I was *not* outed and compromised by JWN!!

by blindnomore 223 Replies latest members private

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Blindnomore said to Besty: "Didn'tyou then post on JWN the FRONT PAGE of the SECRET FB GROUP that contains its 1300+ members?" .. Can you remember the name of the thread that Besty posted this on? And was the post removed?

  • jgnat

    I am pretty sure, blindnomore, that you were hacked from the same source as me. It was someone who hacked Atlantis's e-mail list. Atlantis did not do the hacking. Whoever hacked was not a member of this discussion board.

    Hyperbole does no favors to either side of this argument.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Blindnomoresaid: "Simon, you do whatever you have to do with this thread. I have no saying nor do I have any right on whatever you do with your forum...You were out of line to change the title of my thread without my permission." .. This sounds contradictory.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I think we have our very first Julia Barrick Douglas apologist.

  • Simon

    blindnomore, I think you are being intentionally misleading to try and prove your point and it's clear that you have an agenda and your intent with the thread title was actually to deceive and cast blame where there isn't any (so I think I was perfectly corrcet to change it). What I find actually a little disgusting is that you would use your bad WTS and family experiences to try and elicit sympathy to 'win your argument'. I still wonder if this is all entirely your own choice or if you are just doing the AAWAs bidding in a rather transparent attempt to slur this site and distract attention from their failures.

    You indicated you were hacked 'again' so a reasonable person would take this to mean at least twice but that is really irrelevant, we were commenting on what you wrote. It's hardle a smoking gun of any measure if that wasn't interpreted to the exact actual number (seven, are you kidding?!?). If it is actually seven times then you actually just start to sound foolish, reckless and careless. What you are describing doesn't sound like hacking, it sounds more like personal failure to take reasonable precautions to select and / or protect your password.

    As already detailed, the events you claim did not take place on JWN. You approached someone and gave them your details. You failed to take precautions and reasonable steps to secure your email. This is not my doing, not JWNs doing and not the AAWAs doing for that matter.

    If you care so much about people's privacy being compromised and want to label it criminal behaviour then I think you need to have a sit down, think about what has gone on and who did what and then go and have a chat with the people at the AAWA because they are they ones that put people at risk, we were the ones that stopped it.

  • Simon

    Oh, and your logic that posting the number of people that were added that adds up to some magical number (1300) somehow equates to outing the names of those people is just crazy.

    All I was saying was let's take our own responsibilities. And provided my experience is an example of what can happen by being on internet forums and FB. You don't neet to go out of your way and attack people or the groups who are your own without having whole facts.

    And yet that seems to be exactly what you have chosen to do.

    And one final thing for you to ponder:

    If you think the comparison you make is actually fair and the issues are "the same" then are you also saying these same things to the AAWA? If not, why not?

    If you posted what you posted here on their site would you have had the same response or would your identity have been revealed and your account and comments removed by them?

    It's up to you whether you want to seriously think about that or not. One piece of advice I'd give though is to be careful because there are people who are willing to use others, even victims for their own agenda and think it's OK to treat people as pawns to achieve their goal of revenge.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    So lets gets this straight, Atlantis' email account was hacked and spam was sent out to people on his mail list:


    Blindnomore has never mentioned this hacking of her email account until now AFAIK, she certainly didnt post in the thread about it, nor make one of her own.

    She clicked on spam sent by the person who hacked Atlantis' email account and then what? Her entire computer and files became compromised somehow to the hacker? How come no other person who clicked that spam email has mentioned anything similar happening?

    I'm wondering if she was using a hotmail or similar email which are known to be quite hackable and have been compromised many times.?

    Pointing the finger at JWN for ANY of this chain of events is frankly ridiculous.

    Email security is your own responsibility. Clicking on suspicious links and not being able to tell spam from legit email is your own fault. Installing trojans and other malware on your PC as a result of this sort of thing is your own fault. Not having security and good up to date antivirus on your PC is your own fault. Need I go on?

  • soft+gentle

    blindnomore, when I read your thread title I must say I experienced a moment of deep unease!!! I am glad the thread title has been changed.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I have read the WHOLE thread too....and you still have not responded to your claim that some AAWA people had THEIR emails hacked. And neither have they.

    What is more, you all are cowards for outing and mocking a woman, who has been working relentlessly in aiding the broken victims of the Watchtower...blindnomore...stillblind.

    Get a grip...the way you have behaved here, you would be the LAST person I would EVER go to for ANY sort of help. I do not know what you have done elsewhere. But here. you are making an ass of yourself. I have not been mocking you. I am asking for answers from you and/or AAWA. Which you are very good at avoiding. But you are great at throwing out accusations.

    It's up to you whether you want to seriously think about that or not. One piece of advice I'd give though is to be careful because there are people who are willing to use others, even victims for their own agenda and think it's OK to treat people as pawns to achieve their goal of revenge...Simon

    Ain't THAT the truth. The AAWA organisation is grounded in playing on emotion, it is their foundation. Facts be damned. Emotion rules, and their organisation must survive, no matter what. They are ALL victims and will continue to be so as long as they act like it.

  • talesin


    My email got hacked last year. It was a 'bot' ... I have "techie" friends,,, good ones, and they explained it to me.

    Nothing could have prevented it. I received emails from people I hadn't heard from in a LONG while, which included a URL ..

    Yup, sounds familiar, right?

    I don't think the hacking was your fault ... I know you.. ***k ,,, if someone is going to hurt you,,, my CLAWS ARE OUT!

    Just like in any crime,,, and I see PERSONAL cyber-hacking like rape - it is a violation ----- it is NOT YOUR FAULT.

    But, I don't think it's Simon's fault, either.

    I am glad I pointed out that Simon and/or JWN had nothing to do with the 'outing' .. whatever, who cares, in this context, go read if anyone wants to know the back and forth - what's important is US supporting YOU ... and what can I do to support you?



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