What is your religious belief now?

by jwfacts 191 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 20yearfader

    i would say i'm now deist

  • xchange

    Agnostic while I was in the JW organization and when I finally came to my senses (took a stand, actually - on my thoughts), I considered myself an atheist. I don't believe in spirituality as it's a dodgy word and means a millions things to many people. Yet I am in awe with nature and human nature.

    Looked at many religious beliefs with an extremely open mind and still felt all they were offering was soft toffee goo - tastes great but no substance. But, each to their own as long as their beliefs do not encroach on my personal freedoms or influence any secular laws.

  • Finkelstein

    Atheist myself, therefore no belief in all and any gods, past, present and future.

    Its 2013, time to move on don't you think.

  • 00DAD

    I suppose I'm an agnostic deist. The truth of the matter is since waking up from the mind-fuck known as Jehovah's Witnesses I really don't know what I believe when it comes to this subject.

    I can say this with absolute certainty, when I was "sure" I had accurate knowledge of the "truth" about all things spiritual I was always uptight; now that I'm not sure what I believe in these matters I'm much more relaxed.

  • jwfacts

    Oh, you atheists are making it hard, wanting to use the term spiritual, though I understand where you are coming from.

    The term spiritual is confusing, as it is defined differently by different people. I think I need to remove the term spiritual and replace that option with something like "Believe in a Creator, but not as represented by organised religion".

    I have not used the term, God as that can mean so many different things. Creator is more precise as to which God is being defined here. Except that starts another can of worms, as most people are ultimately not interested in worshipping the creator, but rather pleasing the God that is responsible for their resurrection.

  • smiddy

    jwfacts, I`m curious about the "Trends in Religous Affiliation 2007-2012" Why do they list Mormons ? I can understand Catholics , protestants , OrthodoX ,etc. but Mormons ?


  • jwfacts

    00DAD - I really don't know what I believe when it comes to this subject.

    I read a book from about 20 years ago that the majority of exJWs (from a study in UK) go on to be Christians. I doubt that is the case now. It is difficult to be certain about anything after the JW experience.

  • Satanus

    What about spiritual without a creator? How is this possible? Well, does a seed create a plant? No, the plant grows from a seed. I see the universe as having come to be through a similar fashion, not created as in constructed, but grown, as in almost organic, grown as a fractal, or a snowflake. Both of those require only a few laws in the governance of the growth. Similarly w the universe, comparatively few laws are need be in effect for direction of its growth.

    The 'creator', if i went that far, would be IN the process, as the DRIVE, the motive force that moves the whole thing forward. As such, if you called the drive a god, then, the entire universe and all that is in it is god.


  • Satanus

    Those laws for each emerging universe are random, w not all being viable, ie enduring for any length of time. Our universe just happens to be fairly viable.


  • jwfacts

    Smiddy - Why do they list Mormons ?

    I think it is because Christians often do not classify them as Protestant Christian, due to using the book of Mormon over the Bible. JWs seem to be included under Other Minority Protestant. IMO that is accurate, though I am somewhat surprised they do not have their own classification too, and a few Protestants may object to JWs being included, since they are often considered not to be Christian due to not worshipping Jesus

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