New here and just sick!

by msconcerned 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Welcome, msconcerned. I have never been a JW. I do think deeply about things. Think of me as the neighbour on the other side of the fence. We are supposed to be kind to each other, yes?

    Here's an idea to reduce your confusion. Start a blank notebook and start it off with, "What I believe". Put all the motherhood things in there like love your neighbour, etc. etc.

    Here's another idea. Start marking your Watchtower with two highlighters; the new highlighter is for fuzzy logic and false reasoning. Here's a hint; every time they use the word "evidently", they are making stuff up. Mark every time a statement is made without a backing scripture. Sometimes a statement is made with a scripture that barely relates. What doctrines are they making up as they go along? You can make a list of this in your notebook under "What I don't believe any more."

  • Pterist

    Christian "apostasy" would be specific to rejecting Christ, not questioning leadership in any religion ?

    Look at 2 Corinthians chapter 10 and 11, the apostle Paul is not too proud to be challenged and defend his "Apostleship" in A church Christ led him to setup. He sarcastically calls those who challenge him "super apostles" however, he does NOT call them apostates !!!

    Shalom !

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    MSconcerned: Regarding what Londo just said, here may be a good place to start with your research. This is a point that woke many of us up to TTATT (the truth about the truth). There are some great comments and research that went into this thread.

  • Finkelstein

    Welcome to the forum msconcerned !

    Since you brought up the recent changes the organization made back in October would you care to talk

    about what exactly your feelings are and explain why ?

    Why this one particular change in doctrine and not any of the rest ?

  • msconcerned

    Thank you all, i feel as if i was asleep and someone turned the lights on. My eyes have not adjusted quite yet but they are trying.

  • msconcerned

    Finkelstein, basically this was the last straw. I have REALLY been bothered about the many "understandings" regarding 1914. Also 1975 and the urgings from the society. What also gets me is i cant believe that someone who is sincere and follows the bible will be destroyed even if thy have heard the message. Just things,you know.

  • AnnOMaly

    Another one being unplugged from The Matrix. Welcome

  • unstopableravens

    yup,this place is great,welcome as said there is a wide range of beliefs here,we all love each other (most of the time) i would love to hear more about you,i was a ms for 5 years and my eyes were kinds open when i was giving a out going public talk! i strongly believe and worship god now,just with spirit and truth ,instead of religion and changing error!ps. i also and not the best speller youll find out soon enough lol

  • irondork

    New here and just sick? Yeah... I remember being sick about it too. When you begin to realize the truth about the truth (TTATT), you'll run the full range of emotions.

    Many of us here have not turned our backs on God. In fact, for me, this whole process has helped me draw closer and develop a better relationship with God than I ever had before, with the ability to worship him from MY heart and not some canned program developed by a self-appointed committee of imperfect men who live in a tower in New York City.

    Feels good, man!

    Welcome to the forum.

  • PSacramento


    The first step is to understand that to leave the WT doesn't mean to leave God and Christ, far from it.

    It means to enter into a personal relationship with them DIRECTLY, as was intended since the beginning.

    Follow your heart, listen with love and compassion and all will become clear.

    The trip may not be easy, but good things seldom are.

    The only thing that Our Lord asked of Us was to LOVE each other as He loved Us, to take the "water" he offered ( the water of life) because it was free.

    All you have to do is do just that.

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