Who has experienced a REAL demonic incident?

by Monsieur 418 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finally-Free
    Did they rule out drug use in that case?

    According to the documentary there was no sign of alcohol or drugs in their blood. A further Google search turned up a conspiracy theory about them being "programmed assasins" that tried to kill themselves when their assignment failed. Apparently, their bus driver taking them to London wouldn't let them back on the bus because of their "suspicious packages".


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    They may not have had any drugs in their blood at the time...but did they rule out PREVIOUS drug use? What was the history of these women?

    Some drugs like LSD can have delayed effects on some people. I have a friend who suffers from depression who used psychedelic drugs many years ago. And she still gets flash backs. It doesn't have to be current use. Like in the last few days or weeks even. If mental illness is involved. These drugs can send people over the edge.And drugs don't always affect everyone the same way

    I also have a friend whose brother is schizophrenic...he used a lot of hard drugs over the years. And is now in prison for trying to kill someone. He was not on drugs at the time. But doctors say the the types of drugs he had been taking previously had probably made his condition worse. My friend, his sister, has bipolar, and she would hallucinate on marijuana...when no one else did. Mental illness runs in the family. Her sister also reacts badly to drugs and alcohol and cannot touch either of them any more.

    In biblical times I have no doubt that people would have thought my friends brother was demon possessed. He isn't, he has a mental illness. But how would they have been able to tell the difference? Even today some people THINK it is demon possession when it is simply mental illness.

  • Jeffro
    How can you be hit by a car and run away as nothing has happened ?

    1. She didn't "run away as nothing has happened". She was unconscious for a period of time, and some time later in filming, she ran away.

    2. People on meth (and various other drugs) can exhibit qualities of extreme strength and unawareness of injury. It's because the sense of pain is chemically blocked, not because they're 'possessed'. People with various mental illnesses can manifest similar 'abilities'.

    3. Some people have an inherited condition where they do not experience pain (congenital analgesia). The woman may have had injuries (even very serious injuries) that were not physically incapacitating in the absence of pain. Shock also inhibits pain.

  • Jeffro
    jesus healed the demon possesed so think he knew what he was doing

    Cinderella's fairy god-mother could do magical things too. You do know it's just a story don't you?! Jesus also supposedly believed the 'Adam and Eve' story (Mark 10:6-9), though we know that humans have been around much longer than 6000 years. Jesus, if he existed at all (but more likely an archetypical 'god-man' character compiled from various earlier myths), was wrong. Biblical 'accounts' of 'demonic possession' are consistent with ergotism.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    This is a support forum for ex-JWs.

    Belief in demons was one of the most stupid and psychologically damaging of all the risible things we used to believe. Apparently many of us haven't moved on very far yet.

    Nobody should apologise for exposing superstition for what it is.


    Just because the Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong doesn't mean they're wrong about the existence of God and Satan and his angels. Many of their beliefs concerning eschatolgy are way off, especially concerning Armageddon, the cessation of existence at death and the identity of Jesus as the archangel Michael. All these the Jehovah's Witnesses get wrong, yet each of the above is based on biblical exegesis. Not good exegesis, but exegesis nevertheless. So yes, there will be an actual Armageddon, man does have a spirit and death is a separation of body and spirit, and Jesus was known as Jehovah in premortality, not Michael.

    So yes, Virginia, there is a God and there are evil spirits. "Demon" is kind of an esoteric term, and when I hear it, I pretty much know the speaker is a JW. Some of the aforementioned beliefs are silly, but that's to be expected when you don't have actual scholars or theologians formulating your doctrine. And to excommunicate someone for not believing a doctrine is incredible to me. Jesus advocated love, mercy and forgiveness, things lacking in most JW elders based on what I've heard of them.

    There will be people who won't believe in God or evil spirits. Not believing in them, or the other JW doctrines (above) will not condemn a person to a neverending Hell where they'll burn forever, nor will anyone be annihilated. But even the most hardened skeptic is likely to spend the night in an old dillapidated asylum or prison, or even spend an hour walking through one at 2 a.m. And if one did, I wouldn't be surprised if he or she left a believer.

  • Jeffro
    But even the most hardened skeptic is likely to spend the night in an old dillapidated asylum or prison, or even spend an hour walking through one at 2 a.m. And if one did, I wouldn't be surprised if he or she left a believer.

    People get scared in 'scary' places because they've been told about things that (supposedly) happened there previously (either specific to the location, or generic ideas about drafty buildings with clunky pipes). They've been 'prepped' for fear.

    If someone went to an old building that was done up to look like it was new and was not told any scary stories, they would happily spend the night with no worries at all.

    A person doesn't have to believe in ghosts to get scared by a movie about ghosts. It's all about the presentation.

  • heathen

    http://www.biography.com/tv/haunted-encounters ,

    here's some interesting stuff where people claim to be producing the evidence that some here refute .. I'm not going to continue discussions on what's true in the bible . I don't think the intent of this thread was for nonbelievers to insult and harrass the believers .. so go have your little laugh , I'm not going to encourage you .

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    insult and harrass the believers

    LOL..why do believers ALWAYS pull the persecution card.

    so go have your little laugh

    How insulting! I demand an apology...I don't have little laughs...I have BIG ones....LOL

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

    That just about sums up the whole situation. You are paralysing yourselves with fear, the fear is real, the reasons are not.

    btw I used to believe this stupid stuff, and I still dont like the occult from my conditioning in "the truth". However I now know its bunk and the human brain is a wonderfully complex thing that enjoys a good story.

  • cofty
    I don't think the intent of this thread was for nonbelievers to insult and harrass the believers .

    I find that to be really pathetic. Personally I haven't insulted or harassed anybody. Truth welcomes scrutiny, it thrives on it.

    Delusions must hide from reason and rational debate. Did you not learn that lesson as a JW?

    You resort to false accusations as an excuse to run away with and keep your superstitions safe. You live in a bubble.

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