New field service rules coming this summer

by doinmypart 101 Replies latest jw friends


    Oh!! I love this!!

    " Employers recognize this as active time "on the job" LOL!!!! No free gift of everlasting life like Jesus said! You are on the job!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!


  • processor


  • frankiespeakin

    New rules:

    1)Mention jehovah's name get 15minutes bonus points, pioneers get 20 minutes.

    2)One can start their time as soon as they meet for text consideration

    3)Witness more than 30 seconds get 1/4 credit on time card

    4) Old and sick JW can count 1 hour per day when they are in the hospital

    5) A new line for reporting donations recieved with proof of sign by PO

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Desperate times call for desperate measures. I like seeing the GB going to these lengths to show some semblance of growth (more preaching hours in the year book). Remember promoting baptism of children in recent publications means more baptisms in the year book. Obviously more publishers too. The ruse is becoming so tranparent that I hope my brothers see it for what it is: a fraud, a scam to rob them of their money and life

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    1.Make a 15 minute video of a field service it on Youtube and count 15 minutes for each hit received.

    2. Go to a Karaoke Bar and sing a 3 minute Kingdom Song and multiply that by the number of people in the audience who didn't walk out.

    3. Count time while praying at the dinner table and multiply the length of the prayer by the number of unbaptized people at the table.

    The possibilities are only limited by ones imagination. The trouble is, the ratio of hours spent for each new convert will go way up.

  • confusedandalone

    Waaaaaait was the letter that Desirousof Change posted real....?????????????

  • tresdecu

    Maybe it will all be lumped into something new call 'Kingdom Service' time (instead of "field" service) Kingdom service time will be: visiting, sheparding, cleaning halls, hall projects etc...

    This is my prediction anyway.

  • frankiespeakin

    6) No time will be counted or credit be given for time spent refuting those called "apostates"

    7) Visiting the site twice in 7 days will be considered 1 hour field service time (the tensor product of two vectors or equivalence).

  • confusedandalone

    Still wondering if true

  • blondie

    Been done sort of: SACRED SERVICE

    *** w76 10/1 pp. 598-601 Rendering Sacred Service Night and Day ***


    9 “Sacred service,” then, is not something that occupies only a portion of our lives. It is not limited to just one activity or a certain number of activities but it takes in every aspect of our daily living. It can be summed up by these words: ‘Keep doing all things as unto Jehovah, whether eating or drinking or doing any other thing.’ (1 Cor. 10:31) Showing how all-embracing this service should be, the apostle says at Romans 12:1, 2: “I entreat you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason. And quit being fashioned after this system of things.”

    10 Many things are involved, but your aim, your goal and your heart motivation are key factors in determining whether what you do is really “sacred service” or not. For example, among us are many parents. Part, in fact, a large part, of your “sacred service” to God involves your children. Psalm 127:3 says that they are “an inheritance from Jehovah.” Are you caring for that inheritance as unto him and for his glory? This too is a “night and day” feature of your service, for God’s Word points out that parents should be instilling God’s fine principles into their children from the time they get up until the time they lie down. (Deut. 6:4-9) To do this, a basic thing is to study the Bible with them. But a parent should not say to himself, ‘I have a Bible study once a week with my children, just as I have with other people. Therefore that is enough for them to know what is right and to follow Bible principles.’ This is just not true. Remember, the Bible says that children of a believing parent are viewed by God as “holy” or sacred. (1 Cor. 7:14) How would you treat something left in your care that you knew was sacred to God? Would you not guard it most carefully every day, day and night?

    11 What you do now to teach and discipline your children could well save them. On the other hand, if you are lax now, you may lose them. That is, the time may suddenly come—before you know it—when your words to them fall on deaf ears. The world will have more influence over them than you will have. Then, how will God view the way you have handled property sacred to him?

    12 To instill God’s Word in the children all day long does not mean constant preaching to them. It calls for your exemplifying what God’s truth is all about by your daily life and conversation. On every occasion, either by your loving, close relationship with them and your friendly, intimate association and free communication, you can help them to appreciate Jehovah God, his wisdom, his love and the rightness of his ways. Listen to them, reason with them. When giving instructions or jobs for them to do, or in disciplining, show why, and explain the good results of obeying you as a parent and, consequently, of obeying God as Head over all.

