Come... take the free gift of the water of life!

by tec 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadGiant

    "I am not speaking in behalf of God. My Lord does that... as the Word of God. He may give those who belong to Him, those who hear Him, things to share with others at times... to which they are called to give for free (receive for free, give for free... despite, SAHS, those who do not obey this and instead make money... either off what He has given them, or from stealing and claiming/charging money for themselves what He gave to another who did give freely)" - tec

    And yet, this is what you stated in your OP.

    "I have tried to share as He has given me to share whenever He gives me something to share. Lately during some of the more recent debates, and after my posts, He has been asking me, "Is that all you have to say, child? Do you have nothing more to add? Is your purpose here only to defeat arguments against me and my Father? Where is your love for those you argue with who may also be seeking Truth?" - tec

    I know that English is my second language but, don't you see a contradiction here?


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Wishing you a rapid and complete recovery from your recent head trauma.

  • tec

    The Jesus I read about could do miracles for anyone, whether they had faith in him or not.

    Really? Then why did Peter's faith allow him to walk on water, and his lack of faith (from fear) cause him to sink?

    Why did Christ say, "Woman, your faith has healed you?"

    Why did Christ not peform many miracles in his home town because of the little faith there... if no faith was required?

    I am not saying that all faith healers are unable to heal due to lack of faith on the recipients... could be that they are lacking in faith themselves; could be that it is not a gift that was given to them, just the gift that they decided they should have (also a lack of faith); and could be that they are fake and in it for the money and the praise... for themselves.



  • tec

    I know that English is my second language but, don't you see a contradiction here?

    Only if you think that Christ and God (the Father) are the same person.

    Christ is the Son.

    God is the Father.

    Two persons. Both divine, yes. But not the same person. (no trinity belief from me)



  • tec

    Wishing you a rapid and complete recovery from your recent head trauma.

    Lol... you don't mind if I save this wish for a time when I might truly get a head trauma do you?

    ; )

    Peace Nathan!


  • OnTheWayOut

    I am not asking for "Peter" to grow limbs on amputees. I was suggesting that faith healers are fake and in it for the money. I am not saying that Christ is not the prick that "WOULD" withhold miracles. I am saying that the Jesus I read about "COULD" do all that I mentioned. If he prefers to be a prick about it and be content to talk to you about it, at least I tried.

  • tec

    Stands, I appreciate the sentiment behind your words here, and will say no more than that.

    Peace to you,


  • Fernando

    Come... take the free gift of the water of life

    Secular scientists it seems are saying essentially the same thing, albeit in very different words:

    The Healing Potential of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness (

    Science and Spirituality: Observations from Modern Consciousness Research

    and on YouTube:

  • tec

    Then are you sure that you read very closely, OTWO? I do not ask to be sarcastic at all. But because all those things I quoted are from what is written.

    I know that He healed the servant's ear that Peter sliced off. Whether that servant had faith or not, I do not know. But he obviously allowed it to happen. That has to show some faith.

    I do not know any faith healers myself (that I know of), to argue or accept what you say on them all. But of course there are fakes out there. There are fakes out there in everything.

    Peace to you,


  • MadGiant

    "With respect to you also, Ismael... I am not sure that I follow. Are you saying that she was institutionalized for believing in God?" - tec

    I never mentioned that it was yhwh, it could have been any other imaginary friend.

    "(though the God you describe above is not the God that I know from Christ) But lots of people believe as you have stated above (though they might word it differently)" - tec

    Come on ma'am, you have to be a little bit more honest with me. Isaiah 48:16-17, John 10:30, John 8:58, John: 4:26, 8:24, 8:28, 8:58,and 13:19, Colossians 1:15-17, John 1:1, John 1:14 and a couple more.

    "So I am not sure how to answer your question of how you know "that" is not happening to me." - tec How do I really know? "Are you just asking how you are supposed to know if I am mentally ill or not?" - tec

    I wouldn't dare to ask something like that but, just to be sure......

    "I'm not sure you can know my mental state, certainly not from over the internet. But you can at least test the things that I share... to see if they are supposed to be true or not, even though you might not believe they CAN be true." - tec

    I have and they didn't past the outsider test. That is my concern.



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