NRA Targets Obama Daughters; Limbaugh Mocks Murdered Children

by BizzyBee 246 Replies latest members politics

  • EntirelyPossible

    Entirely Possible, so do you feel that there is no problem with the gun laws in this country currently? Do you think that the proposal to require background checks for all gun purchases is not needed?

    I would refer you to my previous post for answers.

  • designs

    The NRA has more reasons to oppose the President at every turn on this gun control issue. The NRA is currently opposing a UN Treaty to be signed by its member Nations to stem the flow of arms to countries and organizations on the UN Human Abuse list. These countries and organizations use these weapons among other evil acts to kidnap and traffic in human slavery. Two-thirds of the countires in the world will sign the UN Treaty. The NRA is lobbying to block the US from signing.

    1500 people a day die from gun shots, one human every minute.

  • sammielee24

    EP is such a wee clown...

    I quote him and he says I am misquoting how is that possible? Is there some invisible writing that I need special ink to open up the clue? I quoted you exactly - in fact unless my copy and paste is not working, it's key stroke for key stroke...nothing changed by me.

    I quote you and then I ask you to support your claim and then you can't come up with anything better than to tell me I didn't quote you??????? There is no point to you even being part of any discussion except for a kind of perverse entertainment value - sammieswife

  • wasblind

    I have missed the point where you are suddenly a mind reader or where you know exactly how he got the gun from his mother._____EP

    I have a confession to make EP, I have no special powers. Although my Ol' man thinks differently

    I only reasoned that he got the guns from his mom who didn't properly secure them

    That's a point you missed as well

    Once again you missed another mile, that makes Three

    keep that up youl'll need to catch a bus on the way back to your senses



  • designs

    Are EP and AGuest dating, Shelby comes up with the same statements

  • 144001

    <<<< Seriously, education would seriously help you to not misunderstant so many things. I mean it. I can get one of my kids teachers to tutor you if basic American English is too much. My treat.>>>>

    When his dishonesty fails, EP resorts to ad hominem, which is all he has left.

  • EntirelyPossible

    EP is such a wee clown...

    I quote him and he says I am misquoting how is that possible?

    Because you quoted me and then said "So you are saying..." and proceeded to write something different than what I actually said. If you want to know what I said, read the quote. If you are confused, ask for help, but dont be cheap and dishonest and try to change what I wrote to be something stupid thing you can argue against. It's lazy and obvious. You can be better than that if you try.

    I only reasoned that he got the guns from his mom who didn't properly secure them

    That's a point you missed as well

    Exactly. You don't know precisely how he got them, you are simply ignorant of that fact.

    Are EP and AGuest dating, Shelby comes up with the same statements

    No, I have standards.

    When his dishonesty fails, EP resorts to ad hominem, which is all he has left.

    Good morning sunshine! How many dreams did you have about me? I guess you DO want another spanking today. I have to warn, you, though, I have some work to get done today so I won't be able to spend all day turning you on by beating your arguments down like I did yesterday, though.

  • wasblind

    I only reasoned that he got the guns from his mom who didn't properly secure them

    That's a point you missed as well

    Exactly. You don't know precisely how he got them, you are simply ignorant of that fact.___EP

    Nut + Gun = Dead Mom, Now let's talk precision

    Was the gun he shot his mom wit' secured ???? obviously not

    if it had been ,she and others could still be alive

    Do the math EP


  • sammielee24

    EP - you said what you said. You can't figure out how to back track on it so you blubber like a baby. I quoted what you wrote. Word for word. There is no mistaking what you wrote. None at all. You said pointing a gun is against the law. I didn't know that. With all your edumacation and knerludge...I thought maybe you could enlighten me about that law. You can't. So now you are blaming me for asking you to explain by telling me I didn't quote what you wrote.

    I take back that wee clown bit - you're hard core entertainment now....sammieswife

  • james_woods

    Everyone is off topic, and has been off topic for quite some time.

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