and take pics. I wonder if I GB member was told of the personal comments of adoration, if they would approve?

    If I said, " Brother Morris, we have a huge problem in our KH. The friends are close to worshipping the FDS. The actually view the FDS as Catholics view the Pope. What do you recommend?", what would happen???


  • straightshooter

    This always upsets me. How can the COBE, GB, or anyone else insist on others aux pio in a month of their choosing. Not everyones circumstances are the same to allow aux pioneering.

  • Finkelstein

    They are just trying to use the Elders as observable roles models for the rest of the congregation to follow.

    Getting the literature out and distributed has always been the most important marketing strategy for the WTS.

    ......and why shouldn't it be its a publishing house.

  • Quarterback

    Well, if they started deleting all the MS's, and Elder's, who is going to be left doing the Cong Accounts to send in the monthly amounts to the Society?

  • cultBgone

    The pioneer sisters will do it. Many have forsaken marriage and children so they have lots of free time on their hands.

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