    13 You cannot simply try to have a “good child” in the sense that the world uses that term. Of course, you want your child to be well-mannered, respectful, honest, and considerate of others. But you want him or her to be that way because, above all, your child has come to know and to love Jehovah God. For your upbringing of your child to be different from the world’s youth, and to be truly a “sacred service,” the child’s mind and heart must be directed toward Jehovah, so that he or she becomes a praiser of Jehovah.—Ps. 148:12, 13.

    14 Husbands and wives can render “sacred service” by making their marriage successful and an honor to God’s institution of marriage. A man or a woman may be very kind and pleasant to others, patiently putting up with mistakes or even suffering indignities and injuries from them without retaliation. But when it comes to the marriage mate, a husband or a wife may be quick to anger, ‘reading between the lines’ of what the mate says, with a ‘chip-on-the-shoulder’ attitude, looking for an occasion to find fault. Or the couple may cut off communication with each other. No matter what other things a married person may do, he or she is not fully rendering acceptable “sacred service” to God if he or she ignores the sacred marriage covenant.—Eph. 5:22-25, 29.

    15 Housewives have a fine opportunity to perform acceptable “sacred service” to God. Their fine works that others can see would certainly include keeping a neat, clean house, taking care of the cooking and the clothing needs of the family. For what is more on display to others than one’s home? A wife’s hospitality, her readiness to help her neighbors, particularly her willingness to ‘put herself out’ to assist other sisters in the congregation in whatever their needs may be—these are sacrifices in which God is well pleased. When people know these things about her, then her public declaration of the good news in the congregation territory will have a more powerful influence.—Acts 9:36-41; Titus 2:4, 5.

    16 If children in the household are concerned with rendering “sacred service” to Jehovah they can show respect for their father and help their mother in bringing honor to God by helping them to keep the house in good, clean order. And where parents are not in the truth the children can do much in this way to cause the parents to honor God. Their conduct before schoolmates, respect for teachers, telling others about the good news when opportunity affords and working closely with the congregation in things done at the Kingdom Hall and sharing in the field service, certainly are things God counts as “sacred service” to him. (Prov. 20:11; Titus 2:6-8) A good test of your service, as to whether it is true “sacred service” or not, is the question you might ask yourself: ‘Do I go in the field service, perhaps carrying Bible literature to others?’ That is commendable. But, now, also ask yourself: ‘At school and elsewhere, what is my conduct? Do I do what worldly youths do? Or do I remember that I am to render “sacred service” to Jehovah night and day?’ You, like others, can do much to interest people in the good news by your daily conduct and fine attitude.

    17 Christian elders are also called on to serve night and day. Part of your “sacred service” is on behalf of your brothers, caring for their spiritual needs. To the elders of the Ephesus congregation, the apostle Paul could say: “Therefore keep awake, and bear in mind that for three years, night and day, I did not quit admonishing each one with tears.” (Acts 20:31) Your brothers today need your help no less than the brothers in Ephesus needed help back in the first century.

    18 Can you do what Paul did, serving day and night? Paul’s words do not necessarily mean that he spent every minute in talking or preaching. No, for in Acts 20:34 he goes on to mention how he worked with his own hands doing secular work so as to attend to the material needs of himself and of those laboring with him. In fact, in writing to the Thessalonians, he said: “Certainly you bear in mind, brothers, our labor and toil. It was with working night and day, so as not to put an expensive burden upon any one of you, that we preached the good news of God to you.”—1 Thess. 2:9.

    19 Yes, Paul sometimes was occupied not only in the day but also in the evening in secular work, such as tentmaking. But it is important for us to ask: Why did he do this? Was it for materialistic reasons or due to a desire for luxuries? No, but as he himself says, it was “so as not to put an expensive burden” on his brothers. He set an example in this so that no one could accuse him of leading a soft life through the financial support of those to whom he was serving the good news. Because his motive and aim were to advance the truth and eliminate any stumbling blocks in the minds of those he served he could be said to be engaging in God’s service even during those secular working hours. But what if his motive had been selfish, if he had not been doing all things as unto Jehovah and for the advancement of the Kingdom interests? Then his work would have been no different from that of any other secular work. It would not have been a “sacred service.”

    20 Paul, however, having a clean conscience and a right motive in his secular work, could make this part of his “sacred service” to God harmonize with his God-given commission by proclaiming the good news with great boldness and zeal. And such “sacred service” was greatly blessed by God. As Paul said, in our theme text: “God, to whom I render sacred service with my spirit in connection with [what? with] the good news about his Son.” (Rom. 1:9) Surely we must all marvel at the far-reaching effects of Paul’s faithful efforts to render God “sacred service.”

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