
by Suspicious 122 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    suspicious - I still believe in God and the bible but it's quite complex how my understanding of the bible is evolving.

    I'll answer one of your questions, the one about miracles and in your face supernatural events...

    We are still living in the time of the gentiles. When that time began, gentiles, nations, etc, it's a period of time where God appears to be hands off / behind the scenes. Miracles and such are very personal, etc. The time of the gentiles are when man/nations rule.

    When the time of the gentiles ends, that's when things really get moving.

    Romans 11:25 "I do not want you to be ignorant of this sacred SECRET.....that a dulling of sensibilities has happened in part to Israel until the full number of people of the nations has come in".

    Luke 21:20,24 "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near......and Jerusalem will be tramped on by the nations, until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled."

    JW's taught that the end of the gentile times was in 1914, which would have meant that all annointed/chosen/etc had been selected. The end would have come shortly after if that was the case.

  • Heaven

    Welcome Suspicious.

    The ONLY thing in the Bible that makes any sense about 'god' is the statement that "God is Love". All the other stuff is crap, made up by men for man's agenda which is mostly control and building membership in the Christian faith.

    My view of the Bible.... 66 stories written by Bronze Aged Middle Eastern men attempting to define the undefinable (for their time). Ancient mythology is no more true today than it was back then.

    One truth I knew as a kid... no where in the Bible does it state handing out Watchtower and Awake! magazines is the works defined to ensure one's eternal life.

  • irondork

    In case you were wondering, you are part of a tidal wave of people waking up and asking the very same questions. You are not alone. You are surrounded by people who understand. We've been there and we're ready to walk along with you at your pace, your direction.

    Welcome to the board, Suspicious.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Brace yourself, get ready for the ride of your life!


    Hope you like rollercoasters because that's the kind of journey that you have just begun.

    Don't be surprised when you find your emotions going wild and in conflict. It's a mixed bag when you discover TTATT.

    You will find a mixed company of DFd, DAd, Faders, Non-JWs, Active JWs, Inactive JWs, JW family members, etc.

    Likewise a mixture of those claiming to be Christians, agnostics, atheists, hedonists and everything inbetween.

    What we all have in common is we too became suspicious!

    Good luck!


  • problemaddict

    Hey Suspicious. I came here a while ago as an MS, searching the same things, having been mistreated while I was remaining loyal to the organization. I did not however progress beyond that initial phase, until I decided to put to the test every inspired utterance. In other words, I had to deal with one thing at a time. First I had to deal with what brought me here. It was questioning the organization. Things ring true to different people. For me, it was us being wrong on the blood doctrine, and the thousands of people who have died uneccesarily. Then when I took objective looks at other things, I could see that it wasn't about how they were wrong or right on anything in particular, it was the fact they were claiming to speak for God, and disfellowshipping those that didn't agree.

    My whole life my perception was telling me I was giving men power and authority over me that they did not deserve, but I ignored it. Now, I knew better. NOW, I am getting to the bible, and study of it. Many here are athiest. I would consider myself half Agnostic, half christian. Its about as confusing to read as it is to think. But I'm working on it.

    You work on it too. Don't take anyones word on anything. Even those here. You research for yourself.......just make sure to do it quietly.

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome Suspicious, As others have said skepticism and critically thinking for yourself is a good thing and less terrifying the more your start to think for yourself. Ditto about visiting websites like,, to learn more about the Watchtower, to locate references to Watchtower and Awake! propaganda that show you how Watchtower doctrine has changed over the years, and to learn how reading books by Steve Hassan will help you to understand how the Watchtower has manipulated JWs and how to communicate better with JW friends and relatives if you decide to fade. Best wishes for learning to think for yourself!

    Here is a video by Steve Hassan that will help you to understand more about how the Watchtower used BITE control techniques to victimize JWs: Steve Hassan explains SIA method to rescue loved ones from unhealthy situations (2003) .

    Also, post on JWN as much as possible to vent about your feelings, because if you tell JWs how you feel you may be Df'ed.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Suspicious

    Holy crap... I've always pictured you guys... very differnt lol. I've stayed up till 5am trying to look up any info I can find. I have to stay in for as long as I can. I have a lot of friends and family in and I'd hate to loose them. I haven't come to terms with the fact it's all false either. Even if it was, it seems a lot of people in are kind ppl.

  • Suspicious

    Thank you all for the welcome!

  • DesirousOfChange

    Holy crap... I've always pictured you guys... very differnt lol. I've stayed up till 5am trying to look up any info I can find. I have to stay in for as long as I can. I have a lot of friends and family in and I'd hate to loose them. I haven't come to terms with the fact it's all false either. Even if it was, it seems a lot of people in are kind ppl.

    See! There's that first emotional struggle. All them there wicked mentally diseased 'postates ain't all as bad as they'da had ya believing!

    MANY of here are still "IN" for family & friends and/or because we don't think that it's ALL bad/false. For me, the problem with that is that the WT says you MUST believe that it is ALL TRUTH. The Pure Truth directly from Jehovah God through his one and only Channel of Communication. Everything and everyone is there by the Holy Spirit direction. You mention hypocrisy, so you've learned that claim is a lie too.

    Lot of people IN are kind people?

    You bet! My family and I are still all "IN" yet we all have come to realize TTATT. And we are all kind/good people, just like you say.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you.


  • Vidiot
    Suspicious - "Holy crap... I've always pictured you guys... very differnt lol."

    Oh yeah? How? (not giving you shit, genuinely curious)

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