
by Suspicious 122 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Comatose

    Hey, I'm you from about four months ago. I was born in MS , pioneered for years, parts on assembly etc. but, it all came crashing home.

    id like to help if I can. My wife and I are just going through the trauma of stopping meetings etc. it's hurt our family and friends, but I can't live a lie. If you want to talk on the phone tell me, I could pm you my number. But only if you think it would help and your comfortable with it. I am kind of agnostic right now. Universal sovereignty doesn't make any sense. Neither does a talking snake convincing a woman to eat fruit that ruined billions of lives. Neither does the flood. Sigh. Not much of it at all.

  • Comatose

    If you want your mind blown google when was Jerusalem destroyed. It was not 607bce. The only people who say it was are JWs. There are thousands of business and astrological records that prove it was 587.

  • heyfea

    Hi Suspicious,

    Many times I heard things said at the meetings or conventions that really made me angry, but of course I couldn't voice my emotions, not to any "friend" in the KH or to my mother (a die hard witness to this very day, she's 75).

    One time I heard an experience at a D.C. about a JW father who had two sons. One son wanted to go to college and the father told him that he should go ahead, however, the father was NOT going to help him finantially at all, that all costs would have to be paid by the son himself. The other son wanted to work part-time and become a regular pioneer. Well, to the latter son, the father offered ALL the finantial help he needed. This pissed me off so much because it is totally irrational, let alone unfair. Of course, the first son re-thought the whole idea about going to college and decided to also work part-time and become a regular pioneer too. And the whole assembly of brothers exploded in applause, you know the drill.....pathetic....but I applauded too. Today, I'm ashamed I did.

    I think that I experienced many moments like this at countless meetings. I bet you felt the same also.

    My recommendation is simple, but not easy, still it's imperative to do this, STOP going to meetings, STOP reading anything from the WT. Get yourself a bible, not from the WT: you could even download one on your iphone, like (you could read it or listen (in drama too) and devour it for the first time without any preconceptions. Trust me, for the first time, you will SEE, you will cry, you will be convicted and you will ask Jesus to forgive you. Most of all, you will thank Him, because those suspicions you have, are really calls to you to find the truth, who is Jesus. (John 6:44 - no one comes to me unless the Father who sent me draws him).

    Best of luck my friend.

  • Honesty

    Suspicious asks:

    Do most here feel God exists? What's your guys view of the bible?

    I believe that God exists.

    I believe that the bible is God's message to humans in an effort to reconcile our relation with him.

  • flipper

    SUSPICIOUS- Welcome to the board ! Nice to have you here. I was a born-in Witness ( exited almost 10 years ago at age 44 ) . It is really eye opening once you start getting access to information about the origin of the WT Society organization and see what goes on behind the scenes. Keep informing yourself and doing research because if the WT Society is the alleged " truth " - what do they have to fear if you educate yourself about what the WT Society is up to ? " Truth " should stand up to scrutiny in an honest way.

    Your question regarding what the Governing body may have to gain by pulling a deception ? Well, they stand to gain very much actually. Consider that they have full medical coverage at Bethel, a free place to reside, meals provided, and don't have to work at a job in the REAL world like you and me. And that's just a start. If you google information about the financial worth of the WT Society you will find that a couple years ago they were ranked up in the top 100 corporations as far as wealth goes in the 1 billion $$$ range.

    How that wealth gets spread around to the 4 WT Corporations isn't ever told to rank & file Witnesses. Ask yourself : Has it ever been announced at meetings WHERE the WT Societys donations go specifically to give Witnesses access to that information ? No. You are just supposed to trust it's going to the right place because the powers that be TELL you it's going to the right place . So just do some research for yourself on the Internet. The picture becomes clear in time I feel you'll find.

    Just please realize and know that most people here ( myself included ) have been where you are at in having doubts and wanting some answers. We are here for you as a support and a friend who will support you through thick and thin. Many of us are experiencing shunning from JW relatives, even though we are just inactive for years. The paranoia thats produced in our JW friends and relatives is astounding . And it's instilled into them from the WT Society. So please know we are here for you. Take care of yourself. Keep reading, listening, and informing yourself

  • Fernando

    A warm welcome Suspicious!

    You have come to the right place where thinking, reading, questioning and speaking are openly encouraged and facilitated.

    The path to a free and open mind is both exhilarating and scary at the same time. I pray for spiritual bravery, power and weapons for you and yours.

    My journey has lead me to suggest to persons in your situation: "Don't leave religion (COC) until you have found Jesus (ISOCF)". I believe it is a mistake to dissect the darkness until the lights have been switched on. In other words it is better to fully grasp the core life changing message of ISOCF before getting caught up with all the darkness and negativity that COC gently touches on. You seem to allude to just such an approach.

    You will find a great summary of ISOCF if you search for "legalism" in the Watchtower library.

    This article clearly points to "legalism" (rule making and rule keeping) as apostasy that leads us away from God and from the opportunity to be lead by Holy Spirit instead of by humans, human groups, and human organisations.

    Hidden in plain sight in scripture is a detailed map and medicine known as the "unabridged gospel" or "full Good News".

    All Judeo-Christian-Muslim religions truncate this map, and deplete the medicine, so as to defeat it and keep the sheep for themselves (possessiveness).

    This map or medicine has around 30 important markers or ingredients. By contrast the Watchtower version has only 1 marker or ingredient: "the future restoration of physical paradise on this earth".

    (Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

    (Why do followers of the Watchtower religion call themselves “publishers of the Good News” whilst unfamiliar with the “Good News” according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

    (What was God thinking when he imputed Jesus' holiness to us, as fallen sinners? Does that make us sinner-saints? Are we now also considered the "holy ones" of scripture? Is that why it is called the “Good News” about God’s grace or unmerited favour? Does this make the "ruling religious clergy class" redundant, angry and fearful?)

  • clarity

    Hi Suspicious ... feeling better, glad you decided to hang around


    In answer to your 1st questions I could say ..."NO, NO, NO, & it is BS!


    But I won't, 'cause you will start digging & finding & coming to your own

    conclusions.......& that is what you need to do.

    You will be thrilled, devastated, shocked, relieved, sad & so very

    happy t o b e f r e e ! ... (Not necessarily in that order)

    Best wishes on your journey.


  • Crazyguy

    another place to go for good detailed bible info is

  • Hortensia


    I like your questions and you are certainly welcome here. I've been out for over 30 years now, but spent the first 30+ years of my live in the org. Lots of things changed my mind and got me to think. You might want to read a few different articles on what the characteristics of a cult are. Then decide for yourself if any of those characteristics describe the wtbts.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Hey SUSPICIOUS, welcome. Reading your posts reminds me of what I felt like when I was first suspicious myself. Take your time, do your research. . . You'll figure it out.

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