New field service rules coming this summer

by doinmypart 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heaven

    baltar said: New ways to count time... I wonder if they will let you count time now for visiting the infirm or old folks.

    Hmm... just got an email recently from an elder's wife in my Dad's congregation asking if people from his previous congregation could visit with him. This would be a significant trip for them as he is at least a 2 hour drive now from where these people live.

    Interestingly enough, when I asked my Dad if he wanted them to visit him, he said "No." He did not sound thrilled at all.

  • respectful_observer

    New guidelines for field service coming this summer. New publication to be released giving new ways of counting time, conducting studies, group activities, etc.

    Whatever they are, I'm sure these new guidelines for counting time will match up with the guidelines for counting time that Jesus talked about in the gospels.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    New publication to be released giving new ways of counting time


    "a day for a year"


    "15 minutes equals an hour"


    Fact: They need more "qualified" [ LOL!!! HAHAHHHAHAAHAHA!!! ] men.

    Fact: The legalism of the WTBTS has caused a shortage of "qualified" [ HAHAHAHAH!!! HA!!! HAHAH!!!] men.

    Fact: TIME counted in field circus is the main barometer of being "spiritually qualified." [ Again, LOL!!! HAHAHAHA!!]

    So, what is a legalistic/pharasaic high-control religious group with a rigid heirarchy to do?!?!? "SATAN'S" [ LOL!!] world is not getting any easier. [ Let's be honest, here. We have to think like an aging Jdub who planned for the Panda Paradise to be here in 1975. Your old, you did not plan for old age. You have zero skills outside the WTBTS, and NO friends besides the Jdubs. So, yeah, life is getting more difficult. time to blame Satan.] So the only thing that can be done is to make counting time easier.

    They already have very narrow- minded and biased men in positions of oversight. The younger crowd are even more ignorant, in my opinion. At least the real uber-dubs are. If they were not, they wouldn't be uber-dubs.

    It's been 100 years since 1914, even longer since the actual founding of the WTBTS. People are kicking the bucket right and left. Unless the GB allow sisters to become Elders and Servants, they have no other choice but to ease the burden of service time. Otherwise they will destroy the ONLY resource they have for growth, more "qualified" men. Somehow, they must ease the burden and spin it as a "progressive" move by the "SLAVE" via JEEHOOBER.

    Look for JW purchased rolly-carts to become wide-spread. They are easy to set up, they can be hauled around in the trunk. The greatest thing is the fact that you just stand around or sit around! Hours go up, "qualified" monkeys appear and spew out words from carefully written outlines and KM's. Seriously?? Have you been to a KH lately??? A monkey could literally be trained to be a MS. In fact, they would probably do a better job running the sound system.

    They are hurting for help. They have been crying for "qualified" men for YEARS!! We all know that enthusiam is wearing off. Men are NOT reaching out. Sisters CANNOT do anything more than what they are already doing. The WTBTS MUST find a way to get more men and appear progressive and blessed by JEEHOOBER.


  • Heaven

    DD, you're sounding a little like Farkel there with your HAHAHAHAHA's!

  • NewYork44M

    Posting on Facebook becomes a return visit. You can do FB bible studies.

  • Londo111


  • Divergent

    Well, pioneer hour requirements have been relaxed over the years...

    E.g. -

    RP: From 90 hours to 70 hours

    AP: From 60 hours to 50 hours & now to 30 hours during certain times of the year

    Fact is, in our busy & fast-paced world many are finding it difficult to meet the hour requirements for pioneering, so the org has no choice but to relax the requirements in order to encourage more to do so

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    As others have suggested, it's simply a way for them to inflate their numbers, and superficially demonstrate the growth of the organization, and how Jehovah is speeding up the work.

  • 4thgen

    The have to lax up a bit. People have been counting time in goofy ways for years now. After all, they have to keep their numbers up for their tax exempt status. The Jdubs, wil all say it's such a loving provision. Just like the 30 hour aux pioneering hours....After all it's just to keep their tax exempt. It's always about the money.

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