Come... take the free gift of the water of life!

by tec 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    So Tammy, you have thus once again admitted on this forum, as you have on numerous occasions, that you do not belive in the inerrancy of the old testament.

    I do not believe in the inerrancy doctrine period. There is no reason TO believe it.

    You have openly stated that you do not believe that certain passages of scripture in the Hebrew Scriptures are accurate, historical accounts of what what God actually did, ie, the numerous passages recounting YHWH's atrocities, genocide, etc.


    Having thus accepted the errancy of scripture you have thus ripped out the foundation upon which you stand, sawn off the branch upon which you sit.

    You are assuming that faith depends upon the inerrancy of scripture... upon what is seen at all.

    Belief may begin upon these things.

    Faith is built upon Christ; and upon what is heard. Not upon what is seen.

    For example...Abraham did not have the bible at his disposal (ot or nt). Neither did Noah.

    You deny the inspiration of certain passages of the Bible but you continue to insist that we must all come to Jesus, and you continue to fanaticise and harange us when you have no moral, philosophical or rational basis whatsoever for continuing to do so.

    I do not harange and fanaticise you simply because I understand that not all that is written is scripture (and therefore inspired, because all scripture is inspired... given by the spirit, in spirit). Inerrancy is a tradition of men.

    You are a hypocritical CHERRY-PICKER of scripture. Reject the OT but accept everything in the NT about Jesus.

    What is hypocritical about anything that I have done? Do you know what hypocrisy means?

    I also do not reject the OT... I simply look through Christ, to know the truth.

    What is written is a 'witness' (or rather many witnesses), but it is not perfect... and it is not THE truth. Christ is THE truth and Word and Image of God.



  • John_Mann

    (Reject the OT but accept everything in the NT about Jesus.)

    She denies a lot of things about Jesus too. Like Jesus preaching how you must treat your slaves. And violent references of Jesus in the gospels and apocalipse.

    It's not cherry picking it's atom picking.

  • tec

    I do not deny anything about my Lord... I do however deny some interpretations of men about Him.

    Peace to you,


  • tornapart

    Thankyou Tammy... have sent you a pm :)

  • tec

    Got it, and sent a quick one back. Quick because I am off to work now. Talk more later.



  • adamah

    TEC said-

    I do not believe in the inerrancy doctrine period. There is no reason TO believe it.

    Now, if we can just get you to expand that concept to other areas, and apply that evidence-based approach to OTHER beliefs you persist on believing without resorting to imaginary evidence (AKA faith), you'll be all set!


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I rest my case. If you reject scripture but claim to have a personal relationship with and hear the mystical voice of spirit beings, whether it's angels or Jesus, you are not really a Christian and are nothing but a self-proclaimed mystic, a spirit-medium, a white witch.

    You're absolutely no different from, say, Rasputin or Helen Blavastsky. Take your pseudo-Christian mysticism somewhere else. Start your own website and post all your magical, mystical nonsense and jiggery pokkery there.

  • justmom
  • Laika

    Yadda, I think you are being unnecessarily harsh here:

    "If you reject scripture...."

    I don't want to speak for Tammy but just because someone doesn't take a modern fundamentalist approach to scripture it does not mean they 'reject' it.

    "but claim to have a personal relationship with and hear the mystical voice of spirit beings, whether it's angels or Jesus, you are not really a Christian and are nothing but a self-proclaimed mystic, a spirit-medium, a white witch."

    Why does it have to be either/or? Ever heard of Christian mysticism? And who made you the arbiter on what is and isn't Christian anyway?

    "Take your pseudo-Christian mysticism somewhere else. Start your own website and post all your magical, mystical nonsense and jiggery pokkery there."

    Apparently, Tec has already started her own website, but why the intolerance? Just because you don't like her views she shouldn't be allowed to post them here? I find this very strange.

  • Laika

    Like data-dog I don't really understand why people react in anger to someone stating their beliefs, surely as a JW we all preferred the householders who simply said 'No thanks, I'm not interested' than the ones who acted indignant that we were at their doorstep. Of course, by all means, challenge people, it's a discussion forum, but the 'how dare you' kind of response is just bizarre to me. Tammy is not a moral monster because she thinks Jesus speaks to her for goodness sake.

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